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| Ear Hygeiene
Healthwise, I know we're not supposed to stick anything in our ear canal, not even q-tips.
I guess I'm somebody that doesn't always listen to doctors. I use cheapy q-tips from the dollar store to wipe down my canals after
I also wear custom molded In-Ear-Monitors for headphones, the type that require ear canal insertion.
Up until my mid high-school years, my parents would take a little pick thingy and and clean out my ear wax.
It wasn't a lot, but I think it definitely made a difference in hearing. I really miss that clean and fresh feeling.
Parents are bit older now and this isn't something I can just look in a mirror and do myself.
I also don't really trust just random people to use the pick thing.
Has anybody ever had their ears flushed out?
I heard you can get a doctor to do it?