This phone is originally from Rogers
This phone is a Blackberry Bold 9000
This phone is unlocked
This phone can be used on most/all phone providers
This phone has a trackball not track pad
This phone is in good condition, just a few scratches
This phone condition is roughly 9/10
This phone has never been dropped
This phone has a few scratches but nothing serious
Problems: Nothing, just the track ball doesn't go down, I will be replacing this trackball before you purchase it. (Cost from JP Cellular $20)
Life Timer: Less than 6 months
Price: $160 OBO (Comes with new trackball from JP Cellular)
This phone includes:
Silicon Casing ($10 Value)
Leather Holster ($30 Value)
Blackberry Bold 9000
4GB MicroSD ($10 Value)
Ear buds
New trackball
Blackberry OS - v5 (in my opinion one of the best OS)
I have just recently taken off my screen protector since it was so bubbly (Yes I failed putting it on)
Posted on April 13, 2011 - Price is $160
Update: I can sell this phone for $150, but you will be using a trackball that can only go up left and right perfectly, but down works 1/4 tries. So basically you will be receiving everything above except for the