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Jas29 12-06-2012 09:23 PM

whats a good protein powder was looking at buying Optimum: Gold Standard 100% Whey and does the Vanilla Ice Cream flavour not taste good it has the lowest rating on

hal0g0dv2 12-06-2012 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jas29 (Post 8100681)
whats a good protein powder was looking at buying Optimum: Gold Standard 100% Whey and does the Vanilla Ice Cream flavour not taste good it has the lowest rating on

any flavor is pretty good from ON it is pretty pricey tho for just protein
could go with something like this

100% Whey Power by Foundation Series - Lowest Prices for 100% Whey Power!

10 pounds for 80bucks is solid

protein powder is basic they are all more or less the same imo

slow-fastback 12-06-2012 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jas29 (Post 8100681)
whats a good protein powder was looking at buying Optimum: Gold Standard 100% Whey and does the Vanilla Ice Cream flavour not taste good it has the lowest rating on

Taste wise, ON is not that great. Mixes well though. I had french vanilla (gross imo) and extreme milk chocolate (was decent).

Just tried BSN Syntha-6 in cookies n cream and choco pb cup. Both tasted excellent. I assume their vanilla should be good as well.

Apparently "Giant Sports" Vanilla actually tastes like real vanilla, but I have yet to try that.

Recon604 12-06-2012 09:39 PM

i use ON 100% Extreme Chocolate, tastes good.

tubbyboi 12-08-2012 10:54 PM

if i decide to take another brand of creatine, should i be letting i let myself off creatine for a period of time before starting to take a new brand? or should it be okay for me to just get started?

Thanks in advanced.

PK6o4* 12-09-2012 01:00 AM

shud be gud
Posted via RS Mobile

edit- if ny1s interested

fs: sealed musclepharm zma, glutamine, bullet proof

Sid Vicious 12-13-2012 03:59 PM

where do yall get ur multi vitamins?

604dragon 12-13-2012 04:50 PM

anyone got any good local deals on whey protein or creatine? just ran out of both, looking to stock up. thanks

Excelsis 12-15-2012 07:22 PM


Interesting tidbit.. I've heard some talk about lawsuits and bla bla against Craze becuase of trace amount of amphetamines. I work in a health centre that does urine drug screens. Took 1.5 scoops this morning around 8ish, just tested myself at 1:15 PM, and test was positive enough to warrant suspension for lab testing. Did a second test just to be sure, and sure enough, positive. Going to do some testing for next few days with dosing and more tests. Just an FYI
just came across this on youtube, not sure how credible

PK6o4* 12-15-2012 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Alpha v2 (Post 8107962)
just came across this on youtube, not sure how credible

if hes talking the truth, that means craze can give you side effects like meth?

brb looking like this

i noticed i got more darkness/circles under my eyes since summer but might just be lack of sleep

instantneedles 12-15-2012 09:30 PM

haven't had creatine for awhile now, but will start again end of december. Any good recommendations?

Gosh all this side-effect/drug talk on supplements is making me slightly paranoid...

Excelsis 12-15-2012 09:38 PM


my eyes become light sensitive after i take it, i mentioned this before

brb throwing it out :fuckthatshit:

PK6o4* 12-15-2012 11:17 PM

light as in a lightbulb or the sun? i noticed while ive been taking it (3 tubs since july) my eye feels really exposed and if its ever windy my eyes turn red from the wind as if theirs no moisture in them, im talking bout the actual eyeball, could be something else tho (like 5 hours of sleep a day)

but if i workout without it i feel tired as fuk, i dont really feel really pumped with it, but just the thought that i took it gives me energy (strong placebo) so i cut down recently to 1 scoop from 2-3, feelsgoodman
Posted via RS Mobile

Excelsis 12-15-2012 11:37 PM

During gym is fine but afterwards yea, I guess the 5 hr sleep seems similar

And it's both sunlight and from lighting inside, pretty much lasts whole day after I take it lol
Posted via RS Mobile

PK6o4* 12-17-2012 12:03 PM

pretty good deal

MuscleHQ Supplement Deal of the Day

instantneedles 12-18-2012 11:40 AM

Thoughts on zma, GABA, and melatonin? i know alot of you here take it so please aware me

Meowjin 12-18-2012 12:06 PM

Unbiased Information on Supplements & Nutrition |

zma is only useful if deficient

instantneedles 12-19-2012 08:47 PM

Any supp sales going on for the winter holidays?

PK6o4* 12-20-2012 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by instantneedles (Post 8110020)
Thoughts on zma, GABA, and melatonin? i know alot of you here take it so please aware me

-zma supposed to give you better sleep, i dont see a difference when taking it but some others do
-melatonin supposed to make you sleepy, never tried it
-zma and melatonin can cause sleep paralysis if taken together
-GABA doesnt cross the blood brain barrier but Phenibut does
Posted via RS Mobile

RacingMetro92 12-25-2012 08:51 AM

Everything 20% off at if you want to avoid possibly getting dinged. Pretty good prices there too. Anyone know of other good sales?

Ch28 12-25-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by RacingMetro92 (Post 8115489)
Everything 20% off at if you want to avoid possibly getting dinged. Pretty good prices there too. Anyone know of other good sales?

Here's another one

[Fitness] 25% off sitewide at Dec 25/26 - Forums


SkinnyPupp 12-25-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Meowjin (Post 8110038)

This is true, though I would argue that most people are deficient in Zn and Mg.

I would suggest getting a non branded version (since they all use the same source) and take 2 caps instead of 3. Or if you can't get unbranded, buy Zn and Mg separately.

GFitTrain 12-27-2012 07:28 PM

Yeah, I've been off creatine for almost two months now. Waiting for my online order from I ordered the house brand micronized creatine.

AAnthony 12-31-2012 12:16 PM


SkinnyPupp 12-31-2012 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by AAnthony (Post 8120018)
Skinny why do you say take 2 instead of 3? You made some posts like 2 years ago about making your own Zinc Magnesium blend, your blend was still stronger than what's found in 3 capsules of ZMA

Normal ZMA is 30 mg Zinc, 450 Magnesium
I believe your blend was 45 mg Zinc, 450 Magnesium
Posted via RS Mobile

The 'custom' idea was just to see how you could match ZMA dosage for much less money. 20/300 is enough imo. That's still 133% RDI Zn and 75% RDI Mg. If you are doing custom, I guess you could bump up the Mg. Just don't do it so much that the laxative effect kicks in!

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