LF: Mugen Exhaust: 99-01 Prelude (Base)
Hi, I am looking for: Mugen TwinLoop Catback Exhaust (authentic), for the 1999-2001 Honda Prelude BB6 BASE Model.
I am aware that this is not very common in local areas, but if im not mistaken, there was a place that supposedly carried authentic Mugen parts?
anyway, I have tried ordering online from KingMotorSports, but unfortunately, they are out of stock, and I have been put on the Backorder List. given the recent events in Japan, I have my doubts that they will recieve new stock any time soon.
So, I am hoping a sponsor here has one IN STOCK locally that I can simply pickup, and not have to order from Japan.
Thank you for your time!
PS: Hope this doesn't break any rules or seem rude, but, because I AM on the Backorder list for KingMotorSports, there is a possibility (albeit small) that they can restock and I will proceed with paying them. If any sponsor here has one IN STOCK or can guarantee to get one very quickly, I will remove my order from KingMotorSports.
EDIT: Please do not hesitate to PM me as well! ;D
Last edited by PuYang; 03-18-2011 at 09:22 PM.