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stewie 12-17-2010 03:04 PM

d-bol + deca? (weightlifting + steroids)
couple guys i used to play lacrosse with have been trying to get me to do a stack of d-bol and deca...

ive read some shit about it...theres more good reviews then bad, but im just not to sure about this stuff...

so my question is, has anyone here ever done it before? from what they're telling me, its a 12 week cycle, pills for 6 weeks, then an injection a week or something for another 6 weeks. ive seen the results they had...and i can gurantee it works...they all went from aprox 180lbs to over 210lbs in the matter of a month almost.

so yeah, if anyone has done it, let me know, cause theres some things in depth id like to ask about it.

and yes i work out, minimum 3-4 times a week every week, im 6'0, 24 years old, 170lbs.

thanks in advance!

aznorris 12-17-2010 03:25 PM

my buddy stacked sus250, deca, dbol on his first cycle. Its alot for the first cycle but this is the ultimate bulking cycle. I hear guys gaining 20-40lbs off this.
do a 8 week cycle but up the dose a bit instead of a 12 week cycle.
anymore questions let me know :)

check out lots of good info on that site regarding this topic


cdizzle_996 12-17-2010 04:37 PM

You dont really wanna do D-bol for much more than 6 weeks, as its pretty hard on your body. You will gain a lot of water weight with it, although it does make you much stronger. Personally I'd load a test with D-bol, have a good PCT and do a 12 week cycle.

stewie 12-17-2010 11:43 PM

i asked my buddys friend, hes done it, after listening to what he had to say about it...i think im not going to be trying this stuff hahaha

BlacknJean 12-22-2010 08:57 PM

sounds like barely legal roids

racerman88 01-01-2011 09:36 AM

I remember watching a documentary about steroids and the guy they followed said that after the first cycle if you stop, you will lose about half of the size. That was why he kept using steroids after. He didn't like the size loss

hal0g0dv2 01-09-2011 08:28 PM


hal0g0dv2 01-09-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by stewie (Post 7231786)
couple guys i used to play lacrosse with have been trying to get me to do a stack of d-bol and deca...

ive read some shit about it...theres more good reviews then bad, but im just not to sure about this stuff...

so my question is, has anyone here ever done it before? from what they're telling me, its a 12 week cycle, pills for 6 weeks, then an injection a week or something for another 6 weeks. ive seen the results they had...and i can gurantee it works...they all went from aprox 180lbs to over 210lbs in the matter of a month almost.

so yeah, if anyone has done it, let me know, cause theres some things in depth id like to ask about it.

and yes i work out, minimum 3-4 times a week every week, im 6'0, 24 years old, 170lbs.

thanks in advance!

how long have u been working out? how much do u eat a day? what is your training like, hopefully u workout and have impressive numbers and are not trying to get big quick.
if you are a gym newb and have not gained some decent sized by eating right ( bulking and eating over 5000 calories a day ) you are probably going to kill your self. i have seen so many people in my gym try roids and failed hard, you have so much natural potential without roids.
i am not gonna judge you at all for taking roids but make sure u know what u r doing, first thing would be pills hehehehhe, but have fun

yellowpower 01-15-2011 02:19 PM

Whats a good site with trustworthy info about roids?/

stewie 01-15-2011 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by hal0g0dv2 (Post 7258207)
how long have u been working out? how much do u eat a day? what is your training like, hopefully u workout and have impressive numbers and are not trying to get big quick.
if you are a gym newb and have not gained some decent sized by eating right ( bulking and eating over 5000 calories a day ) you are probably going to kill your self. i have seen so many people in my gym try roids and failed hard, you have so much natural potential without roids.
i am not gonna judge you at all for taking roids but make sure u know what u r doing, first thing would be pills hehehehhe, but have fun

dont worry, i wont be doing them!

ive been working out for over a year, and i eat like a pig. i have an extremely high metabolism..i can easily eat 5000 calories a day and not gain a single ounce of weight. as for the gym, i do increase in weights but my body size just dosnt get bigger...well...thats not true..its gotten a TINY bit bigger...but only i really notice it..

ah man...why couldnt halodrol 50 still be on the market hahaha, i had a buddy use that stuff and he went from meh to DAMN in no time!

aznorris 01-15-2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by yellowpower (Post 7266223)
Whats a good site with trustworthy info about roids?/

LOTS of info on there.

rJZx 01-15-2011 05:21 PM

dont do roids for cosmetic purposes.

hal0g0dv2 01-19-2011 07:46 PM


hal0g0dv2 01-19-2011 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by stewie (Post 7266251)
dont worry, i wont be doing them!

ive been working out for over a year, and i eat like a pig. i have an extremely high metabolism..i can easily eat 5000 calories a day and not gain a single ounce of weight. as for the gym, i do increase in weights but my body size just dosnt get bigger...well...thats not true..its gotten a TINY bit bigger...but only i really notice it..

ah man...why couldnt halodrol 50 still be on the market hahaha, i had a buddy use that stuff and he went from meh to DAMN in no time!

well your doing something wrong if u r not growing

!Yaminashi 01-21-2011 10:28 AM

I know what I'm doing wrong..
Posted via RS Mobile

Nitrous5.0 02-04-2011 05:06 AM

First of all don't do deca without a test and don't run dbol longer than 4 weeks
Posted via RS Mobile

Nitrous5.0 02-04-2011 05:10 AM

Your better off doing a 10-12 week of test cyp or enth at 500mg a week
Mon inject and thurs inject with front loading weeks 1-4 of dbol Ed
Posted via RS Mobile

blkgsr 02-07-2011 09:57 AM

is deca illegal?

my friend has a new vial and wants to get rid of it but posting up on craiglist might not be the best place lol

Berzerker 02-07-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nitrous5.0 (Post 7292149)
Your better off doing a 10-12 week of test cyp or enth at 500mg a week
Mon inject and thurs inject with front loading weeks 1-4 of dbol Ed
Posted via RS Mobile

Holy shit your alive on RS!!! Haven't seen you post in ages bro :)

Berz out.

tiger2132 03-28-2011 10:24 AM

my friend did a cycle of straight d-bol.
his strength went through the roof:) no joke
he did gain quite a bit of water weight but after i think he lost about 1/2 of the weight he put on

Jordanl250 05-12-2011 09:10 PM

does anyone know if those craigslist adds are legit? some look like police busts to me lol

hal0g0dv2 05-13-2011 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jordanl250 (Post 7431720)
does anyone know if those craigslist adds are legit? some look like police busts to me lol

you should try and buy some then tell us

strykn 05-14-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jordanl250 (Post 7431720)
does anyone know if those craigslist adds are legit? some look like police busts to me lol

your a fucking idiot

cho 05-14-2011 12:37 PM

Lol at "your"
Posted via RS Mobile

zoo 07-09-2011 05:54 AM

Decca and d bol are a bad combo
ever heard of decca dick? well you will get it if you do this combo
never run d bols more then 4 weeks
if you do decca, you need to stack it with test
read forums on, you will see that this stack is horrible
if i were you, id buy a 4 weeks supply of d bol and stack that with test, run the test for 12 weeks and have pct on hand and start it 21 days after your last injection
dont know what pct is then read up on the site i just provided
great site and awesome info
good luck

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