Blue Valentine:
I read in the papers there are a lot of nomination on this movie so I decided to watch it. It's a romance movie and it was also part of Sundance in 2010. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams played a couple in the movie.
The movie is based on the relationship starting in like 2010, you'll see Ryan Gosling having a new hair style cause he's staring to bald. Then the movie does a few flash back to the dating many years ago between Michelle Williams.
To be honest, the acting by Ryan Gosling was ok. I wouldn't say he did an epic job. I got really pissed off of him wearing his sun glasses all the time. I thought Michelle Williams did a decent job but was it epic, not really.
I have a huge problem with the movie. The flash backs were so random and it wasn't focused. There are some ups and downs in the relationship but nothing was resolved in the movie. Arguments were heated but that was it, you will leave the theater really pissed off. It lays out all the issues, but that was it. When you watch a movie, you want some type of ending, at least a resolution but nope.
Script 7/10
Acting *Michelle" 8/10
overall 6/10 I am still pissed off about the movie cause I left unsatisfied.