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SkinnyPupp 08-25-2016 05:51 PM

I watched Ep 1 as well. It was... interesting. I LOVE that period, the music. However it was weird when they had anachronistic music.... Considering the source material, the soundtrack should be non stop AMAZING. Especially during the breakdance battle of all things. Instead we got some shitty generic movie soundtrack music during that.

That ruined it more than it should have for me. But it was the fucking climax of the episode... It really was ruined by that shit.

Also the raps in the show should be more authentic for the time period.

Manic! 08-25-2016 10:35 PM

The first eposide of the get down i a bit long but the rest of the episodes are fantastic.

sonick 08-26-2016 10:06 AM

Saw the first ep of the get down. Not particularly interested in the hip hop culture but got more into it as the episode went on. Felt it started off slow but picked up at the end and look forward to the next ep.

As for Stranger Things, I had watched half of the first ep and gave up on it for awhile. But was bored over the weekend so watched it with the SO and got a bit into it. Not as addictive as other's have said, but not bad.

SkinnyPupp 08-26-2016 07:52 PM

:ahwow: Wow

axxess 08-26-2016 10:38 PM

Quantico season 1 just got released today! Watched 4 episodes in a row at work... the binge is real!

SkinnyPupp 08-27-2016 12:36 AM

Quantico is so bad I gave up halfway through FeelsBadMan

GLOW 08-31-2016 10:23 AM

just finished dark matter. i have to say the last half of the season was a lot better than the first half. glad i stuck with it

RRxtar 08-31-2016 04:29 PM

The Get Down was worth watching. as was said, it could have had a better sound track, but otherwise it was neat. very characterized artistic and uniquely styled

Ch28 08-31-2016 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by GLOW (Post 8784630)
just finished dark matter. i have to say the last half of the season was a lot better than the first half. glad i stuck with it

A lot of new shows are like that, though. First half is always character building and laying down the foundation for future plot lines.

The Expanse is another wicked sci fi show that follows that same idea. First half was decent at best, but shit hits the fan half way through.

Gucci Mane 08-31-2016 10:19 PM

narco's season 2 this friday. who's ready for the binge?!?!?

GLOW 09-06-2016 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ch28 (Post 8784753)
A lot of new shows are like that, though. First half is always character building and laying down the foundation for future plot lines.

The Expanse is another wicked sci fi show that follows that same idea. First half was decent at best, but shit hits the fan half way through.

ya i followed up with Between on Netflix and they did the same thing

Presto 09-16-2016 06:16 PM

Galavant 7.5/10

It's a funny, musical series from Disney. If you enjoy musicals, this is a great show. There's a bunch of recognizable British actors if you watch a lot of stuff from the BBC.

jnesss 09-18-2016 06:28 PM

ARQ - don't waste your time. shitty version of Edge of Tomorrow.

m3thods 09-20-2016 03:47 PM

Just finished Stranger Things. Loved it. Can't wait for the next season!

StylinRed 09-21-2016 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by jnesss (Post 8789164)
ARQ - don't waste your time. shitty version of Edge of Tomorrow.

I thought Arq was pretty good...

Nlkko 09-22-2016 09:50 PM

This was on Netflix in Asia but amazing classic: JFK (1991) - IMDb

Check it out. The ending gave me goosebumb. That speech.

iwantaskyline 09-23-2016 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by jnesss (Post 8789164)
ARQ - don't waste your time. shitty version of Edge of Tomorrow.

Watched the first 20 and just had to shut it off.

6o4__boi 09-23-2016 01:10 PM

i liked edge of tmrw...i might give ARQ a shot

white rocket 09-26-2016 08:20 AM

ARQ = garbage. Although I only got 30 minutes in.

hamsup 09-29-2016 11:05 AM

The Get Down... loved it !

DragonChi 09-29-2016 02:21 PM

I'm stupidly biased towards freedom and rights type movies.

The Good Lie 10/10

dlo 09-29-2016 05:35 PM

the equalizer
enjoyed it for its violence lol, not a bad movie nor good.. still not a fan of chloe mortez or w.e her name is

Tim Budong 09-30-2016 03:37 AM

4episodes into LUKE CAGE
pretty damn good so far!

dat_steve 09-30-2016 12:46 PM

excited to blow my weekend on a luke cage binge

dlo 09-30-2016 01:02 PM

alrdy 6 episodes deep in luke cage, pree good haha

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