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02-01-2011, 07:05 AM
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shark fin soup here i come for new years!
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02-01-2011, 08:33 AM
#27 | Old School RS
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Originally Posted by EmperorIS so first we can't eat dogs ... now we can't eat shark fins
but this is ALRIGHT because its ALLLL WHITE
fucking hypocrites | Listen closely my intelligence challenged friend, the reason why cows are okay and sharks are not are twofold:
1) Cows are not endangered and there is no danger of us losing them as a species and the functions they provide for the natural environment.
2) Killing cows is not nearly as wasteful - by weight almost 80% of a cow is used in some form while only 5% of a shark's weight is used, the rest discarded.
But yeah, keep telling yourself it's because white people like cows and asians dont.
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02-01-2011, 08:55 AM
#28 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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That was in costa rica. But they are the ones farming the sharks. Quote:
Originally Posted by Energy Apparently Gordon was doused with petrol and threatened at gunpoint by Taiwanese mafia when he was filming. I haven't had shark's fin soup in a long time and don't plan on eating it again. | |
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02-01-2011, 09:17 AM
#29 | Trollollolloing RS sine 2005
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I was about to say that I'm surprised he didn't get shot, but I guess it almost happened.
Chinese people will eat anything that is "bo sun". Or in other words, benefits the body. Another example would be those "dong chong cho". The worm that grows with a piece of grass sticking out of its ass. Lately in the past few years, its believed to be a big benefit to ur body, so what happen? The chinese start mass consuming them and had driven the price up to $ 10K HKD per pound compared to $1000 HKD. Posted via RS Mobile |
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02-01-2011, 10:59 AM
#30 | My bookmarks are Reddit and REVscene, in that order
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Originally Posted by TOPEC I was about to say that I'm surprised he didn't get shot, but I guess it almost happened.
Chinese people will eat anything that is "bo sun". Or in other words, benefits the body. Another example would be those "dong chong cho". The worm that grows with a piece of grass sticking out of its ass. Lately in the past few years, its believed to be a big benefit to ur body, so what happen? The chinese start mass consuming them and had driven the price up to $ 10K HKD per pound compared to $1000 HKD. Posted via RS Mobile | Yeah....
Chinese people and their science and math superiority....
They should put it to good use...
However, "dong chong cho", or cordyceps, actually have some studies shown that it's beneficial... some... could be fake, but it's at least got some scientific backing comparing that to a lot of the other food myths.
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02-01-2011, 11:07 AM
#31 | The RS Freebie guru
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Originally Posted by MindBomber Why is it that Asian cultures are so willing to continue consuming products that are decimating populations of endangered species? | I think the simple answer is most don't think about that part of it. They just know it signifies wealth and status, so to "have face", they have to serve it at weddings and such.
I'm personally impartial to it... I don't particularly like shark fin soup, but I'm not going to outright boycott it either.
I probably wouldn't order shark fin soup myself, but I'll eat it if I'm at a banquet that's serving it.
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02-01-2011, 11:20 AM
#32 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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I'm not sure which came first, Sharkwater or Ramsay's docu but I watched Sharkwater first maybe a year or 2 ago and it did open my eyes to what is going on ... I'm Chinese and I liked eating shark's fin soup, like people said, its all about face in society but for me, its the texture of the fin that was good and the soup broth was always good ... I also grew up watching movies like Jaws and came to love and respect sharks as one of nature's great creatures ... After watching Sharkwater, I have a new understanding of what is happening and I have consciously avoided ordering it now and I hope that more people (especially from my culture) do the same ...
"Everything's Coming up Milhouse!"
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02-01-2011, 11:28 AM
#33 | F**K YOUR HEAD
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Never liked shark fin soup, maybe I go to the wrong places, my family isn't that big on it either. Not sure about my grandma. Sharks are awesome though
Is there a video with a nutritionist's opinion on shark fin?
Anyone else think gordon ramsay could get better answers if he was a little bit more polite...?
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02-01-2011, 11:30 AM
#34 | Banned (BBM)
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Originally Posted by StylinRed abalone shark fin birds nest... biggest pile of garbage but its like Chinese Bling so
there's a lot of Fake birds nest, abalone, shark fin too made out of starch etc etc etc since they're such profitable items | its like digesting a LV bag or Hermes
u know u are balling when u are eating those shit |
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02-01-2011, 12:59 PM
#35 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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I know finning sharks is a problem and people need to be informed about the practice. But don't you guys think his documentary is a bit skewed?
The people in Taipei know finning is a controversial subject. Of course store owners and those fishing guys are going to be nervous when you barge in on them with a camera crew and start asking about shark fins. And to me, it seems like when he asks questions to some of the store owners and the people eating shark fins near the beginning of the documentary, they don't even seem to know what he's talking about or that they weren't able to communicate effectively with him because of their lack of english skills. They just either nodded their heads or just said "i don't know." It seems to me like they use that and editing to skew their point.
I know he's just trying to inform people about the issue of finning, but he needs to do it in a right and innon-skewed way. This for me will make his argument even stronger and doesn't make it seem like he's trying too hard.
I don't know. Just my two cents.
And also, did anyone get kind of annoyed of Ramsey for just trespassing onto people's roof's and docking ports and start messing around with the fins. I know he's trying to get good footage of the finning practice and all, but that doesn't give him the right to do that.
Last edited by ray666; 02-01-2011 at 04:04 PM.
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02-01-2011, 01:25 PM
#36 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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It's a documentary... it's SUPPOSED to convey a message, so the piece is inherently going to be skewed.
And Ramsay is full of himself anyways, and he probably thinks his celebrity will come in handy when he gets in trouble.
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02-01-2011, 01:44 PM
#37 | Banned (BBM)
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guy is a cocky motherfucker, surprised he didnt get beat up in tw. Just because he is trying to get a footage doesnt mean he has the right to invade people's personal belongings. not surprised they pour gasoline off the roof
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02-01-2011, 01:59 PM
#38 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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I'm surprised they have gasoline on the roof hahaha!!
Ramsay's cockiness is a love or hate thing. It's part of his celebrity persona.
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02-01-2011, 02:53 PM
#39 | Wanna have a threesome?
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Originally Posted by Mugen EvOlutioN ^
guy is a cocky motherfucker, surprised he didnt get beat up in tw. Just because he is trying to get a footage doesnt mean he has the right to invade people's personal belongings. not surprised they pour gasoline off the roof | Ramsey went around and asked people if he could take a look on the roof and they all shut him out as soon as they saw a camera, if he didn't sneak onto the roof then he would have missed out on a lot of valuable footage.
If no one took risks to expose the secrets of these types of industries then we wouldn't have an accurate picture of just how evil they are, instead we would have nothing but a white washed image of innocence.
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02-01-2011, 04:02 PM
#40 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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Originally Posted by MindBomber If no one took risks to expose the secrets of these types of industries then we wouldn't have an accurate picture of just how evil they are, instead we would have nothing but a white washed image of innocence. | I see your point, but where do we cross the line? The truth or people's right to privacy?
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02-01-2011, 05:49 PM
#41 | Wanna have a threesome?
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Originally Posted by ray666 I see your point, but where do we cross the line? The truth or people's right to privacy? | By engaging in industries that have widely questioned ethical concerns, wouldn't you say people relinquish their right to privacy?
No one forced these people to engage in finning, if they chose to they could operate a business fishing other species and never have to worry about privacy.
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02-01-2011, 06:36 PM
#42 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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Seemed to me like he was only being as pushy as he needed to be. When he was pushing on illegal shit, boo hoo for the other people! I mean really!
If you're involved in something illegal you still have a right to privacy, but you're on your own to defend it because you can't call authorities. So it's completely on them to secure their shit and keep eyes out.
Thumbs up to Ramsay!
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Originally Posted by MajinHurricane who would ban me? lol. Look at my post count. | |
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02-01-2011, 06:44 PM
#43 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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thanks for sharing this, i'm actually doing a research paper on this.
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"It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good ... They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time. "
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02-01-2011, 07:45 PM
#44 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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Originally Posted by MindBomber I don't want to offend anyone, because this is an honest question to those with more insight into the culture than myself.
Why is it that Asian cultures are so willing to continue consuming products that are decimating populations of endangered species? | Ignorance, which leads to straight not giving a shit.
Side note.. never had real shark fin soup myself, but I like the fake ones?
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02-01-2011, 08:01 PM
#45 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Originally Posted by MindBomber Ramsey went around and asked people if he could take a look on the roof and they all shut him out as soon as they saw a camera, if he didn't sneak onto the roof then he would have missed out on a lot of valuable footage.
If no one took risks to expose the secrets of these types of industries then we wouldn't have an accurate picture of just how evil they are, instead we would have nothing but a white washed image of innocence. | a white guys comes up in your door step with a camera asking u to open the door in english but your chinese & u have no idea WTF hes talking about, would u open the door for him
most ppl in taiwan don't even know who this guy is
plus the only reason they just want the fins is cuz shark meat itself is very tough & not tender so this is not everyones meat, bet u 90% ppl would not like it
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Originally Posted by hk20000 I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"
But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".
Originally Posted by Neva wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates... | |
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02-01-2011, 08:17 PM
#46 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Originally Posted by ae101 a white guys comes up in your door step with a camera asking u to open the door in english but your chinese & u have no idea WTF hes talking about, would u open the door for him
most ppl in taiwan don't even know who this guy is
plus the only reason they just want the fins is cuz shark meat itself is very tough & not tender so this is not everyones meat, bet u 90% ppl would not like it | so kill an endangered shark to cut off the fin and toss the rest away?
shit is fucking retarded.
funny how this thread is full of chinese ppl defending killing endagered animals for a tiny part of their body, then tossing their bodies back to the ocean to die [which is obviously the most common practice]
but dont kill dogs with a bullet to the head! there's only so many dogs in this world! lol...
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
Last edited by Hondaracer; 02-01-2011 at 08:26 PM.
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02-01-2011, 08:35 PM
#47 | I don't get it
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Originally Posted by TOS'd I just had some tonight. Yummy. | MSG must taste good.
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02-01-2011, 08:41 PM
#48 | I don't get it
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer so kill an endangered shark to cut off the fin and toss the rest away?
shit is fucking retarded.
funny how this thread is full of chinese ppl defending killing endagered animals for a tiny part of their body, then tossing their bodies back to the ocean to die [which is obviously the most common practice]
but dont kill dogs with a bullet to the head! there's only so many dogs in this world! lol... | I am Chinese, and I make a conscious effort to avoid shark fin soup. I try to convince my parents that it DOESN'T GIVE ANY NUTRITIONAL BENEFIT (look it up), but they have their heads stuck up their ass.
My mom gives us shit about how we're ruining the environment by not recycling, wasting electricity... then suggests shark fin soup for the family reunion.
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02-01-2011, 08:41 PM
#49 | Wanna have a threesome?
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Props to you for avoiding shark fin soup and trying to convince your family to do the same, also to your mom for being environmentally conscious. I wonder what her reaction to the video would be? Quote:
Originally Posted by ae101 a white guys comes up in your door step with a camera asking u to open the door in english but your chinese & u have no idea WTF hes talking about, would u open the door for him | They know exactly why he's there, thats why they're so secretive. If a Chinese guy showed up at my house and wandered inside I would be confused, but I wouldn't throw gas on him and hold him at gun point.
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02-01-2011, 08:42 PM
#50 | SFICC-05*
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Originally Posted by ray666 I know finning sharks is a problem and people need to be informed about the practice. But don't you guys think his documentary is a bit skewed?
The people in Taipei know finning is a controversial subject. Of course store owners and those fishing guys are going to be nervous when you barge in on them with a camera crew and start asking about shark fins. And to me, it seems like when he asks questions to some of the store owners and the people eating shark fins near the beginning of the documentary, they don't even seem to know what he's talking about or that they weren't able to communicate effectively with him because of their lack of english skills. They just either nodded their heads or just said "i don't know." It seems to me like they use that and editing to skew their point.
I know he's just trying to inform people about the issue of finning, but he needs to do it in a right and innon-skewed way. This for me will make his argument even stronger and doesn't make it seem like he's trying too hard.
I don't know. Just my two cents.
And also, did anyone get kind of annoyed of Ramsey for just trespassing onto people's roof's and docking ports and start messing around with the fins. I know he's trying to get good footage of the finning practice and all, but that doesn't give him the right to do that. | Totally agree. Imagine if some guy from Hong Kong barged into your store speaking Cantonese to you about your products. Then when you ignore them, they play it off as it's some shady shit because you're not saying anything. Absolutely ridiculous way of portraying something.
edit: As I watch more of it, it's more and more obvious of how big of a cunt Ramsey is. I'll leave it at that. What a fucking cunt.
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Originally Posted by Hyde nammer don't listen to me, they listen to money. do you know how cheap it is to have someone killed in vancouver? let alone a beat down |
Last edited by chun; 02-01-2011 at 08:47 PM.
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