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Old 03-01-2011, 12:01 PM   #1
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Workout after 2 month, still no result.....Diet problem ???

Currently, I m at 150 lbs.
5'6 hight (i m quite short....sigh)

According to BMI
I am at 24.1
But, I still have a lot of fat on my belly.
Don't know if BMI is ever accurate or not........

I have been going to gym for 2 months around.
4 days in a week. (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun)

To get rid of belly fat, I know i have to get my total body fat percentage lower.

So, I do 30~45 mins of cardio (on elliptical) everytime at beginning of workout. Then, I do shoulder and chest workout only.
I didn't really focus on my abs or core that much. Just a bit.

After almost 2 month,
My chest and shoulder is a bit wider now,
But, I don't see a very obvious result on my belly.
Belly its a bit smaller, but still lots of fat there.

And my weight is not dropping much...probably only dropped 2~3 lbs.

Then, i guess, its something to do with diet.

What do you guys usually eat to get rid of Belly fat ??
And, do i have to do something different with my workout ??
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Old 03-01-2011, 12:13 PM   #2
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Are you lifting heavy? If not, give it a try. Do some heavy squats and deadlifts - not only will you burn more calories while doing them, you'll continue to burn calories hours after. More muscle = more calories used to help them grow.
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Old 03-01-2011, 12:21 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by ime2006 View Post
Then, I do shoulder and chest workout only.
i think that's your problem right there. in 2 months, you could've totally transformed your body. i would think its your diet most likely as well
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Old 03-01-2011, 12:32 PM   #4
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You shouldn't do extended cardio and strength training on the same days. Before you hit the weights, limit your cardio to 10 minutes on the bike.

Unless you have some kind of injury, I would stay away from cardio machines. Try running outside... and run hard.
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Old 03-01-2011, 12:36 PM   #5
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I was/am in the same boat as you and what's been working for me is alternating weight training days and days with low intensity cardio for at least 45min (ie cardio activities where you're not breathing hard enough to get in your way of a conversation). The way it was explained to me was low-medium burns the fat and hard burns what you ate.

Best way to maximize your fat-burn from walking would be to do it first thing in the morning before breakfast so your body has to get it's energy from converting fat. But work too hard and you could start converting muscle to energy and negatively impact your gains from weight training.

Also you can't just get rid of fat in a target area. You hit it right on the nose when you said that to get rid of it you have to body fat percentage so don't forget about working out the rest of your body to convert other fat storages to muscle as well. Not to mention looking like a top-heavy ape is retarded...

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Old 03-01-2011, 12:46 PM   #6
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lol shoulders and chest. Diet is key. What is your diet like?
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Old 03-01-2011, 12:52 PM   #7
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Sounds like your diet needs work. I've seen tons of ppl come into the gym obviously trying to lose weight because they spend their entire time doing cardio.

After even 6 months, there's been almost no change, if any at all.

My buddy has dropped like 90 lbs since september with a combination of diet + working his ass off and there's a HUGE difference.
[19-07, 16:52] bloodmack: EB did u change my avatar and title?
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:12 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by d1 View Post
Are you lifting heavy? If not, give it a try. Do some heavy squats and deadlifts - not only will you burn more calories while doing them, you'll continue to burn calories hours after. More muscle = more calories used to help them grow.
Not really lifting any heavy weight yet.
Only doing shoulders and Chest.....

Will I get bulky if do heavy lifting ??

Originally Posted by mr85 View Post
i think that's your problem right there. in 2 months, you could've totally transformed your body. i would think its your diet most likely as well
Yea, thats my concern now.
But i eat very regular...
total Calorie counts around 1100~1300 a day.

Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post
You shouldn't do extended cardio and strength training on the same days. Before you hit the weights, limit your cardio to 10 minutes on the bike.
Unless you have some kind of injury, I would stay away from cardio machines. Try running outside... and run hard.
I tried run outside on the street before.
I could do 30~45 mins too, But its just so cold outside these days.
I guess I'll try that in mid March, when its not too cold outside.

Originally Posted by Neva View Post
I was/am in the same boat as you and what's been working for me is alternating weight training days and days with low intensity cardio for at least 45min (ie cardio activities where you're not breathing hard enough to get in your way of a conversation). The way it was explained to me was low-medium burns the fat and hard burns what you ate.

Best way to maximize your fat-burn from walking would be to do it first thing in the morning before breakfast so your body has to get it's energy from converting fat. But work too hard and you could start converting muscle to energy and negatively impact your gains from weight training.

Also you can't just get rid of fat in a target area. You hit it right on the nose when you said that to get rid of it you have to body fat percentage so don't forget about working out the rest of your body to convert other fat storages to muscle as well. Not to mention looking like a top-heavy ape is retarded...
Yea, i read some articles having same point as you said.
Fat-burn before breakfast, it sounds very logical.

I am trying to stay away bulky shape. Thats why i didn't do heavy lifting.
Now, my problem is, I gatta get up at 5:30AM if i m going to workout before breakfast.
Maybe I should really give this a try.
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:17 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by The_Situation View Post
lol shoulders and chest. Diet is key. What is your diet like?
Originally Posted by !Yaminashi View Post
Sounds like your diet needs work. I've seen tons of ppl come into the gym obviously trying to lose weight because they spend their entire time doing cardio.

After even 6 months, there's been almost no change, if any at all.

My buddy has dropped like 90 lbs since september with a combination of diet + working his ass off and there's a HUGE difference.
I only calculate the calories.
Its around 1100~1300 a day.

It's kinda low carb diet.

But I really need help about.

What should I eat during the day.
Like Morning, Lunch, Dinner.

Please, any suggestion ???
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:37 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by ime2006 View Post
I only calculate the calories.
Its around 1100~1300 a day.

It's kinda low carb diet.

But I really need help about.

What should I eat during the day.
Like Morning, Lunch, Dinner.

Please, any suggestion ???

What kind of carbs are you eating? Cut out white rice, white bread etc
Eat whole grain pastas, brown rice, sweet potato, and in moderation.

Dont load up on the carbs if you're trying to get rid of excess belly fat.
Keep your protein high, I think the rule is one gram of protein for every pound of body weight?

Pair that with hard work at the gym and you should see results.

I didnt go into detail as I'm not as hardcore as some of the other guys here but those are the basics
[19-07, 16:52] bloodmack: EB did u change my avatar and title?
[19-07, 16:54] El Bastardo: bm i have no idea what you're talking about because i don't speak gorilla
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:46 PM   #11
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what is your overall goal? are you trying to lose weight?

diet is key when going on any fitness regime - i think your calorie count is off a bit and/or the calories you're getting arent good ones.

based on your weight your calorie intake per day should be around 1600 for your body to maintain weight at rest. if your count is accurate there is no reason why you're not dropping pounds.

i find even for myself that its pretty tough sometimes to drop to my competition weight. my pre comp diet is usually very low carbs. morning is a isolate protein shake, lunch chicken salad (water base dressing) dinner steamed veggies and chicken again. portions are small as well. drink LOTS of water. and to be honest - i dont hit alot of cardio either - just diet and weight training.

this video may help you understand how the body works better to understand dieting overall

I lift stuff
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Old 03-01-2011, 02:02 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by !Yaminashi View Post
What kind of carbs are you eating? Cut out white rice, white bread etc
Eat whole grain pastas, brown rice, sweet potato, and in moderation.

Dont load up on the carbs if you're trying to get rid of excess belly fat.
Keep your protein high, I think the rule is one gram of protein for every pound of body weight?

Pair that with hard work at the gym and you should see results.

I didnt go into detail as I'm not as hardcore as some of the other guys here but those are the basics
Protien high, like eating chicken breast, egg white,...etc ?
Is sashimi ok ? lol, i love them a lot...

If i m at 150 lbs, that means i have to take 150g of protien a day.
Thats a lot of meat i guess.
Looks like i gatta have protien shake to help out.

Originally Posted by xzman View Post
what is your overall goal? are you trying to lose weight?

diet is key when going on any fitness regime - i think your calorie count is off a bit and/or the calories you're getting arent good ones.

based on your weight your calorie intake per day should be around 1600 for your body to maintain weight at rest. if your count is accurate there is no reason why you're not dropping pounds.

i find even for myself that its pretty tough sometimes to drop to my competition weight. my pre comp diet is usually very low carbs. morning is a isolate protein shake, lunch chicken salad (water base dressing) dinner steamed veggies and chicken again. portions are small as well. drink LOTS of water. and to be honest - i dont hit alot of cardio either - just diet and weight training.

this video may help you understand how the body works better to understand dieting overall
awesome video!!!

Just curious about your diet...Don't you get hungry ??
or what are the protions in those food in your daily diet ??
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Old 03-01-2011, 04:37 PM   #13
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2 months is a drop in the bucket when put it terms of real positive change
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Ugliness and fatness are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it's only your fault if you don't hate yourself enough to do something about it.
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Old 03-01-2011, 05:22 PM   #14
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I came in with every intention to help.

I gave up after I read

then, I do shoulder and chest workout only.
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:12 PM   #15
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you should be working on all body parts, not just chest and shoulders. You probably won't see any significant changes for about 6 months
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Old 03-06-2011, 09:04 PM   #16
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How is op 5"6 150 with 24 BMI? 150 is normal weight for that height.

edit: wait that's entirely appropriate and within the "average weight" zone, but still isn't the BMI not a good measure of health/fitness nowadays?

Last edited by Wongtouski; 03-06-2011 at 09:40 PM.
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Old 03-06-2011, 10:06 PM   #17
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How is it possible to not lose weight if you're only eating 1300 calories a day? I know girls that have gone from being 150 pounds down to 135-140 eating 1300 calories and doing no activity other than day to day life (I tried to give them a hardcore diet, but they didn't stick to it but took a lot of my ideas).

I started losing weight like crazy in grade 12 because I got over the "icky" factor of eating unprocessed chicken that I cooked at home. I went from being 230 pounds down to 160 in a matter of 7 months (don't believe me ask anyone that went to highschool with me ie. strykn). My main weight loss came from focusing more on protein and less on carbs, I didn't calorie count per say, but I just made healthier decisions. I also did 3-5 miles of jogging per day (completely unnecessary to do so much, I just wanted to lose weight asap for prom lol)

Some rules I followed:
1) When you're thirsty, you need liquid NOT juice/coke etc. Your body wants water, not calories.
2)Sandwich meat + fat free mayo + fat free cheese + whole wheat bread + water or skim milk is a low fat low calorie meal. It'll help you lose weight.
3)Chicken breast is awesome, buy it and cook it nightly. Reheat it throughout the day, stick it between two pieces of toast and consume.
4)Grill chicken burgers from fast food places are considerably less calories than their beef counterparts

That's basically all I did and I lost weight like crazy. I'll probably get flamed by everyone for this post but it worked for me and it was pretty simple. I used to drink a lot of beverages with aspartane 'till i did some research and aspartane is the devil. Only drink water.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:56 PM   #18
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so you wanna lose belly fat and your not doing any core exercises like squats and dead lifts. shoulders and chest only? fucking looolz. 1300 calories is pretty low already, do cardio after lifting. good luck, 2 months is nothing to see proper changes. you also have to completely cut out bad sugars, no pop, chocolate, and junk food and eat brown whole carbs, keep protein at at least 180-200grams.
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Old 03-07-2011, 03:35 PM   #19
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It's all about the chest!
No pecs no sex
When life gets heavy, lift weights.
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Old 03-08-2011, 08:31 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by ime2006 View Post
Not really lifting any heavy weight yet.
Only doing shoulders and Chest.....

Will I get bulky if do heavy lifting ??
Yes, because one day you're going to magically wake up and be a body builder.

Originally Posted by ime2006 View Post
Yea, thats my concern now.
But i eat very regular...
total Calorie counts around 1100~1300 a day.
You a girl? Your maintenance calories a day are 2100. With your weaksauce cardio and your dumbass lifting coupled with your shitty diet, it's no wonder you're not losing fat.

Originally Posted by ime2006 View Post

I tried run outside on the street before.
I could do 30~45 mins too, But its just so cold outside these days.
I guess I'll try that in mid March, when its not too cold outside.

Yea, i read some articles having same point as you said.
Fat-burn before breakfast, it sounds very logical.

I am trying to stay away bulky shape. Thats why i didn't do heavy lifting.
Now, my problem is, I gatta get up at 5:30AM if i m going to workout before breakfast.
Maybe I should really give this a try.
Maybe you should harden the fuck up and get on a real strength training program like Starting Strength. Let's say you do magically lose 15 lbs (or whatever), congratulations, you're going to be a short skinny little fuck instead of a short fat fuck.

How about this - you eat more protein, you lift heavy weights, you gain some muscle.

Good god, it's girly little men like you that make us asians look bad.
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:25 PM   #21
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^ I dont think he wants to gain any muscle. It seems like he just wants to lose his belly fat. Clean up your diet and do some HIIT training.
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:08 AM   #22
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holy 1100-1300 kcals a day wtf

on a serious note I think there's a good chance your metabolism has crashed.
Originally Posted by iron addict View Post
Without going into specifics on actual dieting techniques, I will give some good general guidelines that are often overlooked, or simply not known. Here goes.

1. If you have a lot of weight to lose do NOT try and do it all at once. The maximal time I have trainees do fat loss diets are 12-16 weeks. And 16 weeks is the MAX. If you are not at your goal within 16 weeks, take 4-5 weeks and reefed. This does not mean eat all you want for the 4-5 weeks, it means add calories and perhaps carbs if doing a low/no carb diet and get your diet a bit over maintenance. This will allow your metabolism to rebound give you both a mental and physical break from dieting.

2. Crash dieting (extreme caloric restriction) rarely works. All it does is shut your metabolism down a very short time after you start the diet, and/or catabolizes a lot of muscle. Aim for a 400-600 calorie a day restriction, and along with reasonable cardio you will create a decent deficit. If you are already doing as much cardio as you can or care to, you may need a bigger caloric decrease. This all varies a LOT between people of different bodyweights and bodyfat compositions as well as the individuals metabolism. So while the suggested number will work for many people, it will not work for all.

3. If you are not weighing and logging your food at least some of the time, you are simply guessing about your diet approach. Guessing is fine I guess, if you want haphazard results. The average person is simply not good enough to “eyeball” their food and get it close enough. If you absolutely will not do this you had best ensure you eat the same basic things daily so if you are not getting the results you want, you can make changes at least off of a known quantity.

4. Be creative with your food and think outside the box when it comes to seasoning and food choices. So many people get stuck eating the same things that taste the same way day in and day out that it is no wonder they quit their diets. There will have to be sacrifices made, that is for sure. But you don’t have to make it so Spartan that the entire time dieting is an exercise in depravation.

5. Take your morning body temperate FIRST thing in the morning for 4 days in a row BEFORE starting a fat loss diet. This means BEFORE EATING and BEFORE ANY activity. Morning temp should be 97.5-98.1. If it is a bit lower that is fine. If it is consistently 96.5 or below, you should either postpone the diet until you get it back up by eating a bit more and if at all possible having your thyroid checked. Trying to start a diet with a severely slowed metabolism will make the diet a very difficult task. At 96.1, your metabolism is already slowed 15-25% for most people and to get at a number well below maintenance with your metabolism that dampened already will require a very low caloric and nutritional profile for YOUR body. Please take into mind that SOME people have a naturally lower basal body temperature, so what will appear as low for a normal person will be the norm for a person with the low body temperature type metabolism. These people are not the rule but the exception. Trying to diet with an already crippled metabolism rarely works and the calories and nutrients end up having to be so low that muscle is usually sacrificed. Continue to monitor temperature while dieting. If your body temperature plummets, you can bet your metabolic rate has also plummeted. Careful measurement can tell an experienced person when to either drop calories, or discontinue the diet for a short time to get metabolism back up and running correctly.

6. If you are not getting stronger while dieting—at least by small increases you likely have something out of balance with the workload, cardio, or caloric deficit/macro- profile. There is simply no reason to not be able to get at least a bit stronger unless you are at 8% or below, or are extremely advanced. Low and intermediate level lifters should be able to still make strength progress until about 8% or so bodyfat.

7. If you are dieting and do not do resistance training, you are much more likely to catabolize muscle tissue when losing weight. ANY type of resistance training including bodyweight exercises is better than none.

8. Unless you are doing circuit type training for overall conditioning and strength, using weight training to burn extra calories is misguided. People often go on cutting diets and increase their volume and frequency to “use more calories”. This is a very poor way of burning calories and the opposite of what should be done. Most people can use the same training volume they use when massing, others need to reduce it a good amount. Doing high volume/high frequency routines when dieting is a chief cause of muscle loss.

9. Train for strength when dieting. You are not likely to gain much muscle if you are on a cutting type diet opposed to a recomp. So doing hypertrophy specific type workload is not your best bet. A 10 x 10 may work well for size gains and some strength gains when massing, but is not likely optimal on a cut. Lower, to mid volume work with an emphasis on strength will allow neural gains to continue to occur thus allowing you to get stronger while dropping bodyfat.

10. Step diet when going to very low levels of bodyfat, or if you are a person who’s metabolism slows fast. Many people can start a diet at a reasonable caloric deficit and keep going a full 12-16 weeks and still drop fat the entire time at the same caloric level. Other people need to slowly adjust calories downwards every 4-6 weeks or so to keep bodyfat coming off.

11. If it “appears” that fat loss has stalled do NOT panic and drop calories drastically or increase cardio drastically. Most people’s bodies lose fat cyclically and also, at different stages of fat loss the ‘appearance” of bodyfat reduction “looks” more dramatic than at other stages. Wait at LEAST two weeks of no scale or mirror improvement to drop calories or increase cardio. This rule may not apply to people doing contest prep.

12. Fat loss does NOT come off most people in the areas they are usually most concerned about in the initial stages of a diet. For guys it typically comes off the extremities first and the waistline last. For most girls, upper body fat is lost first and lower body fat (thighs/butt) is the last place the body pulls from. Putting a tape measure around your waist for guys, and legs/butt for girls every week to measure fat loss will usually lead to a very frustrated dieter. As a trainer I have people tell me frequently they don’t think they are losing much weight during the initial stages of the diet, but after getting pictures or seeing them in person I point to their arms, legs (for guys) and face upper chest area and all of a sudden they notice all the separation and less fat in these areas that they failed to see before. People tend to just focus on the areas that they want to reduce while not understanding that the body sees the major fat storage areas as “survival” fuel and gives up that part of the bodies stored fat last.

13. Avoid stimulant fat burner supplements. These almost always produce an increase in stress hormone chemicals, primarily cortisol. High cortisol levels make it difficult for the body to burn fat, and tell the body to catabolize muscle tissue. There are plenty of non-stimulant based fat burning supplements that increase the rate of fat burning without promoting a stress response. Things like forskolin, TTA, and some of the mild thyroid boosting supplements along with ALCAR and other products that increase mitochondria output. Green tea has been proven to boost fat burning up to 4% by itself and has a wide variety of health benefits. Caffeine in reasonable quantities is acceptable even though it is technically a stimulant—just don’t go overboard with it.

14. Make sure you are getting a high dose of EFA’s (essential fatty acids) DAILY! This will help the fat come off faster, reduce overall protein needs a bit (difficult mechanism to understand so you will have to trust me on this) and ensure you remain healthy while dieting. 6 grams a day of fish oil should be a minimum.

15. If you are doing a diet that has a reasonable amount of carbs in it you can do HIIT cardio. If you are on an extremely low carb, or no carb diet you are better served by doing low intensity cardio. High intensity cardio requires glycogen for fuel. If you are already depleted on carbs the body will catabolize muscle to fuel your high intensity cardio sessions. You can bypass this to a certain degree by doing a PWO feeding after your HIIT sessions, but this is not really an option for the way many diets are laid out. BOTH methods work for fat loss—don’t let anyone tell you different. But they work by entirely different mechanisms and diet composition needs to be taken into account when planning cardio.

16. High impact cardio such as running is much more likely to result in muscle catabolism as the same degree of intensity done with low impact. Running while dieting is a poor combo for most people.

17. Once at a low caloric/nutrient level in the final stages of a diet it is often a better idea to increase low intensity cardio than to reduce calories.

18. When adding mass at least 1.5 grams per lb of bodyweight is needed for optimal mass gains. When dieting you can go as low as 1 gram per lb of bodyweight for guys, and .75 for girls. Going below this number is a primary reason why people lose muscle when dieting. If you are losing a lot of muscle when dieting, you are simply doing something or many things wrong.

19. Calories are NOT calories. You can gain fat while being on an under maintenance caloric level by simply having your macro nutrient profiles screwed up. I read a very well conducted study recently where they took over 1500 people and put them on a diet that was 1000 calories below maintenance levels and the primary macro-nutrient was fructose. The vast majority of the people actually GAINED bodyfat while eating 1000 calories less than maintenance levels. The scale weight went down, and when they tested body composition they determined the people had lost a lot of muscle while actually storing more bodyfat. Without going into diet details as this is not what this article is for, the simple take home message is carbs are not your friend on a fat loss diet. That is not conjecture, just basic physiology.

20. EFA’s and BCAA’s can be extremely helpful in muscle mass retention on a fat loss diet. That is an article unto itself. Do some research!

Hope this helps some people with their fat loss goals!

Iron Addict

note point #5. He also did say somehwere else that if your afternoon temp is in the 98s or just a tiny bit lower you're still fine even if you're burning a lot lower in the morning.

Last edited by Oleophobic; 03-09-2011 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:39 PM   #23
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biggest problem in my opinion is ........chest and shoulder only..... you need to build muscle all around your body to increase the fat burning process when you do cardio. It would helped if you did the other body parts. Also depends on your cardio regime, how hard are you going and whats your heart rate at. I tell you right now 10-15 mins cardio going at intervals helps alot more than going for 35 mins straight on a calm speed. Not sure what your diet is though.
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:50 PM   #24
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Excellent tips there TT, whoever you quoted is spot on, IMO. That should be posted in the main workout thread, or even a sticky
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:07 PM   #25
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I provided the source in my post.

He knows his stuff for sure. A lot of the info on his site with regards to dieting/massing, most of you already know anyway.
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