Hey everyone, I know many of you (as well as myself) probably get a lot of news from revscene... But when your bored and want some news to read on your smartphone or tablet, what do you use?
The reason why i'm asking is because i'm working on promoting the PressReader app by NewspaperDirect (company is based in Richmond) and i'm trying to figure out some suggestions on how to improve the app and maybe get some feedback from a receptive audience.
Anyways asides from that, I also use metro, news360, and cracked
Not to be biased, but I use PressReader the most on my ipad because it gives you the full newspaper (including comics, crosswords, classifieds, etc.) But tend to use metro and news360 more when i'm on my iphone.
What do you think :P
p.s. If you want to try using pressreader theres a free trial where you can download 7 publications of your choice (something like 1800 to choose from