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09-02-2011, 10:21 AM
#351 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by Redlines_Daily hmm, I disagree. There were some members doing some pretty stupid stuff man..
Anyway, I dont mean to call you out personally, I'm just expressing how I feel about the issue. For some, you may genuinely feel offended by the actions of Mattzhang and the other exotics..and if that is the case then cudos to you for expressing your beliefs. However, some of you are driven by pure's really a form of hate, and its so prevalent on this board. | I'm going to disagree. This has nothing to do with the value of one's vehicle. This has everything to do with repeatedly driving wrecklessly. Yeah, we all have our moments of "fun", but some of the most notoriously lynched bad drivers on this forum have continuously displayed poor judgement as witnessed on different occasions by completely different people on this forum:
Larry Chu
And now you can add Matt Zhang to that list.
This is not passing judgement because of a one-time incident. Or because he has a nice car. I don't give a fuck what kind of car he or any of his troop that got caught drive.
The insinuation that his notoriety is a result of jealousy is BS.
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09-02-2011, 11:27 AM
#352 | My name is PJ and I like dogs.
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| My opinion..
This kid never really bothered me. He seemed friendly, answered any questions we had, took people for rides, posted pictures of his cars, etc. Hell, if our parents bought us $100k+ cars, we wouldn't be driving speed limit all the time. I always tried to see it from his point of view, and really I didn't see that he was doing anything wrong. Being born into a rich family isn't his fault. Hell, if I didn't have to work for shit, I wouldn't be who I am today.
I never minded him, because most negative comments on RS made towards him, I assume are out of jealousy. As kT said, let's be real. If these incidents were Civics and Integras, it wouldn't cause half the commotion.
The RS meet incident, he was ripping it, showing off, whatever. Letting people ride in his car, probably just showing off how much power his car has. He apologized, yadda yadda, this didn't bother me too much either.
But this street race issue left me speechless. I have lost all respect for him, and have come to a conclusion that he is nothing more than the spoiled douchebag that some of us thought he was from the start.
Matt, I knew someone who passed away in an accident because of drivers like you. You honestly had nothing better to do? I was wrong to think you actually had your head screwed on straight. Lucky no one was hurt. I'm usually a loving person, but if someone died because of you and your friends' idiocy, I'd come strangle you with your own vinyl.
__________________ Studies show 100% of people die.. Might as well have some fun.
Hello my name is PJ. Buy/Sell Feedback 1-0-0 |
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09-02-2011, 12:04 PM
#353 | Returner of Lost Phones and Turtles
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^ I've always thought that he was a nice guy. Seemed like a really nice chill guy. He saw I was a big supercar enthusiast, offered me rides in all kinds of exotic cars.
I had all kinds of respect for him, because most exotic car drivers wouldn't let people even touch their car. This guy let people sit in it, take pictures, take people for rides.
Until there is substantial evidence that he was actually doing this "Street racing" im not going to drop the bomb on him yet. Maybe we are all wrong and he actually didnt participate. Maybe he did, and was one of them going 200+, nobody here knows, cant just jump to conclusions.
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09-02-2011, 01:10 PM
#354 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Originally Posted by LP670-4 SV ^ I've always thought that he was a nice guy. Seemed like a really nice chill guy. He saw I was a big supercar enthusiast, offered me rides in all kinds of exotic cars.
I had all kinds of respect for him, because most exotic car drivers wouldn't let people even touch their car. This guy let people sit in it, take pictures, take people for rides.
Until there is substantial evidence that he was actually doing this "Street racing" im not going to drop the bomb on him yet. Maybe we are all wrong and he actually didnt participate. Maybe he did, and was one of them going 200+, nobody here knows, cant just jump to conclusions. | stop riding him
Most people have let go of the "street racing"
the entire incident of holding up traffic to speed with the looming rush hour is enough to piss most ppl off.
The real issue is putting others at risk let alone their own.
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09-02-2011, 02:35 PM
#355 | 【=◈︿◈=】
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Originally Posted by Redlines_Daily hmm, I disagree. There were some members doing some pretty stupid stuff man..
Anyway, I dont mean to call you out personally, I'm just expressing how I feel about the issue. For some, you may genuinely feel offended by the actions of Mattzhang and the other exotics..and if that is the case then cudos to you for expressing your beliefs. However, some of you are driven by pure's really a form of hate, and its so prevalent on this board. | fair enough, keep in mind that is your opinion though. why people hate him is entirely up to him, and all i'm going to say is that he has given people plenty of reason to hate him, as people still would even if he drove a 1990 corolla
it's clear that it'll hard for most people to see eye to eye on this matter, so let's just agree to disagree? Quote:
Originally Posted by Impulse_x This kid never really bothered me. He seemed friendly, answered any questions we had, took people for rides, posted pictures of his cars, etc. Hell, if our parents bought us $100k+ cars, we wouldn't be driving speed limit all the time. I always tried to see it from his point of view, and really I didn't see that he was doing anything wrong. Being born into a rich family isn't his fault. Hell, if I didn't have to work for shit, I wouldn't be who I am today.
I never minded him, because most negative comments on RS made towards him, I assume are out of jealousy. As kT said, let's be real. If these incidents were Civics and Integras, it wouldn't cause half the commotion.
The RS meet incident, he was ripping it, showing off, whatever. Letting people ride in his car, probably just showing off how much power his car has. He apologized, yadda yadda, this didn't bother me too much either.
But this street race issue left me speechless. I have lost all respect for him, and have come to a conclusion that he is nothing more than the spoiled douchebag that some of us thought he was from the start.
Matt, I knew someone who passed away in an accident because of drivers like you. You honestly had nothing better to do? I was wrong to think you actually had your head screwed on straight. Lucky no one was hurt. I'm usually a loving person, but if someone died because of you and your friends' idiocy, I'd come strangle you with your own vinyl. | ^ dude just summed up my thoughts. anyway, like every other matt zhang related issue, i'll finish off with this post:
this kid has clearly not learnt his lesson, even now. after the RS summer meet incident, what did he do? yes he apologized, but he pushed the blame onto someone else. after this incident, what does he do? again pushes the blame onto his other friends. i hardly believe him and 3 others were doing the limit while the others were street racing. holding traffic back while doing the limit? that sounds more right to me
if you guys want to be ignorant of how fucking stupid this kid is, so be it. like the last incident, i'll be keeping my mouth shut on this matter from here on out. that is, until the next time something like this arises. and i NEVER wish ill onto ANYBODY, but i hope the next time i see this kid's car or one of his friends cars in the paper, it's wrapped around a pole in a single vehicle accident. maybe, just maybe (although i do doubt it), then they'll finally learn
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09-02-2011, 04:00 PM
#356 | My homepage has been set to RS
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ban the guy already, on the forums and for future RS meets. you don't want this guy to show up at a RS meet and do something stupid to put people's lives in danger. its apparent he doesn't learn his lesson. i'm pretty sure RS does not want to be associated with him when something bad happens at a meet.
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09-02-2011, 04:11 PM
#357 | no
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wait, something i just noticed. Larry Chu was never actually banned lol, he just decided not to post
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09-02-2011, 04:40 PM
#358 | Wanna have a threesome?
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Matt was last online yesterday at 10:30 and decided not to post, interesting.
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09-02-2011, 05:10 PM
#359 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Would YOU add fuel to the fire?
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09-02-2011, 06:05 PM
#360 | My homepage has been set to RS
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LOL spotted photos of him/screenshot of a Facebook comment on a CTV clip/segment following up on the incident
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09-28-2011, 10:47 PM
#361 | y'all better put some respeck on my name
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Zhang in the news.... Quote:
VANCOUVER — The B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office has applied to have a number of luxury high-performance sports cars seized in August forfeited to the Crown because of street racing at excessive speeds.
The application, filed Tuesday in B.C. Supreme Court, involves five luxury cars, five Richmond men and two Vancouver teenagers, who were identified only as John Does.
The cars named in the forfeiture action include a 2010 Nissan GTR, two 2010 Lamborghini Gallardos, a 2005 Aston Martin and a 2011 Mercedes SLS.
Named as defendants are Richmond residents Dan Na Zhu, also known as Danna Zhu, Xiu Bo Wang, Zhang Hong Ma, Xiao Qiang Zhang and Ying Chun Wang.
Court documents claim that Ma, Zhang and one of the John Does held class 7 “novice” licences, which require an “N” sticker to be clearly displayed on the vehicle. Zhu had a driver’s licence from China, the legal action says.
The director of civil forfeiture claims the vehicles were instruments of unlawful activity that may cause serious bodily harm to a person in the future. The director seeks to sell the cars at a public auction after discharging any loans or liens against the cars.
Police initially seized 13 luxury vehicles after they were allegedly racing south along Highway 99, heading to Surrey at about 3:30 p.m. on Aug. 31.
They had left Lansdowne Centre in Richmond, where one of the John Does conspired with others to engage in street racing, the court document claims
The legal action claims the drivers of the vehicles cut in and out of traffic in an unsafe manner, deliberately slowed their vehicles on the freeway to create a gap in traffic so they could engage in street racing, and raced at speeds in excess of 180 to 200 km/h.
Each driver was fined $196 for driving without due consideration for others, and each will be assessed six driver penalty points, which will trigger a $300 penalty point premium.
All of the drivers were between 18 and 22, with six having novice driver’s licences.
No date has been set for the forfeiture hearing.
At the time the 13 cars were seized, police said the total value of the vehicles was more than $2 million.
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun
Read more: Street-racing sports cars seized in August should be forfeited, application says | |
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09-28-2011, 11:02 PM
#362 | 2010 RS Top Food Critic Winner
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Zhang Hong Ma? 真的想罵他髒話
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09-28-2011, 11:06 PM
#363 | Banned By Establishment
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Doesn't include an R8 in the forfeiture action?
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09-28-2011, 11:08 PM
#364 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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How many of them are already on the road with other cars? Doesn't MattZhang have a RR, California, and some other ones?
I bet those cars are not registered under their own name either... and what about insurance fraud? driving on Daddy/Mommy's insurance premium discount.
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09-28-2011, 11:40 PM
#365 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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The director of civil forfeiture claims the vehicles were instruments of unlawful activity that may cause serious bodily harm to a person in the future.
| I'll never agree with that line. The drivers themselves are the ones who may cause bodily harm to a person in the future while behind the wheel of ANY vehicle.
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09-29-2011, 12:03 AM
#366 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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Originally Posted by TRDood How many of them are already on the road with other cars? Doesn't MattZhang have a RR, California, and some other ones?
I bet those cars are not registered under their own name either... and what about insurance fraud? driving on Daddy/Mommy's insurance premium discount. | From what I heard : a Banker told me that the cars are actually registered under their names with their own insurance. Also + 2 million is the average 18 - 22 year old's bank account value right now
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09-29-2011, 12:07 AM
#367 | & Associates Inc.
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Originally Posted by 325isMSPORT From what I heard : a Banker told me that the cars are actually registered under their names with their own insurance. Also + 2 million is the average 18 - 22 year old's bank account value right now | I remember reading in one of the news articles that only 1 of the cars was registered under the kids name, the rest of them were not...
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09-29-2011, 09:35 AM
#368 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Don't get the "car owner" mixed up with "principal driver".
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09-30-2011, 01:29 AM
#369 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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pwn3d Posted via RS Mobile |
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09-30-2011, 12:42 PM
#370 | I want to be a person and not an icon.
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I still think it's un-right for the government to seize these cars forever.
But that's just my point of view.
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09-30-2011, 01:11 PM
#371 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by StevenDuang I still think it's un-right for the government to seize these cars forever.
But that's just EVERYONE's point of view. | fixed
and did mattzhang really try to get off the hook because he said he did not participate in the speeding where as his friends did? It is smart for ratting and getting off the hook easier
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10-13-2011, 02:54 AM
#372 | Banned By Establishment
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LOL where is matt zhang
i bet he misses revscene very much
too embarrassed to come on revscene.
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10-13-2011, 03:50 AM
#373 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Originally Posted by xilley LOL where is matt zhang
i bet he misses revscene very much
too embarrassed to come on revscene. | Street racers lose licences Quote:
A group of street racers in high-end cars who whipped along Highway 99 in August at speeds up to 200 kilometres an hour have had their licences suspended for up to 20 months.
The Superintendent of Motor Vehicles has ordered the suspension of the licences of five men, following a large street race involving 13 luxury vehicles, including Ferraris, Maseratis, Mercedes, an Aston Martin, Audis, and Nissan R series worth $2 million, on Aug 31.
A B.C. Supreme Court claim is also seeking the forfeiture of five of the 13 cars: the Aston Martin, Nissan GTR, Mercedes SLS and two Lamborghinis. The document identifies the defendants as Dan Na Zhu, Zhang Hong Ma, Ying Chun Wang, Xiu Bo Wang, Xiao Qiang Zhang, and John Doe 1 and 2, who are both minors. It also noted that the drivers are likely to use the cars again in the future to “engage in unlawful acts.”
Officers at the time noted that none of the drivers was much over 20. Only Wang holds a full licence, while Ma, Zhang and John Doe 2 had class “N” learning licences. Some also had previous driving infractions, including street racing.
“The Director [of Civil Forfeiture] says that the manner in which the high performance vehicles were operated by the drivers ... was likely to cause serious bodily harm to motorists using the highway and thus these vehicles they constitute instruments of unlawful activity as that term is defined in the [Motor Vehicle] Act,” the document said.
According to the claim, the drivers, most in their 20s, met at Lansdowne Centre in Richmond on Aug. 31 and planned to race to South Surrey by way of Highway 99. As they sped along the highway, they cut in and out of traffic, and blocked other traffic so other cars in the group could race each other down stretches of the highway. They were caught by police after racing through the Massey Tunnel at about 3:30 p.m.
Deas Island Freeway Patrol responded to emergency calls of dangerous driving and Surrey RCMP helped stop six of the vehicles as they left the highway. The other set of vehicles were stopped shortly after by White Rock RCMP.
At the time, the Mounties impounded the vehicles for seven days, charging racers with driving without due consideration and fining them $196 each.
| Wonder if his Daddy got him one of these yet: |
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10-13-2011, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Sky_High | pretty sure he has a phantom lol
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10-13-2011, 08:24 AM
#375 | no
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i think he has a ghost lol
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