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02-08-2011, 04:44 PM
#26 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by impulseX well thats the thing, if you try and see it through icbc's perspective, 1600 is how much it would cost to fix it, and if i'm not mistaken, there would be no problem if you go that route and have it fixed for 1600. but your choosing to take cash. So instead of getting the work done, you could be off spending it on other stuff.
i'm not 100% sure on how to phrase this but, i dont think you can really expect to get "more" than the cash settlement that they told you |
yeah but who are they to decide what I will be doing with the cash? they decide what they do with my cash after i pay them. if you read my most recent post about cars that are write offs you'd understand why im expecting to get more for my cash settlement. icbc's objective is to pay the least amount and get rid of the file as soon as they can. they are a bunch of cocksockers i tell ya
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02-08-2011, 04:45 PM
#27 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by Not really racist! two different scenarios here..
your car isn't a "total write off" so your example here is completely irrelevant | how is it irrelevant? it does not matter if its a write off or not. they are either going to pay full repairs for the vehicle or going to offer you a cash settlement. no?
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02-08-2011, 05:08 PM
#28 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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Originally Posted by slimthug yeah but who are they to decide what I will be doing with the cash? they decide what they do with my cash after i pay them. if you read my most recent post about cars that are write offs you'd understand why im expecting to get more for my cash settlement. icbc's objective is to pay the least amount and get rid of the file as soon as they can. they are a bunch of cocksockers i tell ya | don't get me wrong, i know insurance companies try to take the easiest way out and not pay up. that's just business. now correct me if i'm wrong here, but if you do the repairs at the shop that quoted 1600, icbc will pay for that 1600? if so, then they're willing to do that because then they know the work is getting done. but if you want the cash just so you can get your dad to do the work for cheap so you can pocket the extra, well... Quote:
Originally Posted by slimthug how is it irrelevant? it does not matter if its a write off or not. they are either going to pay full repairs for the vehicle or going to offer you a cash settlement. no? | it is somewhat irrelivant. also, the value of the vehicle is by the book, not by how much you bought it for or, how much its being sold off the lot. so if repairs are much more than the cost of the vehicle (by the book) they'll pay you by the book, not how much repairs would have costed
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02-08-2011, 05:10 PM
#29 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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Just tell the adjuster you're only willing to take the cash option if it's calculated on 1600 repair cost. At the end of the day, ICBC will choose the most cost-effective route for themselves. They can either pay about 1600 to a shop or save some money and pay you out a proportion of it (70%?). It wouldn't make any business sense for them to spend more just because they don't want you to benefit.
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02-08-2011, 05:18 PM
#30 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Your dad used to be in the business right ?
I'm sure he has a connection or two. Take the car to his buddy, let him charge icbc $1600 for "repairs", he keeps a few hundred for his troubles and you walk away happy. Posted via RS Mobile |
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02-08-2011, 05:21 PM
#31 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by impulseX don't get me wrong, i know insurance companies try to take the easiest way out and not pay up. that's just business. now correct me if i'm wrong here, but if you do the repairs at the shop that quoted 1600, icbc will pay for that 1600? if so, then they're willing to do that because then they know the work is getting done. but if you want the cash just so you can get your dad to do the work for cheap so you can pocket the extra, well... | ICBC's estimator quoted me the 1600$ i havent even got a quote from a shop. The estimator himself said that there could be some other damage aside from what he quoted me(i know from my experience around the shop).but never mind that.
but all in all that being said if they quoted me 1600 they shouldnt be settling me with only 50% of the original quote.
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02-08-2011, 05:26 PM
#32 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by 97ITR Just tell the adjuster you're only willing to take the cash option if it's calculated on 1600 repair cost. At the end of the day, ICBC will choose the most cost-effective route for themselves. They can either pay about 1600 to a shop or save some money and pay you out a proportion of it (70%?). It wouldn't make any business sense for them to spend more just because they don't want you to benefit. |
Thanks for some helpful input. Thats just the sort of answer i was looking for. So 70% is the rate they usually pay out for settlements?
most of the people in this thread dont understand..if they can quote me and pay 1600$ for repairs then why cant they settle me for 1500$ or 1400$.. im just figuring out ways other then being dicked around and only getting 50% of the quote.
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02-08-2011, 05:31 PM
#33 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by slimthug its irrelevant to my dad, he does the work. hes doesn't negotiate with icbc. | Im gonna straight up assume ur dad will work on your car for free labour wise. But is his boss gonna let him use the company materials for free aswell?
Did your dad used to paint? If not is the painter at his shop going to work on ur car for free aswell? How about paint materials? does that come free too?
Everything cost money, and ive worked at several ICBC certified shops to know that it costs money to fix shit, and boss's arent gonna just let employees work on family members cars for next to nothing
and ICBC estimates u the bare minimum which isnt the actual cost to even repair the car, and then only gives u a percentage of how much the repair is. Its Called "Cash Settlement in Lieu of Repair" i believe
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02-08-2011, 05:33 PM
#34 | private modder
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When taking the cash settlement, it becomes a negotiation between you and your estimator and/or adjustor. The amount you get depends on how good of a negotiator you are. For example, obviously if you tell them you can get it fixed cheap yourself, they will offer you less. Typically settlements end up at 70 - 75% of the total estimated repair cost. As for courtesy car charges, ICBC pays $30/day if your claim allows it.
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02-08-2011, 05:49 PM
#35 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by RiceIntegraRS Im gonna straight up assume ur dad will work on your car for free labour wise. But is his boss gonna let him use the company materials for free aswell?
Did your dad used to paint? If not is the painter at his shop going to work on ur car for free aswell? How about paint materials? does that come free too?
Everything cost money, and ive worked at several ICBC certified shops to know that it costs money to fix shit, and boss's arent gonna just let employees work on family members cars for next to nothing
and ICBC estimates u the bare minimum which isnt the actual cost to even repair the car, and then only gives u a percentage of how much the repair is. Its Called "Cash Settlement in Lieu of Repair" i believe | still irrelevant. .Yes labour is free, Yes boss is going to let him use company materials. Yes he can paint how can you own a shop if you dont know how to paint and do body work? Yes materials are going to be free. Yes everything in this worldd is free and doesnt cost money!(being sarcastic if you cant tell) all of that has been accounted for i know what to expect ive been around this my whole life. you're questions and answers are irrelevant to my questions in the first place.
i know icbc estimates at bare minimum cause they dont know if there is frame damage or anything that is beneath the surface. that is why im figuring out ways to get past them paying me less then what they quoted me. there is ways, it can be done. and there is always a reason why they quoted you that specific number in the first place. and there is a reason why they want to settle less.
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02-08-2011, 05:52 PM
#36 | Everyone wants a piece of R S...
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Originally Posted by vafanculo Your dad used to be in the business right ?
I'm sure he has a connection or two. Take the car to his buddy, let him charge icbc $1600 for "repairs", he keeps a few hundred for his troubles and you walk away happy. Posted via RS Mobile | lol. do you think it's that easy? until they investigate your vehical that is suppose to be done at that shop and finds out it's'll be paying tripple for scamming icbc. Plus you will never have another job from icbc again, now you think any shop will take the risk?
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02-08-2011, 05:54 PM
#37 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by Eff-1 When taking the cash settlement, it becomes a negotiation between you and your estimator and/or adjustor. The amount you get depends on how good of a negotiator you are. For example, obviously if you tell them you can get it fixed cheap yourself, they will offer you less. Typically settlements end up at 70 - 75% of the total estimated repair cost. As for courtesy car charges, ICBC pays $30/day if your claim allows it. | awesome. another helpful post.
so what are some keypoints that would suggest that or help me make a better negotiation. Yes typically settlements would end up at 70-75% but if there objective is to pay less in the end why not settle me for 80% or 90%? its still cheaper for them right
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02-08-2011, 05:59 PM
#38 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by vafanculo Your dad used to be in the business right ?
I'm sure he has a connection or two. Take the car to his buddy, let him charge icbc $1600 for "repairs", he keeps a few hundred for his troubles and you walk away happy. Posted via RS Mobile |
Wow why would i want to do that? you must be stupid to put any legitimate business in that type of position.
EDIT. and if he gets caught for scamming icbc a few hundred dollars would not cover his "troubles"
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02-08-2011, 06:00 PM
#39 | Everyone wants a piece of R S...
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you're gonna have to take a lost, there's no way you'll get cash what they quoted you for. What's in it for them? you gota think of it that way..unless it's cheaper for them then it's okay.. You can't use the excuse of buying insurance from them annually and expect a return. I'ts not gonna hapen..that's the price you pay for owning a vehical..if everyone is doing this do you think they'll be in pay for insurance for situation like this...
just take it to your dad's work place atleast you know what's done is right and who knows maybe he'll get some commission..
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02-08-2011, 06:12 PM
#40 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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lol i don't see why you don't just take it to your dads shop and just ring up the bill if you want the cash that desperately. and its only 1600 worth of repairs which is nothing, i would see it being more worth while of taking a settlement if it was at least a couple grand.
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02-08-2011, 06:23 PM
#41 | private modder
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ICBC's mandate is to fix your car. Not simply pay the least amount of cash. They are saying they can fix your car for $1600 using ICBC rates. For private repairs, they know typically the costs would be higher (cash deals excluded). That's why ICBC pays less on settlements-- to discourage it. If everyone could choose 100% cash, the current system in place would fall apart.
If you're not happy with the cash settlement being offered, then you'll need to demonstrate to them 1) why it makes more sense for you to fix it yourself and 2) why you need more than they are offering.
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02-08-2011, 06:25 PM
#42 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by AVS_Racing lol i don't see why you don't just take it to your dads shop and just ring up the bill if you want the cash that desperately. and its only 1600 worth of repairs which is nothing, i would see it being more worth while of taking a settlement if it was at least a couple grand. | nvm lolol
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02-08-2011, 06:34 PM
#43 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Icbc only pays a certain percentage on cash settlement Posted via RS Mobile |
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02-08-2011, 06:51 PM
#44 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by slimthug icbc's objective is to pay the least amount and get rid of the file as soon as they can. they are a bunch of cocksockers i tell ya | Quote:
Originally Posted by slimthug most of the people in this thread dont understand..if they can quote me and pay 1600$ for repairs then why cant they settle me for 1500$ or 1400$. | Welcome to life! And the world of ICBC.
I think its clearly you that don't understand the process of how ICBC deal with claims.
As many members above tried to explain it to you, there's no easy way out.
a) Take your car to an ICBC shop and get the repair fully done + paid by ICBC, or
b) Suck it up and take the $1100 settlement.
Think of it this way. If you won the Lottery's grand prize house that worth $2.5mil....
If you decide not to take House, and go with the Cash route, will you get the full $2.5 mil in cash? No..!
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02-08-2011, 07:41 PM
#45 | Banned (ABWS)
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Revscene and helpful dont really go hand in hand
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02-08-2011, 08:59 PM
#46 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by Eff-1 ICBC's mandate is to fix your car. Not simply pay the least amount of cash. They are saying they can fix your car for $1600 using ICBC rates. For private repairs, they know typically the costs would be higher (cash deals excluded). That's why ICBC pays less on settlements-- to discourage it. If everyone could choose 100% cash, the current system in place would fall apart.
If you're not happy with the cash settlement being offered, then you'll need to demonstrate to them 1) why it makes more sense for you to fix it yourself and 2) why you need more than they are offering. | +1
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02-08-2011, 10:49 PM
#47 | ninja edits your posts without your knowledge
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Originally Posted by CKLCKL Revscene and helpful dont really go hand in hand | Actually, it does in most cases...
I've relied on RS for several questions/help and have been greeted with awesome replies.
It is only when you try to underhand the system that you stop getting helpful responses. I'm not saying the OP is trying to underhand the system but he is going about this all wrong.
The facts are simple. ICBC is here to cover repairs on vehicles and not to pay out a cash settlement. If it goes to a shop, ICBC will cover the entire bill. If not, ICBC will settle for a sum of what it would have paid. It doesn't make sense for ICBC to pay you the cash sum of what it would cost to repair because that's not its job. ICBC knows you could probably get it done cheaper yourself but realizes that the extra money you would pocket will hurt ICBC's bottom line. This is why you'll either go through ICBC completely and have everything covered or try to make a profit but at a disadvantage. The idea is for ICBC to not be screwed and you to make a financial gain from a claim.
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02-08-2011, 11:20 PM
#48 | Even when im right, is still right!
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Originally Posted by baggdis300 if you read, he said his dad is a bodyman | I prefer tits myself
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02-08-2011, 11:34 PM
#49 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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Originally Posted by CRS Actually, it does in most cases...
I've relied on RS for several questions/help and have been greeted with awesome replies.
It is only when you try to underhand the system that you stop getting helpful responses. I'm not saying the OP is trying to underhand the system but he is going about this all wrong.
The facts are simple. ICBC is here to cover repairs on vehicles and not to pay out a cash settlement. If it goes to a shop, ICBC will cover the entire bill. If not, ICBC will settle for a sum of what it would have paid. It doesn't make sense for ICBC to pay you the cash sum of what it would cost to repair because that's not its job. ICBC knows you could probably get it done cheaper yourself but realizes that the extra money you would pocket will hurt ICBC's bottom line. This is why you'll either go through ICBC completely and have everything covered or try to make a profit but at a disadvantage. The idea is for ICBC to not be screwed and you to make a financial gain from a claim. | he just wants to hear from us what he's hoping to hear... "yes you can negotiate for the full estimate"
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02-09-2011, 01:16 AM
#50 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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ICBC insures your car, not your bank account. Posted via RS Mobile |
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