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Old 03-13-2011, 10:46 PM   #876
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Jap was used by the Americans to hate on the Japanese people - "The only good Jap is a dead Jap." I suppose Chinky, Chinky, Chinaman are short versions, too. Growing up in the DTES, being called that pissed me off to no end. Only words, but just knowing it is used in a way to fuck with someone is............... anyway, don't really wanna make it a big deal. I see the word Nammer, Honger, Chugs being used and it bothers me too. I hope I haven't used those words on RS myself.

I don't think anyone on RS intentionally want to use words that are hateful. I was just trying to point something out. At first, I was a little miffed seeing the word used in every sentence, then thought maybe a PM would be a better idea, but then it's probably something the person did not know, so better to mention it in the open <--- poor grammar, but WTF!

Sorry, ASG111.... didn't mean anything by it.
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:47 PM   #877
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
I used to never consider "Jap" to be derogatory when people say that it is i thought that they were crazy, being too PC for no reason

i thought the majority of people nowadays use Jap as an abbreviation for Japan (i mean look at it... it only makes sense)

I made sure to try and curb my usage too even though, i think, as with most, no ill will is meant by it

People that complain about the use of JAP on RS need to grow thicker skin.
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:51 PM   #878
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Originally Posted by ASG111 View Post
obviously Jap is hiding something and the hazards involved in this situation. That's no doubt about it at all. I think most people have a misunderstanding that the nuclear plant situation is caused by the earthquake and its aftershocks. Albeit it being somewhat true, the other fact that's not mentioned (least I don't think in public news) is that Jap has always been hiding the facts about the alteration of data within the nuclear plant. They have always been manipulating data, and several top management employees have already resigned over the years because of this data.

Also, the lifetime of this plant is suppose to be around 30 years, yet this was built in the 70s, so technically speaking, it's already past its life time but Jap gov is earning quite a bit of money from its resources in the plant, hence it's extending its supposed lifetime, increasing its risk for more problems to occur. This nuclear situation is obviously a cause of such, and not so much the earthquake problem at hand.

There is speculation also that, the Jap in its nuclear plant, is trying to develop its own nuclear weapons, which is prohibited by the world at large... and hence it has denied help from the US to come in to help them cool the plant. If you really think about, it makes sense, because the Jap is trying to solve their own issue, with attempts to fill it with sea water, when the US is much more experienced and can diffuse the situation much more quickly. So, the Jap is just basically trying to hide the fact that they are doing something illegal and behind everyone's backs, at their own Jap ppl's expense (Jap militants' lives).

Why would Japanese people need help with any type of technology? Ps3>xbox360.

You're trying to connect too many unrelated dots.
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fuck this shit, i'm out
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:52 PM   #879
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EDIT: No need to fuel the fire.
"there but for the grace of god go I"
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Last edited by MG1; 03-13-2011 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:53 PM   #880
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Originally Posted by DOHCVTEC View Post
Now a volcano in south Japan is resuming eruptions.
just found the video of it

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Old 03-13-2011, 11:05 PM   #881
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Originally Posted by Ch28 View Post

People that complain about the use of JAP on RS need to grow thicker skin.
Are you being serious? That's incredibly offensive & disrespectful. It's a racial slur.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:12 PM   #882
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Turn on your tv for 5 minutes and you'll hear worse.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:12 PM   #883
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anyone know if the canadian government is matching donations to the red cross?

i know they have done it in the past for relief efforts.

i'm still going to be donating either way, but it would be nice to see my donation doubled if possible.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:15 PM   #884
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He was obviously trying to be racist/troll.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:15 PM   #885
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only thing I've heard about canadian government is 5 field doctors from bc going over.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:16 PM   #886
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China sent a 15member rescue team and 4 tonnes of equipment to japan with a commitment for more if required/requested

its just nice to a helping hand is sent over regardless of what may be said/going on in the background

but supposedly there's the same bs we heard from trolls in the states in china too (retribution for ww2)
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:18 PM   #887
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Originally Posted by ASG111 View Post
the Jap is trying to solve their own issue, with attempts to fill it with sea water, when the US is much more experienced and can diffuse the situation much more quickly.

So, the Jap is just basically trying to hide the fact that they are doing something illegal and behind everyone's backs, at their own Jap ppl's expense (Jap militants' lives).
"the Jap"? You are a complete idiot.

Are you by chance related to Miss Teen South Carolina? Moron.

If you understood anything about Japan (and countries in general), you would understand why they are not seeking much help with the reactor. Do you think the US would be bringing in Japanese specialists to fix a problem at one of their reactors? Not likely. Would Russia bring in Americans? Would China bring in Indians?

Could you imagine the loss of face..."Um, we can't handle this situation, America please turn off this power plant for us"

If you don't understand what I am talking about, don't bother trying to.

Is it right or best for the populace? probably not, but its just the way it is.

That said, I really hope the problem is solved asap.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:27 PM   #888
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Originally Posted by Hurricane View Post
"the Jap"? You are a complete idiot.

Are you by chance related to Miss Teen South Carolina? Moron.

If you understood anything about Japan (and countries in general), you would understand why they are not seeking much help with the reactor. Do you think the US would be bringing in Japanese specialists to fix a problem at one of their reactors? Not likely. Would Russia bring in Americans? Would China bring in Indians?

Could you imagine the loss of face..."Um, we can't handle this situation, America please turn off this power plant for us"

If you don't understand what I am talking about, don't bother trying to.

Is it right or best for the populace? probably not, but its just the way it is.

That said, I really hope the problem is solved asap.
I don't think it's even that but Japan is 1st world country with 1st world resources, 1st world technology and 1st World education.

I don't mean to belittle 3rd world countries but it's not like helping a 3rd World Country in a crisis who don't have the same level of human & technological resources and aptitude.

At least that's what I make of it (with respect to resolving the power plant issue).
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:31 PM   #889
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so a crane "physically" fell apart at the nuclear plant and created a explosion when hitting a fuel tank. i can think only one of 2 reasons that could of made it collapse.. the earthquakes or radiation? eating away at it(but the radiation would of eaten other away at other things?). also reactor 2 at plant that had 2 explosions is now having cooling problems and they dont know if they can keep the water level high enough for the rods anymore. the energy official said they are "gravely worried"
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:34 PM   #890
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Originally Posted by Senna4ever View Post
Are you being serious? That's incredibly offensive & disrespectful. It's a racial slur.
Agreed. That's like saying I can use the word Nigger freely.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:37 PM   #891
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Originally Posted by dbaz View Post
so a crane "physically" fell apart at the nuclear plant and created a explosion when hitting a fuel tank. i can think only one of 2 reasons that could of made it collapse.. the earthquakes or radiation? eating away at it(but the radiation would of eaten other away at other things?). also reactor 2 at plant that had 2 explosions is now having cooling problems and they dont know if they can keep the water level high enough for the rods anymore. the energy official said they are "gravely worried"

god damn... this is really turning into a much much bigger disaster

from reuters coverage
Japan's chief cabinet secretary Edano says so far there is no radiation level rise at the Fukushima plant after the explosion, reported earlier. Edano confirms the Fukushima No. 2 reactor cooling functions have stopped, water levels are falling and they are preparing to pour sea water into the No. 2 reactor.


oh and Charlie Sheen is donating $$ to japan (apparently he normally donates millions to charities)
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:40 PM   #892
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Originally Posted by ASG111 View Post
obviously Jap is hiding something and the hazards involved in this situation. That's no doubt about it at all. I think most people have a misunderstanding that the nuclear plant situation is caused by the earthquake and its aftershocks.


Also, the lifetime of this plant is suppose to be around 30 years, yet this was built in the 70s, so technically speaking, it's already past its life time but Jap gov is earning quite a bit of money from its resources in the plant, hence it's extending its supposed lifetime, increasing its risk for more problems to occur. This nuclear situation is obviously a cause of such, and not so much the earthquake problem at hand.
In addition to everything else, this shows a lack of understanding of what actually happened here and what's happening now.

You're partly right, the earthquake didn't cause the problem directly: the quake knocked out the main power to the pumps for the cooling water for the reactors; the tsunami took out the backup systems that kept the pumps going. The situation has little to do with the age or designed lifespan of the plant, as nothing "broke down" on its own.

A typical nuclear reactor is a pretty simple design: fuel rods (really, long tubes filled with "pellets" of nuclear materials) are arranged close together and loaded with nuclear fuel - close enough to sustain a chain reaction, not close enough and not with enough fissile material to allow an uncontrolled chain reaction (such as that in a fission bomb). The tubes are formed in a material called a "moderator", something that "encourages" the free flow of neutrons, to aid the reaction.

In between these tubes are other tubes where they can drop in "control rods" - rods of a material that absorbs neutrons, usually boron or something containing boron. When the control rods are in place between the fuel rods, the neutrons that create and maintain the chain reaction are absorbed, thus reducing or ultimately stopping the reaction. The speed of the reaction, and the heat generated, can be finely controlled by adjusting the placement of these rods.

Electricity is generated in the oldest way known: the heat from the reaction creates steam, which spins turbines, which turn generators. This part of the system is no different than coal-, gas-, wood-, or garbage-fired generation; the only difference is where the heat comes from.

In this instance, with no cooling water, the fuel rods in the core begin to overheat... if the control rods don't stop the reaction in time, the chain reaction continues unabated, the heat increases... control rods melt, reaction continues... etc.

There's actually little or no danger of a nuclear explosion, since there's just not enough nuclear fuel used to reach critical mass. What can happen, is a hydrogen explosion (like we've already seen), or a simple steam explosion (caused by the fuel mass contacting a large quantity of water - picture throwing hot coals from a campfire into a bucket of water), blasting the containment building open, and releasing radioactive material into the air. As the mass of molten fuel melts through the core of the reactor, it can actually melt through the floor, through the ground, through the bedrock, and contact groundwater, also causing a steam explosion. This is where the term "meltdown" comes from.
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Does anyone know how many to a signature?
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Not a sebberry post goes by where I don't frown and think to myself "so..?"
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:45 PM   #893
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US military troops are moving out of the area (after heading there for support) because they're detecting high levels of radiation

USS Carrier Ronald Reagan Moved After Detecting Radioactive Plume Off Japan
Ship's Crew Was Exposed to Low Level of Radiation

March 14, 2011

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and other US Navy ships in the waters off the quake zone in eastern Japan were repositioned after the detection of a low-level radiation plume from the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant located 100 miles away.

According to 7th Fleet Commander and Spokesman Jeff Davis, the ships were moved away from the downwind direction of the plant as a precautionary measure on Sunday.

The carrier is one of seven US Navy ships that were quickly moved to the eastern coast of Japan to assist with relief operations after Friday's earthquake and tsunami.

The ship's crew was exposed to a very low level of radiation.

"The maximum potential radiation dose received by any ship's force personnel aboard the ship when it passed through the area was less than the radiation exposure received from about one month of exposure to natural background radiation from sources such as rocks, soil, and the sun," Davis said.

According to Davis, the radiation was first detected by air particulate detectors aboard three helicopters located 60 miles away from the shoreline.

The helicopters were returning to the carrier from a relief mission to the quake and tsunami ravaged city of Sendai.

Detectors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan also sounded while it was located 100 miles north east of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Low amounts of radioactive materials have been released into the atmosphere as plant officials desperately try to prevent a meltdown of the nuclear cores at two of the plant's reactors.

Davis said the source of the radiation was a radioactive plume emitted by the plant.

After the helicopters landed on the carrier, radioactive contamination was found on the exterior surface of three aircrafts.

Following decontamination protocols, the 17 crewmembers aboard and the three helicopters were tested and found to have been exposed to low levels of radiation.

Most of the radiation was found on the crewmembers clothes, but radiation was detected on the skin of one of the crewmembers.

The low level radioactivity from affected personnel was removed by washing with soap and water. Their clothes were also discarded.

They were subsequently surveyed and no further contamination was detected.

A US official said the ship has now moved north, away from where the radiation was detected and the ship's helicopters are not flying until a mitigating strategy to reduce exposure to the ships' crews is determined. Davis stressed that the commitment to the relief mission will continue.

"We remain totally committed to our mission of providing assistance to the people of Japan," he said.

the 7th fleets press release

Last edited by StylinRed; 03-13-2011 at 11:53 PM.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:50 PM   #894
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Originally Posted by dbaz View Post
so a crane "physically" fell apart at the nuclear plant and created a explosion when hitting a fuel tank. i can think only one of 2 reasons that could of made it collapse.. the earthquakes or radiation? eating away at it(but the radiation would of eaten other away at other things?).
Earthquake. Radiation doesn't work that way.

also reactor 2 at plant that had 2 explosions is now having cooling problems and they dont know if they can keep the water level high enough for the rods anymore. the energy official said they are "gravely worried"
They're dumping seawater in there now, according to Reuters.
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:55 PM   #895
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Honda and Toyota are suspending/suspended operations for now
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:01 AM   #896
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Originally Posted by Blinky View Post
Earthquake. Radiation doesn't work that way.
yea wasnt sure about the radiaton, i know the meltdown can destroy shit like the helicopter in chernobyl but didnt know how it completely worked
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:04 AM   #897
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This video is incredible but so very sad. Standing in the middle of the tsunami as it tears through the town.
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:05 AM   #898
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Strong chance of 7.0 earthquake in coming days
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:29 AM   #899
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
Honda and Toyota are suspending/suspended operations for now
Nissan too and Sony

supposedly Toshiba facilities were hit hard by the quake/tsunami

Suzuki, Canon, Nippon Steel, etc etc say their companies were hurt by the earthquake/tsunami
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:41 AM   #900
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and nikon's sendai plant.
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