Before you read my profile I would simply like to state a fact... I am NOT an ***hole. I am simply straight forward in what I want and I don't like beating around the bush. So, when you read my profile take that into consideration.
I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon and honestly the only reason I'm still here is because I'd miss my family if I moved. I currently live in my own place in Beaverton on Murray Hill. I would really like to meet someone special who would like to move in with me and live happily ever after. I work from home owning my own business as a professional web designer and graphic designer. I am very successful with my business and it is something I am truly grateful for.
I tend to fall extremely fast and extremely hard, so it would also be nice to meet someone who not only understands that but is the same way as well. I'm sick and tired of 'dating'. I hate going on one bad date after another only to start all over again. All I want is someone who will go on a date with me and from the first date spend every single day and night with me from there on and just be inseparable together. I want someone who wants to move in together, settle down, and not be with anyone else, just each other. I don't want to go on dates with hundreds of girls, I just want to settle down with that one special someone and delete this stupid profile once and for all.
I am a firm believer that both men and women have 'roles' in this world. I do not like the whole modern day 'independent woman' mentality because personally I don't want to be an 'independent man', I want a woman by my side and wouldn't have it any other way. I understand the need to have a job, especially when you're single and do not have a combined income. However, if I am dating someone I do not think they need to be working all the time or paying for everything, as that is my job as the man of the house. I am only putting this out here in the open because I am so tired of dating these independent women who want to be treated exactly like a man. I want a women who is feminine, not a woman who wants to act and be treated like a man. A woman who wants a real man to take care of her. Face it, men and women are both different and we both have different roles. If you disagree with me on this do not bother wasting your time contacting me.
Health and fitness are by far my biggest hobby and a huge part of my life. I have been bodybuilding for the past 8 years now and I have made amazing accomplishments in regards to my progress and physique. I live a very healthy and active lifestyle and I love eating healthy and working out. I am looking for a girl who also likes to take care of herself and someone who as my girlfriend would go to the gym with me every day that I go and not be afraid to lift weights with me as well. I'm not going to post pictures on here of me shirtless or flexing because that is just a douche bag thing to do. I will tell you that I am in extremely good shape though and I am a very big and muscular guy at 220 Lbs. If you don't like built guys I suggest you look elsewhere. I don't expect any girl to be in as good of shape as I am, however, I do want to date someone who at least takes care of themselves.
My other hobby is sport bikes. I am a huge fan of Italian motorcycles, namely Aprilia. I currently own an Aprilia RSV Mille R, and let me tell you, this thing is easily the most fun and amazing bike I've ever owned. I believe I have 1 of only 5 Milles in the entire state of Oregon! I ride almost every single day and I also love racing my bike at track days as well. Nothing is more exciting to me than dragging my knee through those corners!
I grew up rebuilding motors, fixing cars, motorcycles, etc. There isn't anything I can't fix. Give me a broken car or motorcycle and I'll fix it even if the entire motor has to be rebuilt. That goes for household stuff as well. I can do anything from installing a toilet to putting in new floor. I grew up fixing and building computers as well so electronics are not a problem either. You name it and I can fix it, literally!
I'm probably the only guy (especially around here) you'll ever meet who does not drink (not even on occasion), smoke, or do drugs. I also am not the kind of guy who goes to bars, parties, or clubs. Personally I don't see how spending tons of money on alcohol, getting wasted, and then waking up the next morning feeling like crap can be any fun at all. I'm not religious at all, these are just personal choices I've made.
I come from a very good family and had a wonderful childhood and upbringing. My family is the most amazing family in the world and I care for them very much (especially my mother). I can tell you for a fact that love and family are the most important things in life to me.
1) If you drink alcohol (even if it's just a glass of wine on occasion)
2) If you smoke or do drugs
3) If you go out to clubs or bars
4) If you have friends who are guys. I don't have a single friend who is a girl, period. So obviously I don't want to date any girl who has friends that are guys, period! I don't want you to drop your guy friends for me, I am just looking for a girl who doesn't have guy friends to begin with.
5) If you're still in school. I'm almost 29 years old so I prefer not to date anyone who is still in college. I have nothing against school but I'm ready to settle down and I'd like to be with someone who is past that point in their life.
6) If you have kids (I don't want kids, I'm just putting it out there as to not get anyone's hopes up)
I will not make ANY exceptions whatsoever for any of these deal breakers, if you message me and you don't meet them, I'll simply delete your email.
DISCLAIMER: Of course I come with a disclaimer! I very much enjoy sex (especially when it's with someone I love) and I consider myself very adventurous and kinky in the bedroom. I feel that an amazing sex life is part of the foundation for a lasting relationship. I HAVE A HUGE FETISH FOR DOUBLE PENETRATION OR 'DP' for short (if you don't know what it is, don't ask). It's also worth noting that DP obviously involves anal sex so you'd have to be into that as well. If you don't absolutely love and fantasize about DP (almost to the point where sometimes it's all you think about when it comes to sex), or you're prude, boring, or vanilla in the bedroom, I promise I am not the guy for you. I realize this is very blunt and forward of me to put out there, and probably even makes me come across as an ass, but honestly, I am tired of getting stuck in relationships with really boring sex, that's all. I want someone who has the same fetish as me!
First Date
My perfect first date would be to meet a girl who would come over and hangout with me but bring an 'overnight' bag in the process. From the moment we first meet it would be love at first sight. She would stay the night and we would cuddle together all night long getting lost in each others eyes. It basically ends up with us moving in together! You can call me crazy, call me insane, call me whatever you want! But I know this is exists because I've had it before. If it's not your cup of tea move on to the next guy because I don't want to waste my time or yours!
I want to meet a girl who like myself, lives and breathes true romance and passion, literally. I want someone who will shower me with affection and attention just as I will do for her. I want a girl who has the kind of uncontrollable passion flowing through her body that will just make her want to hold my hand, hug me, kiss me, and cuddle with me everywhere we go. I want someone who can look me in the eyes and spill their entire heart to me just like something you'd see out of a movie. That is the way I am and I want someone who is that way in return.
It would be amazing to have someone who sends me sweet little text messages while they're away, and calls me every chance they get. Someone who would promise to fall asleep every single night in my arms with her head lightly pressed against my chest as I gently run my fingers through her hair and kiss her forehead while I softly whisper sweet things in her ear and tell her how much I love her until she falls asleep in my arms where she belongs.
Every morning we would wake up, shower together, and do everything together including going to the gym, grocery shopping, etc. We'd plan the perfect wedding (hopefully on a beach in Maui!) and she'd do sweet things like cook for us in the kitchen so I could sneak up behind her, wrap my arms around her waist, pull her body closely against mine and trace soft little kisses from her shoulder blade up to her neck and then to her ear where I would whisper how much I love her and how much she means to me as I kiss the side of her neck and hold her so close from behind.
We would hold hands everywhere we went (even in the car!) and give each other endless amounts of PDA and affection. I would choose her over my friends because to me she would be my best friend and more. I would need her like I need air to breathe. She would be my entire world, my everything. I would love her with all of my heart and give her enough love to last 10 lifetimes. I want a girl who will ALWAYS make me a first priority and never leave me to spend a night alone by myself.
I want someone who will not only be the love of my life and my soulmate, I want someone who will also be my best friend as well. I want to be with someone who is passionate, affectionate, loving, and romantic. From the moment we first meet we won't spend a single night apart (yep, that includes the first date).