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Old 04-14-2011, 02:38 AM   #51
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rofl, people are so getting trolled it's not even funny. Take this as some entertainment when you're high.
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Old 04-14-2011, 06:05 AM   #52
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April 14th 2011
FBI just released a PDF file which contains a picture of the letter (If you guys don't know, when the "aliens" crashed landed in New Mexico, a military officer wrote a letter describing the event)

More of the FBI vault has been opened and it has now been released to the public

In other news,
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Old 04-14-2011, 12:28 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by flagella View Post
rofl, people are so getting trolled it's not even funny. Take this as some entertainment when you're high.
we live in a one of billions of stars in this galaxy, amongst billions of galaxies in this universe. It's safe to say that we definitely aren't the only ones around. People aren't being trolled, they're being open-minded.
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Old 04-14-2011, 01:09 PM   #54
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I never said I don't believe in other existences, but there are too many people getting overly excited by hoax videos

Yea, too much open-mindedness make you dumb sorry.
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:51 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by jeff19 View Post
anyone watched Ancient Aliens? It's a documentary that was played on History Channel not too long ago. Documents a ton of evidence of former alien visits to our planet. My mind was pretty blown when i watched i... espeically wen i was super ripped

This was the best part....
For anyone who's interested, the replay is being aired right now on History Channel (or coming up in a few minutes).
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Old 04-15-2011, 02:09 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by flagella View Post
I never said I don't believe in other existences, but there are too many people getting overly excited by hoax videos

Yea, too much open-mindedness make you dumb sorry.
Sorry but I must disagree,
open mindedness creates a society that aims towards knowledge
without that, we would still think the earth is flat.
Before I go on please take a look at this picture.

I have to applaud you guys for taking this subjects so maturely. I had always wondered how rs would respond to a forum such as this.

I have studied on this subject on my spare time for years because i have found this to connect through a lot of things in our society from our history to the structure of our government even to the future of humanity.

Ancient Aliens was made to create awareness so that we as normal " citizens" can slowly take on the fact of the truth that UFOs are absolutely real. This is a government plan.. i will explain this later..

I do not just put words down without backing it up. So if you do get some time, you guys must watch this video:

For those who havnt heard about the disclosure project, it is an all out public attempt aimed towards the US governemnt to disclose the truth about UFOs and Aliens. It is a video of Many people who have worked under the US militarY/NASA who have come out and put their neck on the line to tell the public press infront of the white house, their experiences of UFO;s and aliens during their military work.

Some of the most amazing stories.. that comes to my mind is when one man mentioned UFO;s flying over nuclear missile silos and automaticly shutting down entire fleets of nuclear warheads. This cannot be done electronicly as each missile was individually set on seperate systems.
A woman working in nasa tells of her work which was to cover up large objects, buildings and TREES that are found on the moon.
The moon is unlike any moon in our solarsystem. This is a artificial planet that was set there in order to shift gravitational differences in the earth (ie. oceon, etc) The moon is perfectly aligned so that when there is an eclipse the moon perfectly blocks out the sun. We never see the back of the moon because of the many bases hidden behind.
Another man tells of the 56 different alien species that were documented during his time in the military. The reason why "aliens" have a humanoid structure is because the humanoid structure is one of the final body stages in evolution whether it is reptiles, mammels, etc (thus reptilians..)

Famous BOB LAZAR, a man who used to work at S4/bases tells of his experiences reverse engineering a UFO. absolutly incredible. instead of thrust how we use fuel in jets.. UFO;s project gravity and anti gravity. The ability to pull itsself on a "fake" gravitational pull. being powered by a element which humans have just discovered. This is element 115 "ununpentium", a element that producess massive energy more than it absorbs. We are just on the verge of creating the atom of this element. while the downed UFO held 20 some pounds.. imagine each gram of this element can power an entire city like NY for a thousand years.

Many of todays technology comes from downed and reverse engineered UFO;s from cellphones to optics and night vision.
A story of a downed UFO found in Vietnam, a private governemtn group went to investigate. One man tells of a massive ship that was wrapped in long plastic like string material ( which is now known as fibre optics) as the men went inside, they realized they could see outside of the ship as if it were day light ( later night vision)

It makes me sick how the government tries to cover this issue up by blatantly throwing us cheesy movies of aliens and UFO;s to a point where this subject can barely be held in a legitimate conversation. if the government released this information, there would be no more pollution. everyone would have their houses run on free energy. but of course.. we as greedy humans.. .. and on i go about the control of illuminate..

anyways. i hope that was informative to some of you!

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Old 04-15-2011, 04:02 AM   #57
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"It makes me sick how the government tries to cover this issue up by blatantly throwing us cheesy movies of aliens and UFO;s to a point where this subject can barely be held in a legitimate conversation. if the government released this information, there would be no more pollution. everyone would have their houses run on free energy. but of course.. we as greedy humans.. .. and on i go about the control of illuminate.. "

I agree with 300zxfairlady on his view about aliens but probably why the government doesnt disclose it is because they predict mass panic and chaos if they ever disclosed the truth about life on other planets. I think all this time, movies and "fake" media were a test to see how humans react to the situation and sad to say, a lot of us handle the issue in a very immature way. I think the movies are giving us a scenario of each and possibly preparing us mentally and physically. At this point our world does not know what these alien's motives are so we are given different scenarios in movies in hopes of preparing us mentally and physically. Whether they come in peace (E.T.), make war (independence day), come to take our resources (battle: LA), warn us about critical disasters (knowing), or simply being curious and seeing whats out there like what we are doing.
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Old 04-15-2011, 05:36 AM   #58
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I've being abducted...anyone care to hear?
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:59 AM   #59
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Old 04-15-2011, 08:20 AM   #60
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Old 04-15-2011, 09:02 AM   #61
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(not that I think that about the show, but sometimes he says something similar)
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^ Yes it's sad when you stare at the shape of my penis through my overly skin tight jeans and not help but feel like a shameful little boy compared to me.
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Old 04-15-2011, 09:45 AM   #62
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300zx pretty much nails it. There is no such thing as too much open-mindedness makes you dumb. Humans thrive on advancing to that next step, and the only way to do that is to accept all ideas and evidence as possible explanations. Nobody claimed that all these videos were 100% real. In fact, I find some of them to be skeptical in terms of being entirely credible. But im not turning from the fact that these videos may be genuine and aliens really do look like that.

Reiiterating the fact that we are but a speck of a star in this giant universe, there could be beings out there that are straight out of our science fiction books (animal/humanoid hybrids etc.) for all we know. Some may find this completely stupid, but based on the idea that there are beings that are far more advanced than our civilization, and even today where we have gene cloning/splicing technologies.. why not? The possibilities are endless and should not be immediately regarded as a hoax or stupid made up theories. Those that quickly jump to the conclusion that certain things are hoaxes with no apparent reason, I find to be the close-minded ones, no matter how much they say they're not. IMO it is completely normal for people to get excited about things, whether they're real or not, it is an essential part of the way we advance as a civilization.

On another note, i also agree that everything we see or hear about in the media about aliens is part of the governments plan to slowly disclose everything to us. Eventually, and i speculate that it will be soon, this whole alien shit will be internationally broadcasted by our governments.
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:38 PM   #63
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i shall leave this thread to some ufo fanatics haha
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Old 04-15-2011, 08:35 PM   #64
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- Just take a look at the number of UFO/extraterrestrial movies that have released or will be releasing this year. There's at least 5 movies.

- Last year, the pope had publicly announced that UFOs are real, and that we should accept aliens as our brothers.

- The UN appointed a professor from the Philippines last year to act as our ambassador, in case Aliens initiate a public arrival.

- 3 of the first 5 astronauts who have landed on the moon has admitted that there are UFOs and aliens.

There are facts around us, if you piece these pieces together, it forms a puzzle that the government is trying to tell us that there is life outside of earth.
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Old 04-15-2011, 08:41 PM   #65
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Man, all this talk about extra terrestrial life, and stuff about how small earth is makes me really wanna re-play mass effect 1 and 2

cant wait for mass effect 3
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:41 AM   #66
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^same. ME's awesome.
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Old 04-16-2011, 01:28 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by willystyle View Post
- Just take a look at the number of UFO/extraterrestrial movies that have released or will be releasing this year. There's at least 5 movies.

- Last year, the pope had publicly announced that UFOs are real, and that we should accept aliens as our brothers.

- The UN appointed a professor from the Philippines last year to act as our ambassador, in case Aliens initiate a public arrival.

- 3 of the first 5 astronauts who have landed on the moon has admitted that there are UFOs and aliens.

There are facts around us, if you piece these pieces together, it forms a puzzle that the government is trying to tell us that there is life outside of earth.
I personally think the government is doing that on purpose. If Aliens were to come down and show them selves people would honestly freak out and the world would really panic. But buy giving hint's like that it make's more people believe and of something happens and they do show them selves there will be less of a reaction from the human race.

The way we are it would be great to finally find out but I honestly feel most of the human population is not ready for that to happen at this current time.
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Old 04-16-2011, 03:20 AM   #68
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I don't get what you're saying. You sound as if we have any control over when the aliens would visit us lol.
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Old 04-16-2011, 07:34 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by flagella View Post
I don't get what you're saying. You sound as if we have any control over when the aliens would visit us lol.

in some ways we do. Given that aliens are more advanced that humans, it means that they are definitely more intelligent in every way so im sure its common sense for them that causing a mass panic would eventually lead to hatred, fear, disagreement, maybe even a possible declaration of war. Im sure these aliens have contacted our government (aka: leaders of the nation) and have been coordinating about whether it is the right time to expose themselves.
Now i really dont think aliens have come here to start an interplanetary war as some people speculate. First of, if they did come to cause war whether its for universal domination, hunt for resources, etc., it would have been wise for them to do so early on when humanity's technology was still primitive. It would have been like taking a candy from a baby. For them to have waited this long now that we have progressed through so much technology would be like taking a candy from Lou Ferrigno with a grenade regardless whether they're technology is far more superior to ours.

Ive also seen "Ancient Aliens" and i honestly find the facts very accurate. Now what would really cause chaos is beliefs on religion... I am a believer in God and regardless of this fact still believe in him but lets just pretend for a second that Angels, Jesus, God, and what people perceived them to be turns out to be an alien race that flies, floats, glides, heals, creates, and whatever else it can do that us humans see as divine or miraculous... that would cause a huge disagreement and denial among religions and eventually these people would cause chaos to either cover it up or eliminate what they see as a threat to they're beliefs.

There are a lot of factors and scenarios to consider. It is not as easy as simply standing up in the middle of an arena with Obama and stating you are from another world and it was them that have been visiting ever since the dawn of time.
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Old 04-16-2011, 11:42 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by haymura View Post
in some ways we do. Given that aliens are more advanced that humans, it means that they are definitely more intelligent in every way so im sure its common sense for them that causing a mass panic would eventually lead to hatred, fear, disagreement, maybe even a possible declaration of war. Im sure these aliens have contacted our government (aka: leaders of the nation) and have been coordinating about whether it is the right time to expose themselves.
Now i really dont think aliens have come here to start an interplanetary war as some people speculate. First of, if they did come to cause war whether its for universal domination, hunt for resources, etc., it would have been wise for them to do so early on when humanity's technology was still primitive. It would have been like taking a candy from a baby. For them to have waited this long now that we have progressed through so much technology would be like taking a candy from Lou Ferrigno with a grenade regardless whether they're technology is far more superior to ours.

Ive also seen "Ancient Aliens" and i honestly find the facts very accurate. Now what would really cause chaos is beliefs on religion... I am a believer in God and regardless of this fact still believe in him but lets just pretend for a second that Angels, Jesus, God, and what people perceived them to be turns out to be an alien race that flies, floats, glides, heals, creates, and whatever else it can do that us humans see as divine or miraculous... that would cause a huge disagreement and denial among religions and eventually these people would cause chaos to either cover it up or eliminate what they see as a threat to they're beliefs.

There are a lot of factors and scenarios to consider. It is not as easy as simply standing up in the middle of an arena with Obama and stating you are from another world and it was them that have been visiting ever since the dawn of time.

Haymura you are absolutly correct. A universal treaty was signed in the 1950's with the US government and the "GRAY" visitors. The treaty included the boundry so that the "gray" aliens may infact not contact citizens, and that only a certain amount of abduction may occur once in a while and when this happened memory must be erased. However, the rules were broken as the treaty they signed were with the "Gray" extra terrestrials which are infact not benevolent. The government recieved massive reports of abduction cases more than the treaty was agreed to. The government was approached then by another species of aliens called the pleadiens(sp?) which offered the knowledge of love and told the government of the evils of the "grays". The government did not accept this offer as this offer did not come with knowledge of technology. Therefore we see such a Massive jump in technology from the 1950s till modern day. In a calculated normal human evolution, technology climb would not result in such a explosive jump, we were given hand somewhere along the way.
This story has been document and told by many seperate high ranking military officers from different sections of the government

Have you thought about the REASON why we are not approached by aliens? These civilizations have been around for way more longer than humans have been ( couple hundred thousand years max?) In order for these civilizations to reach where they are.. mature civilizations no longer depend on war, rather peace, love and harmony. Look at the natural course of nature for example.. Everything works along with each other. Imagine 2 parralel civilizations.. one based on war and bombarding other planets, and one based on harmony. In the long run the civilization based on war would destroy itsself (such as humans for example.)
Just imagine humans as the aliens going into the amazon rain forest exploring the habits of gorillas and chimpanzees. there would be no reason to interfere with their lives. rather study their existence and habits. However we also have people who go into the rain forest to extract the trees from the rain forest just as there are certain species of aliens that approach earth to extract a certain resource.
This resource in my personal opinion is Gold. No aliens do not extract gold to make bling. Gold in todays society is expensive because it is a rare commodity. Back in ancient times why was the element gold collected by the egyptians? and christians? and religions all over the world? It was just a soft metal that was heavy and easily moldable. The reason why Gold was so saught after is due to its ability to conduct electricity, if we look at any high end electronics it has "gold" plating. In ancient times they did not know this.. they collected this to praise and give to their "gods" (aliens). Along side of this follow and watch the price of Gold increase.. ( somewhere, someone in the gold industry is banking all this gold for a certain purpose)

Sorry if this is far out for some of you. But its facts!
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:30 PM   #71
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I was fine with what you were saying up until your last post. MAYBE aliens may have influenced some events in history. MAYBE aliens have already visited. MAYBE they've made contact with the government.
But the claim that all of our modern-day advances are from aliens is going too far. Now your post just seems to be correlating random events with aliens and using aliens as the sole explanation for everything. Which IMO is why people are reluctant to believe this stuff in the first place
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:47 PM   #72
I don't get it
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ufo/aliens are real. i believe somewhere out there in this universe theres aliens. look how big this universe is. there must be at least 1 planet that has the same form earth does.
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Old 04-16-2011, 02:26 PM   #73
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The Day Before Disclosure (Documentary)

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Old 04-16-2011, 05:57 PM   #74
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Old 04-16-2011, 06:33 PM   #75
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Im just hoping i get to witness extra-terrestrial life in my lifetime.
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