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hal0g0dv2 03-13-2011 07:20 PM

this thread is solely dedicated to any kind of supplement
may it be pills , protein powder or weight gainer that seems to be the question of the month right now

RRxtar 03-13-2011 07:26 PM

I take:

Costco Kaizen Whey Isolate chocolate. often onsale for $29/4.4lbs. tastes fantastic, no farts, easily accessable.
SierraSil joint formula <--- absolutely swear by this in the winter months

Ch28 03-13-2011 08:28 PM

change the yellow font to red or blue

i couldn't even read it without highlighting it

strykn 03-13-2011 08:28 PM

gonna take a picture of all my supps and post them in like 20 minutes !~~__~

SkinnyPupp 03-13-2011 09:31 PM

The supplements which I personally think work:

Protein shakes (as a food supplement, not replacement)
ECA stack
5-HTP (helps sleep, better dreams, better mood in the day)

The supplements which I personally think are beneficial to health, but not necessarily performance enhancing:

Fish Oil
Vitamin D
Zinc, Magnesium

Supplements which IMO are a waste of money, as they are generally unnecessary:

Pre-workout 'pump' supplements loaded with stimulants
Post-workout supplements filled with corn starch and dextrose

Supplements which I think are complete bullshit bogus bunk that many people still use:

"mass" supplements where thousands of calories are coming from corn starch
any weight loss supplement besides stimulant stacks

SkinnyPupp 03-13-2011 09:35 PM

Right now, I take

-Various protein shakes (using as little pure whey as possible, going for more blends)
-Fish oil
-Vitamin D during the winter
-ZMA (helps sleep, and a magnesium supplement is pretty necessary for health)
-Essential Amino - expensive, but it's my caffeine fix in the morning. I add 1 scoop of
-BCAA powder

Trying to get away from the whacky proprietary expensive 'formulas' like pre-workout products, post-workout products, etc. Want to keep it clean as possible. I may try beta alanine again. I'm only off creatine now because I'm cutting and don't want to carry so much water weight.

ws6ta 03-13-2011 10:10 PM


dachinesedude 03-14-2011 09:29 AM

i tried creatine before but it made my left eye lid twitch like no tomorrow, it was beyond annoying

gdoh 03-14-2011 09:37 AM


i take
-fish oil
-calcium pills (just to try out)
-protein mainly after heavy workouts

and creatine occasionally when im super tired and need a little boost

im thinking of getting back on the ZMA but i feel that they leave me very groggy the next morning, any advice??

JSilver 03-14-2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by gdoh (Post 7342997)
im thinking of getting back on the ZMA but i feel that they leave me very groggy the next morning, any advice??

I find that if you take ZMA and get under 7-8 hours of sleep you'll actually feel more tired the next morning. Try to get the minimum hours of rest and at the usual time you tend to fall asleep. Are you taking it 30min-1hr before sleeping or taking it right before you sleep before you body can absorb it? Not entirely sure but that could be a possible reason as well for your gorggyness?

gdoh 03-14-2011 10:04 AM

i was taking them 30 mins or more b4 i slept and i usually average about 7.5 hours of sleep

Hondaracer 03-14-2011 10:11 AM

is it ok to add fish oils into water bottles etc for taking later in the day?

if i'm taking the liquid form dont really know how else i could take it around with me when at school etc. would it be alright to add into tea?

illicitstylz 03-14-2011 10:39 AM

LOL at the guy with the eye twitch from creatine, so much pump his eyelids have involuntary contractions.

Preworkout- no shotgun
Protein w a cup of oats
Post workout- protein, cup of milled flax seeds

Protein is optimum nutrition gold standard

Optimum nutrition optimen multivitamins throughout the day
Posted via RS Mobile

SkinnyPupp 03-14-2011 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by gdoh (Post 7342997)

im thinking of getting back on the ZMA but i feel that they leave me very groggy the next morning, any advice??

Just take less of it.

Originally Posted by Hondaracer (Post 7343031)
is it ok to add fish oils into water bottles etc for taking later in the day?

if i'm taking the liquid form dont really know how else i could take it around with me when at school etc. would it be alright to add into tea?

It's oil, it won't mix with any liquid unless you emulsify it into a cream or paste sort of substance. What I do is take liquid at home, and caps for when I'm on the road.

SkinnyPupp 03-14-2011 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by gdoh (Post 7342997)

and creatine occasionally when im super tired and need a little boost

Also, creatine isn't for a "little boost" when you're tired. You need to take it regularly to keep high creatine levels for it to be of any use at all. If you don't take it every day for at least 10 days, you aren't going to get full benefit from it. If you just take it once here and there, you won't get any benefit from it.

hal0g0dv2 03-14-2011 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7343763)
Also, creatine isn't for a "little boost" when you're tired. You need to take it regularly to keep high creatine levels for it to be of any use at all. If you don't take it every day for at least 10 days, you aren't going to get full benefit from it. If you just take it once here and there, you won't get any benefit from it.


beanzzz 03-14-2011 07:19 PM

The only thing that's missing is Super Cissus and Jack3d by USPLabs.

SkinnyPupp 03-14-2011 07:23 PM

Some info on why whey should only be used in certain circumstances, and not as your main protein source.

RRxtar 03-14-2011 09:12 PM

Ive had a few people ask me about SierraSil so instead of replying to each PM individually, Ill post here.

A little back story: For about the last 4 or 5 years, every fall when the weather would start getting colder, I would develop real bad joint pain in my shoulders and knees. I have had nagging knee problems since I was a kid playing soccer, and my shoulders more recently, similar to what rotator cuff inpingement is. Every year, without failure, I could tell when the weather was getting cold in mid October. It was to the point where I could barely lift my arms laterally. The problem would come every october and go away every Feb-March I had been to the doctor and they didnt help other than to tell me to rest it. I have tried several other supplements and joint pain relief medications and they didnt help at all. This passed October in 2010, without failure, it started again and I decided I wasnt going to spend the winter like that again and started looking for something to help

My grandma heard it being advertized on the radio one day and told me about it. I found it at a place in Kelowna called Natures Fair. Its sort of a healthfood store full of vitamins and stuff, not sure what they have in Vancouver.

Its about $65 a bottle and has I think 180 pills. You take 3 a day. So it lasts for about 2 months.

I figured what the hell, Ill give it at shot but was definitely skeptical about it. I figured it was just another magic powder that didnt do shit. The bottle says you will notice it within 14 days, and I am dead serious, in 10 days, my joint pain had nearly completely gone away.

To add to my convincing, for 2 months, not one day did I have any form of joint paint. NONE. And remember, I had it every single day, every winter for the last 4-5 years, and had it for 2-3 weeks before I started taking it. My first bottle ran out in mid December, and I hesitated to buy another bottle, and sure enough, a week or 2 later, my shoulder pain started to creep back. I went out and got another bottle and within days, the pain went away. I continued to take it until the middle of February and I did not have a single day of joint pain.

It looks like a few NHL players are starting to get onboard with it now too. If you've got some nagging joint pain, give it a shot.

jeffh 03-14-2011 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by beanzzz (Post 7344035)

The only thing that's missing is Super Cissus and Jack3d by USPLabs.

do you ever feel kinda like youve been had by marketing?

i take
cheap cosco whey isolate (pwo)
myfusion blend (in the morning with breakfast)
fish oil
centrum multivitamin
superdump 250
and lots of coconut milk and oatmeal

SkinnyPupp 03-14-2011 09:30 PM

The only boge thing I see in that pic is the amino energy.. but I like that supplement myself as a caffeine drink so I am not gonna criticize ;)

Just don't consider it as anything other than an alternative to red bull and you'll be good :)

beanzzz 03-14-2011 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by jeffh (Post 7344333)
do you ever feel kinda like youve been had by marketing?

i take
cheap cosco whey isolate (pwo)
myfusion blend (in the morning with breakfast)
fish oil
centrum multivitamin
superdump 250
and lots of coconut milk and oatmeal

Nope, not at all. I've tried numerous different products and brands over the past couple years but most times I've had the best results from products by Optimum Nutrition. I also based my decisions on product reviews on the forum, ratings and price.


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7344358)
The only boge thing I see in that pic is the amino energy.. but I like that supplement myself as a caffeine drink so I am not gonna criticize ;)

Just don't consider it as anything other than an alternative to red bull and you'll be good :)

I bought it as a preworkout supplement but I found myself having to take 4-6 scoops (3 servings) until I felt anything. Now I just take a scoop or two in the morning for an energy boost and use two scoops of Jack3D before I work out.

hotong 03-14-2011 09:55 PM

wow gold standard expensive shit

Jer3 03-15-2011 01:24 AM

current stack is:
optimum 100% whey protein
higher power glutamine
higher power bcaa

going to be adding zma, cla, fish oil, casein and a decent multivitamin once i get some money. oh and i plan on picking up some cheap creatine monohydrate soon as well.

strykn 03-15-2011 01:54 AM

^^ piracetam and zma give you money sleep :)

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