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hal0g0dv2 12-21-2011 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Alpha v2 (Post 7733998)
do they give samples of these anywhere?
Posted via RS Mobile

popeyes should
and fuel

hal0g0dv2 12-24-2011 12:21 PM

Vitol Russian Bear 5000 Weight Gainer at Lowest Prices for Russian Bear 5000 Weight Gainer

Excelsis 12-24-2011 12:27 PM

184 grams of protein per serving!
2600 calories


G-spec 12-24-2011 12:46 PM

^ holy fck, that's almost 2 day serving of calories for me... I don't go over 1500 a day...
weight gainers are weight gainers though

age old question always cracks me up.... would you rather be a toothpick and weightgain work yourself out to a muscular frame, or be overweight or have to slim yourself down to the same frame....

which one you guys think is harder ?

Excelsis 12-24-2011 12:47 PM

??? 1500 are you trying to cut like crazy ???

G-spec 12-24-2011 12:51 PM

yea, trying to go from around 10% body fat down to 5%

EDIT: whoops forgot to shoutout, Oxy Elite Pro it helped me get from something like 16% down to around 10%

Excelsis 12-24-2011 12:56 PM

unless you're going for competition where you need to be under a strict diet i wouldn't do it, you're going to lose a lot of muscle that way; your energy will start coming from muscles and not carbs

G-spec 12-24-2011 01:08 PM

I hear ya Alpha but I'm not that concerned about muscle loss, my body naturally good at keepin my frame and size the way it is no matter what I do... I was 5'10 and lean 170lbs+ in like grade 8, good family genes..
My only goals are to keep my fat between 5% and 10% for as many years as I can, and training to turn on as many fast twitch muscle fibers as I can for explosiveness, not really about massive size.

What are you guys working out for ? just for the looks & health benefit? or is it for sport performance, hockey or whatever ??

Excelsis 12-24-2011 01:16 PM

because humans are meant to be strong and not sit their lazy asses watching tv all day ;)

hal0g0dv2 12-24-2011 02:31 PM

5% body fat w0w
good luck

SkinnyPupp 12-24-2011 06:43 PM

5% wow is that just so you can say you did it? Or is there a guy you're looking to impress? ;)

SkinnyPupp 12-24-2011 07:46 PM

Phenibut :sweetjesus:

G-spec 12-24-2011 10:01 PM

just basically a personal goal to keep me motivated, I don't know of any athlete that doesn't have one.... we all need'em because when we start settling, that's when we get sloppy...

I was tank measured at 7% few years back in europe when I was playin ball, and the team wasn't even lifting all that much, well the smaller guards like me anyway, only the forwards and centers were... I figure now that I'm lifting few times a week should be doable by summertime
I dont know how accurate the tank was though at the time, it's usually one of the better testing forms

SkinnyPupp 12-24-2011 10:36 PM

I know you're scurred of deadlifts, but you should do them. For serious. Buy Starting Strength and go get strong.
Posted via RS Mobile

hal0g0dv2 12-25-2011 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by G-spec (Post 7737533)
just basically a personal goal to keep me motivated, I don't know of any athlete that doesn't have one.... we all need'em because when we start settling, that's when we get sloppy...

I was tank measured at 7% few years back in europe when I was playin ball, and the team wasn't even lifting all that much, well the smaller guards like me anyway, only the forwards and centers were... I figure now that I'm lifting few times a week should be doable by summertime
I dont know how accurate the tank was though at the time, it's usually one of the better testing forms

Tank is pretty accurate
Posted via RS Mobile

Phozy 12-25-2011 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by G-spec (Post 7737137)
I hear ya Alpha but I'm not that concerned about muscle loss, my body naturally good at keepin my frame and size the way it is no matter what I do... I was 5'10 and lean 170lbs+ in like grade 8, good family genes..
My only goals are to keep my fat between 5% and 10% for as many years as I can, and training to turn on as many fast twitch muscle fibers as I can for explosiveness, not really about massive size.

What are you guys working out for ? just for the looks & health benefit? or is it for sport performance, hockey or whatever ??

I workout because it keeps me disciplined and gives me a sense of self confidence and accomplishment, something that I lacked and lost. Also for all the little things like looks, health, and strength. I do more strength training than hypertrophy, rather be strong-lean then bulky/lift as much as the guy who's 50lbs lighter
Posted via RS Mobile

hal0g0dv2 12-26-2011 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by G-spec (Post 7737104)
^ holy fck, that's almost 2 day serving of calories for me... I don't go over 1500 a day...
weight gainers are weight gainers though

age old question always cracks me up.... would you rather be a toothpick and weightgain work yourself out to a muscular frame, or be overweight or have to slim yourself down to the same frame....

which one you guys think is harder ?

gaining weight is a bitch when you are 180 and 6'7
but just like anything it takes time and goals

G-spec 12-27-2011 08:28 PM

^ let's swap lol, i'm 6'1 and ALWAYS wanted to be exactly 6'7, it's the ideal height for the position I play in basketball

kevin7352 12-27-2011 09:05 PM

I'm 5'6 quit complaining :okay:

Nvasion 12-28-2011 09:37 PM

broke out the MP Assault orange mango and its so good taste wise!!!!!!!!! pretty good pump too

truth 12-29-2011 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Nvasion (Post 7741509)
broke out the MP Assault orange mango and its so good taste wise!!!!!!!!! pretty good pump too

same here first dose yesterday, 1/2 scoop 30 mins before workout and i felt it halfway through my workout. near the end i just felt like i could go on for another hour. felt very focused (sometimes i daydream between sets) and increased energy. rasp lemonade is pretty good. waiting for it to kick in right now..

never tried any preworkouts before

Excelsis 12-29-2011 01:58 PM

maybe i should go and try assault, seems like some people tolerant of stimulants are enjoying the pump from it..

or maybe it's just a placebo effect :suspicious:

hotong 12-30-2011 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Alpha v2 (Post 7742558)
maybe i should go and try assault, seems like some people tolerant of stimulants are enjoying the pump from it..

or maybe it's just a placebo effect :suspicious:

if you are immune to all pre workout try spike shooter + beta alanine shit will fuck you up

mc25 12-30-2011 09:52 AM

fuuuuuuuuuu BB where are my supplements:suspicious:

Excelsis 12-30-2011 10:04 AM

it has 1000 mg of caffeine in it which is just a bit more than razor8, doubt it lol

on my list is assault next but need to try a sample
Posted via RS Mobile

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