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SkinnyPupp 01-11-2012 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by ed99 (Post 7758955)
Was curious if anyone had tried hydro builder from ON. If so, who is selling it? I tried looking for it and no one appears to carry it.
Posted via RS Mobile

I got a free tub. It's basically protein + creatine, don't bother.

Excelsis 01-11-2012 09:45 PM

skinny, how will beta alanine improve your endurance and any real significance?

SkinnyPupp 01-11-2012 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Alpha v2 (Post 7758966)
skinny, how will beta alanine improve your endurance and any real significance?

I don't think it helps with endurance, just recovery.

nns 01-13-2012 06:37 AM

I know people have recommended Opti-men as a multi vitamin in the past. Is there any other multi I should consider?

Also, I recall when I first started taking fish oil, I would feel well rested when I woke up in the morning. I didn't feel like I was still tired. But when I stopped taking it for about a week, when I started again, I didn't have that well rested feeling anymore. I slept the same amount of hours (8), but I'd feel tired again in the morning.

I realize this may sound bizarre, but would taking a multi vitamin make things better in the morning for me?

gdoh 01-13-2012 07:38 AM

i like orange triad by controlled labs better than opti men

AAnthony 01-13-2012 02:43 PM


Fobman 01-13-2012 03:25 PM

i take animal pak for vitamins so much fuking pills to take

AAnthony 01-13-2012 06:57 PM


SkinnyPupp 01-13-2012 07:01 PM

I'm a bit of a marketing freak, I like to observe how things are marketed. And I have to say out of all the supplement companies, I don't think anyone does it better than Universal

RRxtar 01-13-2012 07:28 PM

from what ive been reading about beta alanine, it basically helps your muscles delay the 'burn' a little bit (in normal person terms) so you might be able to run a little farther, or lift an extra rep. where as creatine may allow you to lift an extra 10%. apparently both together are deadly. i cant wait to start my next creatine cycle.

i havent felt the BA tingle yet. been spreading it out thru the day, will try a bigger dose before the gym next time.

RRxtar 01-13-2012 07:28 PM

for those asking about multi's


How to select a multi and why yours is probably garbage!

I'm sick of seeing threads on what multi to buy and then reading responses suggesting the latest crap on the market as the best. The truth is most of the multi's today are a complete waste of money and not even worth taking so I decided to make this thread telling everyone how to select a multi. Hopefully it can be bumped often so people don't need to start new threads.

The FIRST ingredient you need to look at is the vitamin B12. The reason this is the most important is because 1) it's the most expensive component in the multi and 2) it needs to be in high enough doses to be effective. B12 powers your nerves and liver function and you need a lot more than the government recommended amount (6mcg).

The cheap, inexpensive form of B12 is called cyanocobalamin. This is an inert form of B12 meaning that the cobalamin molecule has been stabilized with a cyanide molecule. This is bad because when your body has to metabolize it, it breaks it down, strips away the front end molecule (which is cyanide) and then you have to detoxify that cyanide.

So why is this bad? Because first you have to detoxify the cyanide and then it robs energy from your cells just to make it useful which is difficult if you are tired, stressed etc. Not ideal when cutting.

What you want to look for is a co-enzyme form of B12. Methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. The methylcobalamin is exactly what your liver uses as methylation reactions which power a lot of your natural biochemistry. Adenosylcobalamin is used to assemble proteins in your body and is a key marker of aging. If you don't have enough adenosylcobalamin your body can't make proteins and ages much faster.

So why is this better? Well if you have a form of a vitamin that is exactly what your body uses then it goes right into your metabolism and does its job.

So what if it's a blend of methyl and cyano etc? Well, this is simply the company being deceptive. Methylcobalamin costs literally 10 times the amount as cyanocobalamin so the company wants to use as much as the cheap stuff as possible but still have the word methylcobalamin on their label so you think it's good quality.

Food based nutrients (greens supplements).

Lets look at chlorella first. What does it do? It absorbs toxins, metals and lead etc. Perfect if you eat a lot of tuna because it will help absorb/break down the mercury in the tuna. Quality all depends on where it's sourced. Does it come from the centre of a lake or does it come from irrigation channels dug around the lake? Is it grown hydroponically? This is important because you don't want your chlorella to be laced with mercury and other crap when that's the reason you're taking it in the first place.


Lettuce be reality, all minerals are natural so that's not something to be worried about. What you want to look for is how the mineral is structured. So when a plant absorbs minerals and builds them into its structure we get organic minerals which are biologically bound in a way which is more compatible to how we, as humans, have evolved. Iron is a perfect example of this. If you're getting iron through your water for instance, that's going to be a highly reactive compound, potentially toxic and destructive to health. However, if you get iron from something like spinach, it's been structured with proteins and is in a form that your body knows what to do with it. So you want a form connected to proteins or a form biologically bound to something your body uses in its metabolism.


Magnesium is in short supply in our food and is a critical mineral to your health for your heart, muscles etc.

Magnesium oxide is the cheap form of magnesium. The oxide itself is oxygen generating compound so when your body has to use it, it strips the oxide from the magnesium before it can use it and now you have oxides in your system. So how do you get rid of oxides? You use antioxidants (vitamin c, vitamin e, beta carotene etc). Why on earth would you want to waste your antioxidants on something you just took for your health? Makes no sense at all. Inert forms of magnesium such as magnesium gluconate, which is a sugar containing molecule of magnesium, is about 10% magnesium and 90% glucose. Not at all what your body needs.

So what are the higher quality forms of magnesium? Magnesium bis-glycinate which is magnesium double bonded to the amino acid glycine. This is the most expensive form of magnesium you can buy. So what does it do? Well, it's absorbed as a food, it doesn't even need to bind to mineral receptors. This is good because if your body isn't working quite right or you have competition for mineral absorption it doesn't matter. Next, because it's bonded to glycine it goes to your liver to help detoxification and to your nervous system to help it relax. So the magnesium goes straight in with it. This is critically important in people who are fatigued because cells all over your body have to pump magnesium inside themselves. However, the pump needs magnesium to work in the first place so if you're deficient in magnesium and your pump doesn't work you can take magnesium oxide until you're blue in the face and none of it will make it to your cells because you can't get it there. So the best way to make magnesium is to chelate it with things that go into cells. We also have magnesium malate (malic acid). Malic acid is the best compound on earth for muscle fatigue. Perfect for athletes. It will delay the onset of lactic acid so great for cutting and doing cardio.

What to look out for.

Amino acid chelate. This sounds great and it does absorb better but what is it? Well usually it's hydrolysed soy protein and you still don't know what form of magnesium was bound to that soy protein. Some companies use calcium formate which is a chemical used to accelerate concrete hardening. Not good.

Forms of multivitamins.

Capsules vs tablets? Capsules break down easier and it's easier to absorb the nutrients in them. Vege caps are the best hands down because the vegetable fibre they are made of comes from a nice vegetarian source. Gelatin is fine too but there have been a few scares that they may contain mad cow disease (gelatin comes from beef). Overall though, not something to worry about. Tablets generally use a glue like substance to hold it all together. Usually this is dicalcium phosphate which sounds nice but it's essentially just a glue. Then you have to coat the tablet and companies generally use a coloured coating which is intended to mask the smell. After that you need to glaze the tablet and companies use what's called pharmaceutical glaze (shellac) which comes from a bug. Tablets also tend to just run right through people due to the fact they are basically like a tiny piece of cement all glued together.

I hope this helps a few people out.


Read the thread or continue wasting your money on worthless vitamins.
How to select a multi and why yours is probably garbage! - Forums

AAnthony 01-14-2012 03:34 PM

I can't get over how good this watermelon amino energy is ... it's like adult kool-aid

Woke up this morning with a sore elbow, so I had a mouthful of nutra-sea fishoil and a protein shake ... BIG mistake! It felt like my stomach was getting eaten away, I spent the whole day in bed because of it. I always read that you need food with fish oil, but today I found out why. Learn from my mistake people! :thumbsup:

Excelsis 01-14-2012 04:37 PM

i guess muscle pharm's multivitamins would best fit that criteria

i never bought multi vitamins, but i wonder how they would help..

naah, probably same deal as pwo's :fuckthatshit:

PK6o4* 01-14-2012 08:30 PM

lol dude i think pre workouts are best for people who have trouble motivating themselves to get to the gym and stuff or are tired often from work, and can lift more in comparison to when they dont take it and are tired, if u already are having good workouts without it then there is no need for u to take it imo

@skinnypupp, i am considering trying out a creatine and BA stack, i do not know much about beta alanine and what brands are good or what to look for when buying it, any in particular you recommend?

and correct me if im wrong
-5g creatine mono daily
-8g BA daily, 4g at a time


strykn 01-14-2012 08:47 PM

Picking up some beta alanine next week pretty excited

PK6o4* 01-14-2012 08:53 PM

what kind?

i read this one is pretty good Athletic Edge Nutrition IntraXCell at Lowest Prices for IntraXCell

RRxtar 01-14-2012 11:34 PM

multis arent to make you lift more. they are to make sure you're getting full amounts of vitamins and minerals to keep you HEALTHY. youre not supposed to 'feel' them working

RRxtar 01-14-2012 11:40 PM

dont buy BA caps. i did that because it was all popeyes had.

buy powder.

and like creatine, dont buy "this is our fancy magic version" crap. get straight 100% beta alanine from a larger supplement company

like this for a quick example.

AllMax Nutrition Beta-Alanine at Lowest Prices for Beta-Alanine

SkinnyPupp 01-14-2012 11:48 PM

Yeah buy the cheapest pure version from a brand you trust. I usually buy NOW

8g is sufficient for around 180-200 lbs. If you are lighter you could probably use a bit less
Posted via RS Mobile

RRxtar 01-15-2012 12:11 AM

cannot stress enough the importance of buying supps from a major and trusted brand.

nns 01-15-2012 09:27 AM

I'm thinking of trying Orange Triad. Does anybody here take it now? How is it?

Excelsis 01-15-2012 12:14 PM

according to rrxstar's criteria for the best vitamin supplement it's either the orange triad one or assault's vitamins..

i don't know how much vitamins i'm getting from my vegetables but if you feel good anyway any point in taking them?

XplicitLuder 01-15-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by RRxtar (Post 7761429)
multis arent to make you lift more. they are to make sure you're getting full amounts of vitamins and minerals to keep you HEALTHY. youre not supposed to 'feel' them working

this. i take a nutrilite multi-vitamin and its kept me healthy as fuark so far. normally in my family i was the first one to get sick always and got bashed on by my uncle cus then id get the rest of the fam sick lol since taking them in sept, i haven't been sick once while the family has had the flu at least twice. And i've been making out wit my gf when she's sick and im still healthy :badpokerface:

strykn 01-15-2012 12:28 PM

no point of taking multis unless u cellteching + orals

hal0g0dv2 01-15-2012 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alpha v2 (Post 7761795)
according to rrxstar's criteria for the best vitamin supplement it's either the orange triad one or assault's vitamins..

i don't know how much vitamins i'm getting from my vegetables but if you feel good anyway any point in taking them?

do you ever get sick, i have taken vit D for about 5 years now and i have never been sick or anything. vitamin d is money about 3000iu- 5000iu a day and u r set to go

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