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Tim Budong 07-18-2018 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by threezero (Post 8909751)
Just finish watching the OTCB series on netflix. Alot of people thought it was really slow, I liked it alot.

Nailed the classic 90s Hong Kong gangster era feel, good soundtrack from that era and alot of OG cast member from the original Young and Dangerous. There is alot of easter eggs in the movie for fans of HK gangster movies from the 90s (there is a mahjong scene in one of the episodes with all four actors that have ever played mountain chicken in Young and Dangerous movies and spin offs)

Bonus for us car guys. Mint Classic 90s cars <3

Pretty neat thats its even on Netflix.

It's too bad the CCTVB Pro China Stance ruined the ending for me

Gumby 07-18-2018 11:41 PM

Thanks for the recommendation, threezero, I'm enjoying the series so far. Where did they find all of those cell phones from the 90s? :lol

sam0m0 07-19-2018 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Teriyaki (Post 8911098)
Will check our octb.

Just casually started good girls earlier today. And damnnnnnnnn. I sat there on that couch all day until I finished the whole season. Thought it'd be something easy to watch while rain lunch but man did that show escalate quick and reel you in.

good recommendation, decided to try good girls, got hooked after episode 1, only have 2 episodes left.

rsx 07-19-2018 10:54 PM

Binged Halt and Catch Fire, what a great show. 9/10 I can't recommend this enough.

threezero 07-22-2018 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Tim Budong (Post 8911712)
It's too bad the CCTVB Pro China Stance ruined the ending for me

well you know who the boss is now in hong kong. pro china doesn't bother me. Everything that was portray about the english corruption and coverup is actually base on true stories.

When the english was ruling hong kong, you don't see much media showing their own corruption etc, instead there was alot of anti china shit.

Nobody alive in hong kong right now remember how it was when the english took over, there was massive resistance to the new ruler and and wanting to stay under Chinese jurisdiction.

Couple generation of brainwash later, same thing is happening to the current generation resisting their new master or rather their original master. You think Chinese are corrupt, the English are not that far off.

anyways you can enjoy this without getting political. This series is not very well receive in HK because of the same mentality. I am just glad season 2 is confirm go ahead

SkinnyPupp 07-22-2018 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by threezero (Post 8912140)
well you know who the boss is now in hong kong. pro china doesn't bother me. Everything that was portray about the english corruption and coverup is actually base on true stories.

When the english was ruling hong kong, you don't see much media showing their own corruption etc, instead there was alot of anti china shit.

Nobody alive in hong kong right now remember how it was when the english took over, there was massive resistance to the new ruler and and wanting to stay under Chinese jurisdiction.

Couple generation of brainwash later, same thing is happening to the current generation resisting their new master or rather their original master. You think Chinese are corrupt, the English are not that far off.

anyways you can enjoy this without getting political. This series is not very well receive in HK because of the same mentality. I am just glad season 2 is confirm go ahead

Not to turn this into a political thread, but you aren't equating 1800's colonialism with modern day rule are you?

I mean if you're completely detached from the situation, I guess it's easy to just say what you're saying. In that case, you can ignore the bullshit propaganda and just enjoy the show.

Don't try to find a way to justify how others feel about it though, by comparing it to how the british did things 200 years ago LUL

I appreciate the warning by Budong. Ip Man was already ruined for me, I don't want to go through that again, enjoying a show only to be completely shit on by propaganda. Not only did they rewrite his history (and he is an important figure in Hong Kong history), they completely reversed it, trying to make him look like a pro-PRC communist rather than emigrating to escape from them after the civil war FailFish

68style 07-22-2018 05:50 PM

^Really????? Wow... talk about fact bending, how can all the creative people involved in the project sign off on that........

SkinnyPupp 07-22-2018 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by 68style (Post 8912147)
^Really????? Wow... talk about fact bending, how can all the creative people involved in the project sign off on that........

Because you can't make a truly local Hong Kong movie anymore. It ALL has to go through China. And Western movies are becoming the same, at least the mainstream ones. Transformers were the first really bad early examples of propaganda/shitty actor insertion.

mk1freak 07-23-2018 12:29 AM

f'ing kids had me binge watching anime with them: Fate series, seven deadly sins and others, i made sure to turn on subtitles(even on english dubs) so at least we can tell their mom they were reading...kinda :badpokerface:

Ch28 07-29-2018 08:51 PM

I'm a big fan of Roman history so seeing Roman Empire's 2 season mini-series is a no brainer.

First season chronicles the reign of Commodus, the emperor whose rule marked the beginning of Rome's fall.

The second season (premiered a earlier this week) is based on Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Republic.

SkinnyPupp 07-30-2018 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ch28 (Post 8913028)
I'm a big fan of Roman history so seeing Roman Empire's 2 season mini-series is a no brainer.

First season chronicles the reign of Commodus, the emperor whose rule marked the beginning of Rome's fall.

The second season (premiered a earlier this week) is based on Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Republic.

Oh shit that's right up my alley!

Nlkko 08-22-2018 11:03 AM

Initial D the movie is on. It's Chinese playing Japanese. It was funny though.

Jmac 08-22-2018 03:28 PM

Disenchanted was pretty good. Maybe not quite as good as The Simpsons and Futurama, but a solid 5-hour binge.

SkinnyPupp 08-22-2018 05:38 PM

I chuckle non stop when watching Disenchanted, really liking it!

68style 08-23-2018 07:16 AM

Yes haha! Loved the first one...

Nlkko 09-05-2018 09:00 PM


MikeyStyle 09-06-2018 09:00 AM

Narcos: Mexico | Date Announcement [HD]

jnesss 09-06-2018 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nlkko (Post 8917808)

finished season 2 over the last couple days, pretty good.

Presto 09-23-2018 11:40 AM

Kath and Kim 9/10

It's an Australian comedy from 15 years ago. The first episode had us hooked, and we burned through the series in a day. We're on our 3rd run through it, now.

Nabatron 09-23-2018 12:14 PM

waiting for that new nmexican narcos....are they done with Columbian narcos?

Nlkko 09-25-2018 11:50 PM

Jack Ryan on Prime. Watch it.

ilovebacon 09-26-2018 01:29 AM

Not Netflix but Amazon has an amazing series. If you are into action, mystery and crime-stopping. This may be for you.

PuYang 10-22-2018 05:14 PM

No one talking about Daredevil Season 3?

I thought it was great! It had a few flaws (Karen episode and last episode felt a bit rushed), but over all, I thought it was very very entertaining.

I liked it enough that I binged 4 episodes on Friday, 8 episodes on Saturday (yikes), and finished it off on Sunday.

I am really hoping they don't cancel Daredevil like they did with Luke Cage and Iron Fist.

68style 10-24-2018 10:53 AM

Super sad they cancelled Luke Cage... just finished the first season... it's my Saturday "watch this while I jog for 1 hour on the treadmill" show, makes the time pass so easily and really well done IMO.

mk1freak 10-24-2018 12:04 PM

Binged on Designated Survivor... It's starring Kiefer Sutherland and it's so like 24...but this time he's the potus.
Pretty good.
Best part (or bad for some cuz it's a long binge) is that there's about 20 episodes per season. It's in season 2 and 3 got announced so 40ish episodes to binge on :lawl:

Oh I binged jack Ryan on drop day lol waited ever since they announced it :badpokerface:

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