OK the final numbers are in and all outgoing cheques have been cashed and all gifts awarded and received.
I will be providing a cheque to the Lions Society & Easter Seals Services, the group responsible for running Camp Shawnigan. The total amount raised for Camp Shawnigan was an awesome
$4,000.00. We were $200.00 short of making the 4K mark and at the last minute Mark K from the island S2000 owners group picked up the slack and donated an extra $200.00..., THANKS MIKE AND FAMILY !!!
That is truly great! It is $1,200.00 more than we raised and donated last year and will allow an additional two kids to camp this upcoming season. I want to thank all of those that participated in this year’s event. I think all had a very good time and were pleased with the way things went. I also want to thank all the sponsors who really stepped up and donated a lot of great stuff to the cause. I am pretty sure almost everyone went home with something. I also want to thank the checkpoints that volunteered to help us out. They supplied volunteers to do the cards, some provided us with raffle items and give away gifts and some others supplied cash donations. It is all greatly appreciated. Lastly I want to thank Mt Washington for once again providing us with an excellent venue and meal. They as well threw in a small cash donation and as always were very pleasant and easy to deal with.
For those of you interested in the breakdown:
Total Amount Raised: $6,150.00
Food: $1500.00
Facilities and Staff: $500.00
Extras: $150.00 - includes cards, tickets ect., gas for volunteers and meals for volunteers (2), paper for maps...,
Donation: $4,000.00
I will be handing over the cheque this upcoming Friday October 28th. Anyone that wishes to come with me to donate the cheque is welcome to come along. I want to get a photograph to post up on the forums of us making the donation.
The planning for this event takes about 4 - 5 months to complete. That is when I do it all myself. Next year I plan to open the event up to all Imports. I really want to make this a big, well known event and really help out the kids at the same time. To achieve my goals I am definitely going to require some assistance. The areas that need people will be for getting participation and registration, someone working on sponsorship including raffle items. I am more than willing to do either one of those but would like help with the other.
Look forward to hearing back from me again in the February time frame to start the planning phase all over again including the first part, getting a date. See you all in 2012 I hope. Have a safe and wonderful Winter..., see you in the spring! And help me get the word out!

Vancouver Island S2Ki CO
Vancouver Island Poker Run Organizer