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Fuhrėr-Z 12-19-2010 11:10 PM

Netflix & Streaming: What's playing on TV?
So, who's got netflix?
Post the gems you've found.

I've got 2
Ip man
wristcutters a love story.

pinoy.solsi 12-19-2010 11:20 PM

teeth..<-- fucked up / kinda funny movie lol..
its about a girl with teeth in her vagina lol..

Jsunu 12-20-2010 01:44 PM

Thankskilling - killer turkey, deliberate B-Movie. Hilarious.

Ilagon 12-20-2010 11:10 PM

For All Mankind - from the Criterion Collection. Awesome documentary about Apollo 13.

Fuhrėr-Z 12-24-2010 10:43 PM

For all mankind is a great documentary. The best aspect of it is the complete lack of any narration. Its just footage, which really puts you in the moment and is a great unadulterated way to experience the moon walkings.
Posted via RS Mobile

kazuki 01-14-2011 04:19 AM

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

if you havnt already seen it

TheNewGirl 01-14-2011 05:34 AM

Lots. Everything by Kevin Smith (which even if you've already seen it is worth a watch). Crazy Heart, a bunch of great docs (R-Rates and The F Bomb are both about the FCC's influence over American, and there by our, media and worth a watch). Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog....

I watch a lot of quirky comedy apparently.

Greg C. 01-14-2011 12:29 PM

Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious. Wicked stand-up!

Greenstoner 01-14-2011 02:49 PM

super high me

elbee 01-14-2011 06:04 PM

Confessions of a super hero, awesome documentary on the lives for 4 ppl who tried to make it in hollywood but ended up becoming dressed up superheroes who take pics with tourists for tip money. VERY GOOD!

mas604 01-16-2011 01:47 PM

there's a 1 month free trial :)

Mr.HappySilp 01-16-2011 04:05 PM

Good luck to all who uses SHAW Interent. Soon when UBB is in place have fun play $100+ for going over your bandwidth when you get charge extra.

Doubl3_H 01-16-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp (Post 7267524)
Good luck to all who uses SHAW Interent. Soon when UBB is in place have fun play $100+ for going over your bandwidth when you get charge extra.


please explain

fsy82 01-17-2011 09:02 AM

I just got this yesterday and was wondering if the not available content becomes available at some point? I was trying to watch The Italian Job but it wasn't available

Jsunu 01-17-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by fsy82 (Post 7268421)
I just got this yesterday and was wondering if the not available content becomes available at some point? I was trying to watch The Italian Job but it wasn't available

I assume it is not available now as a result of licensing. Hopefully these films will be accessible in the future once the licensing agreements are worked out for Canada.

Leopold Stotch 02-07-2011 08:10 PM

offtopic: how do you guys watch your netflix movies?
i was thinking about using the program on my PS3.

TheNewGirl 02-07-2011 08:37 PM

I watch it on my PS3 most of the time, sometimes on my lap top

KidRobot 02-08-2011 01:35 AM

Planet B-Boy (2007)
Awesome breakin' documentary.

Skyline350gt 02-08-2011 09:20 PM

A lot of people complain netflix is gay because there aren't new updated movies. But I find there are alot of random good movies I used to WANT to watch but never had the time

winson604 02-09-2011 03:01 PM

Just started my 1 month free trial and although there is clearly a lack of really good movies I do like that there are a bunch of random B movies or other random never heard of before shiet to watch. Heck for $8 that's like the cost of renting 1 new release. Yea yea I know who rents still but you catch my drift. I will probably extend past my 1 month trial and stick with it for a while. If anybody has any doubts just try it for a month first it's free anyways.

As for how I'm watching it, I'm actually watching it on my PC, Xbox, and PS3.

gilly 02-09-2011 03:10 PM

There are just too many movies that I've never heard of. Didn't renew my subscription.

IMASA 02-09-2011 04:47 PM

I just canceled my account as well, not enough content that interests me.

fs604 02-14-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Leopold Stotch (Post 7296645)
offtopic: how do you guys watch your netflix movies?
i was thinking about using the program on my PS3.

I use it on my PS3 as well, because of HDMI cables, the quality is nicer than what you would get than on say something like an iphone.

Netflix isn't worth it yet like it is in the states, just wait until there are better selections and more movies. Also, shaw is fucking us over so i don't know if we should even be using netflix.

Jegz 02-14-2011 10:52 PM

While a lot of people complain about the lack of "quality" movies, I find a lot of hidden gems in Netflix. Totally worth it IMO, even if u watch like 3 movies a month on it. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend American History X, Requiem of a Dream, Memento or even a series like weeds or heroes. Netflix is the shit when you're just bored chilling at home.

DanHibiki 02-15-2011 05:03 AM

I got 2 more days before I have to cancel my account.

I'll be back when their content is even somewhat close to what the Americans have.
Posted via RS Mobile

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