Hello fellow Revscene members!
Once again I apologize in advance if this is the incorrect sub-forum to post my questions in. Not sure whether its VAC or Car Care Tech. If needed, may one of the mods/admins please move this to the correct please pretty please. Thank you kindly!
I am in need of some help. Here's the story. I recently got my car painted and I would like to take the precaution of protecting the paint as much as possible. I know that's some what difficult to do but I'll do whatever I can in order to help.
Now, I purchased two OEM bumper bras along with OEM hood bra. The bumper bra will not fit over my front bumper as I have a OEM front lip on my car. I have two options here.
1) Somehow sew, fuse, glue, zip tie the two bumper bras together in order to fit over my bumper and front lip.
2) Stretch one bumper bra over the bumper and front lip. This can be done as I've seen it but it leads to some areas being exposed to harm by road debris.
I don't want to stretch the bumper bra so my question is, how am I able to put these two bras together?
One side is made of leather the other is some type of cotton? I only need about 8 extra inches of material to cover the front lip.
And another thing, how am I able to wash these as the inside is dirty from the previous owner? It says see owners manual for care but it doesn't say anything in my owners manual. Unless the bumper bra's came with its own manual or instruction booklet.