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wreckless 04-01-2012 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Alpha v2 (Post 7871596)
how are you expecting to bulk


i'm just not sure which carbs to eat throughout the day without putting on fat.

thats why i figured a carb shake would help.

hal0g0dv2 04-01-2012 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by wreckless (Post 7871700)

i'm just not sure which carbs to eat throughout the day without putting on fat.

thats why i figured a carb shake would help.

the one you posted is only close to 700 calories.
trying eating oat meal with peanut butter on top that will be close to 700 calories right there, or eat whole wheat pasta, gainers are pointless when food is right beside you

maybe if u are already eating 5000 calories and want 1000 liquid calories then yeah but start with food

Supafly 04-02-2012 06:55 AM

So I went and bought an out of the ordinary PreWO....
"Bull Dose Extreme"

Heres my review on it....coming from a late 1MR user.

The Pumps: I like it....I was lifting heavier and for a longer duration....deff noticed the change when not on pwo...did chest yesterday, and up'd the weights by 10lbs on the dumbells and up'd my machine bench by

The Buzz: Wasn't really buzzing....just meh...but had energy to work the heavy bag for 20mins after my chest/back workout.

Taste: Grape. I liked it...kinda tasted like those fizz candy thingys.

Mixability: Hrmm.....25gr in 8oz of water, there was a little bit of floaties but nothing an extra oz of water swished around couldnt clean up.

After effects: Didnt get a crash after; so that was a bonus. Took at 300pm, was still up at 1130pm....might tone down the dosage by a couple of grams.

Will comeback for a results review in 3 weeks.

infin8 04-02-2012 12:55 PM

My Current stack:

Fish Oil
Multi Vitamin
EGCg (Green tea extract)
Creatine Mono
Jack3d/MP Assault

RacingMetro92 04-03-2012 10:07 PM

Anyone have any suggestions for supplements for someone trying to start cutting? Also, would it be a good idea to replace meals with protein shakes? If so, what brand works, there are a ton out there and I don't want to burn money on something that isn't good.

gdoh 04-04-2012 08:30 AM

for cutting id have to say:
multi vitamin

i dont think replacing meals with protein would a very good idea, food > shakes

hal0g0dv2 04-04-2012 09:09 AM

Yeah don't live off shakes u will be a skinny faggot and not the good one

RacingMetro92 04-04-2012 09:45 AM

Alright. Any good multivitamins/supplements you guys recommend? I've been looking into optimen but other Han that for stuff like greens, proteins and bcaa I'm ignorant and just going off ratings from I'm 255 right now and I'm looking to go down to 225 before going up again (training for rugby to get fit and change positions)

BlackV62K2 04-04-2012 09:50 AM

I like Orange Triad for a multi.

gdoh 04-04-2012 09:53 AM

^ +1 for orange triad

greens - controlled labs

bcaa - scivation

hal0g0dv2 04-04-2012 10:53 AM

10 pounds 76

RacingMetro92 04-04-2012 11:35 AM

^looks like good value. Would I still need to pick up a separate bcaa? Description of it says it already has them.

hal0g0dv2 04-04-2012 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Form>Function (Post 7875194)
^looks like good value. Would I still need to pick up a separate bcaa? Description of it says it already has them.

yeah i would
pills works good

gdoh 04-04-2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Form>Function (Post 7875194)
^looks like good value. Would I still need to pick up a separate bcaa? Description of it says it already has them.

correct me if im wrong but it says aminos per 100g of protein and 1 scoop = 34g so wouldnt all those values be divided by about 3 per scoop?

and i think quite a few proteins have aminos but not very much for anything

just get scivation bcaa =]

RacingMetro92 04-04-2012 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by gdoh (Post 7875203)
correct me if im wrong but it says aminos per 100g of protein and 1 scoop = 34g so wouldnt all those values be divided by about 3 per scoop?

and i think quite a few proteins have aminos but not very much for anything

just get scivation bcaa =]

Thanks for the advice.

And by bcaa you mean this stuff right? SciVation Xtend at Lowest Prices for Xtend

Excelsis 04-04-2012 02:06 PM

I don't think bcaa's are not useful whatsoever, if you have pwo to last you through the workout, why the fuck do you need bcaa's...

also switching to now multi's NOW ADAM at Lowest Prices for ADAM

red kryptonite 04-04-2012 03:45 PM

Can I mix 2 different brands of fish oil?
Is it ok/beneficial exceed the recommended amount?

I just started taking Controlled Lab's Orange Oximega fish oil, at $20 a month. My friend told me, since I'm working out hard, I should be taking more than 4caps a day. I should up it to 6caps. So what was $20 a month has turned to $30. He said if I wanna save a few extra bucks, and I do (protein, pwo, multivits, fish oil, green tea extract plus a gym pass all adds up to be pretty expensive) I can just go buy those no name brand at Costco or Walmart $500 caps for $20 and mix the 2. So 3caps of the Controlled Lab and 3caps of no name.$

Any truth to this, or is it just bro-science?

Excelsis 04-04-2012 09:29 PM

Driven Sports Craze Supplement Class Action Lawsuit

lol, but i doubt that it really has them in it, prolly some other company wants to put them down

Recon604 04-04-2012 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by red kryptonite (Post 7875429)
Can I mix 2 different brands of fish oil?
Is it ok/beneficial exceed the recommended amount?

I just started taking Controlled Lab's Orange Oximega fish oil, at $20 a month. My friend told me, since I'm working out hard, I should be taking more than 4caps a day. I should up it to 6caps. So what was $20 a month has turned to $30. He said if I wanna save a few extra bucks, and I do (protein, pwo, multivits, fish oil, green tea extract plus a gym pass all adds up to be pretty expensive) I can just go buy those no name brand at Costco or Walmart $500 caps for $20 and mix the 2. So 3caps of the Controlled Lab and 3caps of no name.$

Any truth to this, or is it just bro-science?

increasin ur caps of fish oil will do no dmg to u. omega 3 is fatty acid and it helps repair muscles. So if you have a good and hard workout, it will help you lots. Doesnt matter where you get fish oil, its just controlled lab's fish oil has more omega 3 in them than any brand names u get at Costco or any drugstores. Tats why controlled labs costs lil more.

If you want to save money, I say go buy no name brands. At very least your still intakin omega 3.

SkinnyPupp 04-05-2012 12:22 AM

Don't buy cheap fish oil :rukidding:

Recon604 04-05-2012 07:31 AM

jamieson fish oil compared to controlled labs is a cheap brand too, the fish oil is g2g.

read :
Costco fish oil is alright to use and is cheap. He wants to save money so tbh you can buy cheaper fish oils for yourself.

gdoh 04-05-2012 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Form>Function (Post 7875322)
Thanks for the advice.

And by bcaa you mean this stuff right? SciVation Xtend at Lowest Prices for Xtend

thats the one

Recon604 04-05-2012 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by gdoh (Post 7876100)
thats the one

dont waste your money on that... its a intraworkout drink so your suppose to drink it while you are working out and it pumps you up by givin u more energy and focus.

I personally think intraworkout is just a way for supplement companys to earn more money. If you need more energy, get preworkout drink. Now if your buyin tat for jus bcaa, I recommend tat you dont. BCAA is over hyped, you dont need more of it (most of them are uselesss). Whey protein already contains the essential amino acids.

SkinnyPupp 04-05-2012 08:18 AM

One thing about ordering from t-nation is that the bottles look so much bigger on the site than they actually are :fuckthatshit:

gdoh 04-05-2012 08:20 AM

i drink it when i train jiu jitsu and it works god for me. i dont want to have a pre work out for training only if im super tired i might. but imo it works great keeps me hydrated and now it has electrolytes so even better

and whey protein doesnt have much aminos in them

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