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Spoon 05-05-2020 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Chii (Post 8985393)
Recently watched Ocean's 8 and Extraction~ :lol

Extraction was quite average unless you're just looking for mindless violence and shit blowing up. In some ways, it feels like a knock off of a Jason Bourne movie minus the story line. :heckno:

68style 05-05-2020 09:30 PM

^ I was thinking of a much worse Taken... like does not fucking matter how many people get killed as long as 1 kid lives hahaha

mikemhg 05-06-2020 11:09 AM

^I was thinking the same thing.

Why are all these people dying for this unlikable kid?

Teriyaki 05-08-2020 09:52 PM

Started watching Into the Night. IMO the perfect show for being stuck in quarantine. Think thats bad? Try being stuck on a plane with a bunch of randoms, having to constantly fly into the dark because the sun kills you. What an insane plot.

Its in french, but I didn't mind it at all with the subtitles. Plot is basically keep flying into the night while obstacles are thrown your way at every turn, and of course you have some character drama that really amps it up.

Bonus: Vancouver gets mentioned too (not a spoiler)

EDIT: Binged right through it and cannot recommend it enough. This had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. It just does not slow down.

MSREE 05-08-2020 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by hchang (Post 8984797)
Anybody on Peaky Blinders?

Buddy recommended it but gf and I find it pretty slow so far

Not sure if we should continue

It’s slow but keep watching!

It got crazier each season for me.

But then again, it might be because Tommy turns me on lmao

Hondaracer 05-13-2020 05:22 PM

Caught up with the Jordan doc. I’m not a basketball fan nor a Jordan fan but this has got to be a top 10 if not top 3 all time sports doc. Incredibly good.

Also finished Ozark season 3, thought more was going to happen the way it was going but it was very entertaining

SkinnyPupp 05-13-2020 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hondaracer (Post 8986278)
Also finished Ozark season 3, thought more was going to happen

:fulloffuck: is that even possible? lol

Hondaracer 05-13-2020 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8986287)
:fulloffuck: is that even possible? lol

Lol honestly the way it was leading up to it I felt like there were going to be 1-2 more episodes past the final one and wrap everything up. I never check to see how many episodes there are in a season

TouringTeg 05-13-2020 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Teriyaki (Post 8985835)
Started watching Into the Night. IMO the perfect show for being stuck in quarantine. Think thats bad? Try being stuck on a plane with a bunch of randoms, having to constantly fly into the dark because the sun kills you. What an insane plot.

Its in french, but I didn't mind it at all with the subtitles. Plot is basically keep flying into the night while obstacles are thrown your way at every turn, and of course you have some character drama that really amps it up.

Bonus: Vancouver gets mentioned too (not a spoiler)

EDIT: Binged right through it and cannot recommend it enough. This had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. It just does not slow down.

I really enjoyed this too. I hope they make a second season! The music was too notch.

I will be sad when the Last Dance episodes have all aired.

Presto 05-15-2020 11:39 PM

The latest Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt "Kimmy vs. The Reverend" is interactive! Choose your own adventure :)

quasi 05-17-2020 11:22 PM

The Wrong Missy

This could have went really bad but honestly it had some pretty good laughs, I think if you like Grandmas Boy type humor you'll like this one.

If I'm being totally honest my standards have gotten really low looking for new things to watch so that might be in play here as well. :)

Mr.Money 05-18-2020 01:48 PM

"The Last Dance" documentary about Micheal Jordan's career with the bulls.

8/10 - the soundtrack was good,the behind the scenes were good,the basketball scenes were quite short but overall i felt like it captured the moment in time when everything was going down for MJ & his team...

definably recommend you watch it you're a fan of competitive sports & history

JSALES 05-31-2020 12:17 PM

Just started watching Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Didn’t know the crazy amount of women he sexually assaulted and getting away with it for a period of time, disgusting

hi-revs 06-01-2020 06:57 AM

Filthy rich is pretty good. I'm on ep3 of 4. He's quite the person... no way this guy hung himself.... he has way too much dirt on high ranking individuals of our world to just hang himself in police custody.

quasi 06-01-2020 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by JSALES (Post 8988327)
Just started watching Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Didn’t know the crazy amount of women he sexually assaulted and getting away with it for a period of time, disgusting

I knew some of the story but not to this detail. The fact he got away with this for so long and got that sweetheart deal is ridiculous. It's mind boggling that guys like him and Harvey Weinstein can roll like this for so long with nothing really happening makes me sick.

So much fuckery, agree no way he killed himself he knew way to much and I think people knew he would have turned rat to try and get out of there at some point.

sonick 06-01-2020 12:25 PM

Space Force: 7/10.

I REALLY want to enjoy it given it's link to The Office, but so far it is very mediocre. I will continue to watch to support the show and actors I am fans of (Jimmy o Yang, Ben Schwartz).

68style 06-04-2020 11:40 AM

Also watching Space Force and wanting so much for it to be better, but so far it's not looking good.

Some genuinely good moments and John Malkovich is awesome as is Jimmy O'Yang... but fuck the writers are really letting them down. So many times I was yelling in my own head about how they dropped the ball to make some moment comedy gold and then just let it pass by or lost it somehow.

I was actually thinking to myself the other day too that there are SO MANY shows in development or on the air that the pool of decent writers must be razor thin at this point.

Hondaracer 06-04-2020 02:00 PM

Watched The Laundromat, was completely not what i was expecting but it was actually very enjoyable

Then watched "Tell me who i am" the story of a twin that got into a motor cycle accident and forgot everyone and everything in his life besides his twin brother, also COMPLETELY not what i was expecting but crazy nonetheless

6793026 06-09-2020 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Hondaracer (Post 8988891)
Watched The Laundromat, was completely not what i was expecting but it was actually very enjoyable

so i watched this.. it was MEH.

I do appreciate good movies as its an extremely great cast, style was different but at the end, it felt like there wasn't a huge resolution of the story. Multiple mini stories told to combine into a bigger picture but really didn't resulted in much.

Acting by cast saved most of the movie, but still 6.5/10.

Mr.Money 06-11-2020 10:17 PM

just released this hour....THE HYPE IS REAL

SkinnyPupp 06-12-2020 02:07 AM

Damn he goes straight into George Floyd and riots... Got to watch this shit asap!

sonick 06-12-2020 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Money (Post 8989632)
just released this hour....THE HYPE IS REAL

Can't find the full thing on Netflix, or is it just the half hour on YouTube?

Also Jo koy new special today as well!!!

JSALES 06-13-2020 10:45 AM

Jo Koy: In His Elements


Was expecting it to be pretty good but it was just him mostly showcasing other talents

6793026 06-13-2020 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hondaracer (Post 8988891)
Then watched "Tell me who i am" the story of a twin that got into a motor cycle accident and forgot everyone and everything in his life besides his twin brother, also COMPLETELY not what i was expecting but crazy nonetheless

Just watched this. Thanks again Hondaracer.

Super legit. Real documentary and I didn't know it was this deep & emotional.
It's happy go jolly at the beginning, and how they played act 1, 2, and 3 was interesting. Pandora's box is NEVER to be openeddddd for a reason. Curiosity kills the cat. This movie is an amazing reminder.

Director did an amazing job to piece it all together and how they got a chance to interview the two.

Good watch; slow, deep and D-A-R-K as F at the end. It's not acting, but real freaking life experience of 2 grown man recreating / talking it out again on camera when these guys are 56 yrs old now.

How should one handle it if you were in their shoes... Rape someone of their memory and be God, or be a devil and throw everything on them and says fuck you ... it's yours to deal with now.

*might be a bit slow for some.

Mr.Money 06-13-2020 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by sonick (Post 8989645)
Can't find the full thing on Netflix, or is it just the half hour on YouTube?

Also Jo koy new special today as well!!!

Free to everyone,i'm quite sure that page set up on youtube is just all promotion towards Netflix by themselves.

god damn,40k views to 11 million overnight.

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