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Dealership scratched my bumper ... Took the car in for some warranty-related cosmetic work... dealership called me to let me know one of their techs inadvertently scratched my bumper by dropping it (along those lines). They will send it off to a body shop and it will be fully taken care of and also issue me a loaner vehicle. question: should i be worried about paint matching? paint quality? this is an acura dealership so i'm assuming they know their stuff and deal with er.. reputable bodyshops??? i do appreciate that they acknowledged it and contacted me but i haven't seen it yet.. will post pix later. should i ask for a complimentary oil change or something ?? |
Tell them you expect that they will do something to compensate for wasting your time. |
Do they not have a body shop on site?? I would just make sure it is as perfect as it was before. Dont be afraid to tell them you aren't happy with their repair if its not up to par. |
Just be grateful that they not only admitted to it, but also fixed it. I would bitch and complain only if the repair job is bad. I bet 95% of shops wouldn't say a thing and then deny it if you brought it up. If they are going to give you an oil change or coupon, they will offer. If you ask for it the chances are much less that they will actually give you something. |
I agree one of our guys on the island here took his S2000 into the shop and got it back with the CF front lip all scratched up. It looks like they tried to force it onto the hoist or something. They completely denied doing it, but I know the owner of the car and he is anal about being careful. I have no doubt what so ever it was done at the dealership. |
After all, they aren't doing you any favours by having it repaired. They are simply fixing their error, but by doing so, they are also wasting your time which is something that they can only fix by compensating for it with something EXTRA. |
How much time was actually wasted? Maybe OP lives right by the dealership so it's no hassle, and he gets to drive around with free gas for 2 days............ I can understand if he lives an hour from the dealership and wastes time driving back and forth they should compensate him. |
the dealership is pretty good about it. I work about 10 mins from it so it is convenient.. plus i'm going to ask for a real nice courtesy car. some people are telling me to demand a brand new bumper which i find a bit ridiculous.. i just want them to insure proper paint matching and quality. |
We also don't know the severeness of the scratch, maybe its hardly visible and only needs a quick polish. Unless they told you it needs to be painted? |
Like others have said, its good that they owned up to it. That means they value you as a customer and want to make you happy. Just take the courtesy car and any other free stuff they offer you. |
I don't understand this shit about compensating you for wasted time ? they're fixing it, and providing you a car to drive while it's fixed ... at their expense. I don't see that they owe you anything else other than your car in it's original condition. Anything else is just being greedy. |
id ask for free lunch or touchups |
Yeah, They are called accidents for a reason... Shit happens, and they owned up to it.. Leave it at that... Its not like they took your car for a test drive and smashed it to bits.. |
lol you think too much maybe they are turboing it as we speak :fullofwin: |
I agree with some of whats posted. If they are fixing it and providing you a loaner you really aren't inconvenienced much anyway. Lets say they did the damage, admitted to doing it and told you to take them to court? You would get nothing more then the damages fixed and a rental car by the courts so they owe you nothing more and are fully taking care of their obligation. Asking for more is simply petty, now should they offer because they feel bad and appreciate your business that's something else. Not really sure what gives with the free lunch attitude these days, there isn't one. |
Plus OP is probably better off with a repainted bumper no more scratch marks from others who parallel park and bump into it.. Thats if he has scratches... |
Wow, some of you guys are really naive. Do you guys lack that much business sense? If a dealership fucks up, simply repairing whatever they fucked up on is not enough. Despite the fact they are fixing it, you are still being negatively impacted. The OP has already been inconvenienced by wasting his time on phone calls from the dealer, coming on revscene to find out what action he should take, he's now worried about paint matching, he probably has to make a trip to the dealership to get his courtesy car, he probably has to make another trip back to the dealership to get back his own car. Repairing the bumper is the LEAST the dealership should do. Something extra SHOULD be offered by them to make the customer satisfied. You fuck up, you're going to have to give a bit extra. It's just good business sense. |
that is time wasted |
If it was a major inconvienence to him, sure they would owe him somethign, like an oil change or detail or whatever, but he even stated himself he lives close by and its not a huge deal. The only thing he is worried about is paint match and quality of the job. If the dealership manned up enough to call him, they obviously aren't going to skimp on the repair proccess either. Now if they give him his car back with an "off" color(keep in mind this is subjective because we could just be talking about a quick polish) then he has something to bitch about and it shoudl be repaired correctly/he should be compensated. Which customer story is better: Yea, that acura dealership worked on my car then scraped my bumper and wouldn't do anything about it vs Yea, that acura dealership worked on my car, then when they accidently scraped my bumper did everythign in their power to make sure it was fixed perfectly and made sure it was convienant for me by giving me a loaner. Personally I'd rather have a business right their wrong and be truthful about it, then try and patch up their fuck up with a free oil change or something. |
You should be really thankful they even told you it was scratched. Some dealerships don't give a crap about their customers and let the car out, hoping the customer doesn't see it. I've seen countless customers where I work where they drive really nice cars. Most who drive black cars drive off as soon as they pay. Black cars are the easiest to scratch. Most people don't walk around and take a look at the condition of their car after the service. So be thankful they told you of the accident instead of hiding it. If you're really worried about their workmanship of the paint, don't sweat it. Usually dealerships have a reputable bodyshop they have connections with. If you're concerned just keep the receipt of the paint job which should come with your invoice. And by the way, bitching about wasting your time won't be the best idea. If you're lucky enough, they may even give you a percent of discount. Once you complain and tick off the advisor, they might not even give a crap. And by the way, what kind of car are you driving? Some dealerships give you a garbage loaner car if you drive something like a.. what? Acura 1.6EL? Low end cars = Low end loaners. This is just what SOME dealerships do. But majority do so, so don't expect an NSX or something stupid. |
Let me give you an example of what half of you retards are saying: "Usually, when someone murders another person, they don't admit to doing so. At least Bob admitted to murdering Jon, most people wouldn't even do that. You should be thankful that Bob at least manned up enough to admit that he murdered Jon." Quote:
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