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@Revscene #RevsceneVLS. Vancouver LifeStyles Discussions: Car-free, political and current events, random thoughts, or topics that don't fit in the other forums. Remember to check out feature articles on the Main Website | ![Reply](https://www.revscene.net/styles/darklight/images/buttons/reply.gif) | |
03-07-2014, 07:15 PM
#1426 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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People who keep trying to force their way on to a cramped bus (usually the 99 B-Line) when it's clear there is no room. And then standing on the little yellow safe zone and pretending to have zero idea why the doors won't close. Thanks for delaying the commute of 100+ people because you're a selfish, ignorant piece of shit who couldn't be bothered to wait literally 30 seconds for the visibly empty 99 one block away.
Inb4 poverty status for taking the bus. It is what it is, I ain't paying the $900/year for a UBC parking pass when I'm only in class twice a week
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03-07-2014, 08:51 PM
#1427 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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A couple are repeats but yeah.
1) People who drive slow in the fucking fast lane.
2) People who take 2+ spots with a $500 car in a busy parking lot...
3) People who ALWAYS have to one-up your story. URGHHHH.
4) Suppose you drive someone around A LOT then bitch when you (legitimately) forget you owe them ~20 bucks. (after spending 200+ on gas driving to mutual events...)
5) People who whip out their phone in the middle of a conversation to text their girlfriend, like holy FUCK it can wait until i'm done my sentence...
6) People who drive on bald tires because they're too cheap. (or summers in winter)
7) People who treat expensive cars like shit, WAAAY too long between oil changes etc
8) Possibly my biggest car related pet peeve... People who throw it in drive while still rolling backwards at ~2-5km/h, that clunking and the car jerking...
9) People who brag about how much they can drink.
10) People who tell you to change your lifestyle for whatever health reason, as they sit there chain smoking.
11) Compulsive liars. The type who when shown un-deniable proof still refuse to admit it.
12) The "i'm never wrong" people...
13) People who think Friday the 13'th is "bad"
14) Those douchebags who cut you off and go super slow in front.
15) People who act like they're experts but know shit all, (i.e politics)
16) Those assholes who scuff/try to eat in/generally dis-respect your car. I had an (ex) friend who actually tried to smoke in my car, then bitched when i yelled at him as he pulled his lighter and smokes out... I literally pulled over and kicked him out of the car.
17) People who refuse to listen to good advice, then once they've screwed up refuse to admit you were right.
/end rant
__________________ 2021 F150 Platinum FX4 2021 Mustang GT PP1 6MT |
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03-24-2014, 07:20 PM
#1428 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Just experienced one this weekend while checking out some open houses/pre-sales.
Was greeted by one of the guys working there:
I can't stand people who who gives improper handshakes. The guy gave me just lightly touch my hand, no grip. Plus I couldn't stand his mumbling english as well.
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03-26-2014, 12:56 PM
#1429 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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no. 14 does it for me hahah Quote:
Originally Posted by dared3vil0 A couple are repeats but yeah.
1) People who drive slow in the fucking fast lane.
2) People who take 2+ spots with a $500 car in a busy parking lot...
3) People who ALWAYS have to one-up your story. URGHHHH.
4) Suppose you drive someone around A LOT then bitch when you (legitimately) forget you owe them ~20 bucks. (after spending 200+ on gas driving to mutual events...)
5) People who whip out their phone in the middle of a conversation to text their girlfriend, like holy FUCK it can wait until i'm done my sentence...
6) People who drive on bald tires because they're too cheap. (or summers in winter)
7) People who treat expensive cars like shit, WAAAY too long between oil changes etc
8) Possibly my biggest car related pet peeve... People who throw it in drive while still rolling backwards at ~2-5km/h, that clunking and the car jerking...
9) People who brag about how much they can drink.
10) People who tell you to change your lifestyle for whatever health reason, as they sit there chain smoking.
11) Compulsive liars. The type who when shown un-deniable proof still refuse to admit it.
12) The "i'm never wrong" people...
13) People who think Friday the 13'th is "bad"
14) Those douchebags who cut you off and go super slow in front.
15) People who act like they're experts but know shit all, (i.e politics)
16) Those assholes who scuff/try to eat in/generally dis-respect your car. I had an (ex) friend who actually tried to smoke in my car, then bitched when i yelled at him as he pulled his lighter and smokes out... I literally pulled over and kicked him out of the car.
17) People who refuse to listen to good advice, then once they've screwed up refuse to admit you were right.
/end rant | |
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03-26-2014, 02:27 PM
#1430 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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Originally Posted by dared3vil0 A couple are repeats but yeah.
1) People who drive slow in the fucking fast lane.
2) People who take 2+ spots with a $500 car in a busy parking lot...
3) People who ALWAYS have to one-up your story. URGHHHH.
4) Suppose you drive someone around A LOT then bitch when you (legitimately) forget you owe them ~20 bucks. (after spending 200+ on gas driving to mutual events...)
5) People who whip out their phone in the middle of a conversation to text their girlfriend, like holy FUCK it can wait until i'm done my sentence...
6) People who drive on bald tires because they're too cheap. (or summers in winter)
7) People who treat expensive cars like shit, WAAAY too long between oil changes etc
8) Possibly my biggest car related pet peeve... People who throw it in drive while still rolling backwards at ~2-5km/h, that clunking and the car jerking...
9) People who brag about how much they can drink.
10) People who tell you to change your lifestyle for whatever health reason, as they sit there chain smoking.
11) Compulsive liars. The type who when shown un-deniable proof still refuse to admit it.
12) The "i'm never wrong" people...
13) People who think Friday the 13'th is "bad"
14) Those douchebags who cut you off and go super slow in front.
15) People who act like they're experts but know shit all, (i.e politics)
16) Those assholes who scuff/try to eat in/generally dis-respect your car. I had an (ex) friend who actually tried to smoke in my car, then bitched when i yelled at him as he pulled his lighter and smokes out... I literally pulled over and kicked him out of the car.
17) People who refuse to listen to good advice, then once they've screwed up refuse to admit you were right.
/end rant | you've nailed just about all of them for me
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03-26-2014, 08:50 PM
#1431 | RS.net, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by dared3vil0 6) People who drive on bald tires because they're too cheap. (or summers in winter) | Not everyone is made of money and can spend hundreds of dollars on a set of tires whenever their old set is down to the wear bar. As long as their bald tires wasn't the cause of an accident you were held up behind, how does it affect you?
I totally agree with the summers in winter part though.
__________________ 2014 Honda Civic Si |
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03-26-2014, 09:38 PM
#1432 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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Originally Posted by shenmecar Not everyone is made of money and can spend hundreds of dollars on a set of tires whenever their old set is down to the wear bar. As long as their bald tires wasn't the cause of an accident you were held up behind, how does it affect you?
I totally agree with the summers in winter part though. | Worn out tires are a safety hazard. It's been proven in countless tests that worn out (I'm talking to the cords here btw) tires are more prone to slippage, greatly increases stopping distances, reduces traction in the wet, and generally makes for a much more unsafe vehicle. Seriously, your tires are the only part of the car that touches the road - don't skimp out on something that can potentially save your life (or the lives of those around you). Having bald tires not only puts the driver at higher risk of an accident, but also innocent motorists on the road. So yes, I would say it does affect you.
Not trying to sound like an elitist, but if you can't afford to properly maintain your car, you shouldn't own one.
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03-27-2014, 12:10 PM
#1433 | I *heart* Revscene.net very Muchie
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Originally Posted by dared3vil0 3) People who ALWAYS have to one-up your story. URGHHHH. | What is it with these people? I know a few of one-uppers and they are annoying as fuck. One is actually so bad that we call him One Up.
I hate it when people cut me off when I'm talking or they do the Homer Simpson butterfly. Or if it's a one-up interruption then my blood boils. Did you just interrupt me to tell me how much better your similar story is? #gofuckyourself
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03-27-2014, 03:02 PM
#1434 | Ready to be Man handled by RS!
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Originally Posted by white rocket What is it with these people? I know a few of one-uppers and they are annoying as fuck. One is actually so bad that we call him One Up.
I hate it when people cut me off when I'm talking or they do the Homer Simpson butterfly. Or if it's a one-up interruption then my blood boils. Did you just interrupt me to tell me how much better your similar story is? #gofuckyourself | Goddamn One-Up Guys. Hate em.
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03-27-2014, 03:03 PM
#1435 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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When you're talking to someone and expect a response and don't get an answer until about 20 seconds later because they're distracted by their phone. Almost like a delayed reaction while you look like a dumbass as if you're talking to a wall.
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04-10-2014, 01:05 PM
#1436 | .
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People that drive luxury cars and think they own the road/drive like douchebags
Truck drivers. They either drive below the speed limit/tailgate you when YOU'RE GOING ABOVE THE SPEED LIMIT/drive like douchebags
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04-10-2014, 04:47 PM
#1437 | Waxin’ Punks
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Originally Posted by KingKaze Goddamn One-Up Guys. Hate em. | I hate them more.
If you drive like an asshole, you probably are one. Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold! | Quote:
Originally Posted by mikemhg What do your farts sound like then? |
Last edited by punkwax; 04-10-2014 at 05:59 PM.
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04-10-2014, 05:24 PM
#1438 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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I emailed this guy with an email titled "oz racing rims", and asking what the offset and bolt pattern are on his rims because his ad is unclear to me. He emails me back telling me that theyre not racing rims and that the offset and bolt pattern are written on his ad.
isn't the brand "oz racing", not just "oz"? Anyways hate this guys "know it all" attitude, and i still don't know the offset and the 2nd bolt pattern. (4)Almost new 17" "oz" wheels.
Last edited by lowda9; 04-10-2014 at 05:30 PM.
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05-23-2014, 03:56 PM
#1439 | .
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Canada Post not delivering packages on weekends
So you have to wait till Monday to get your goddamn package |
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05-29-2014, 12:24 AM
#1440 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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when computer randomly restarts itself.
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05-30-2014, 02:11 AM
#1441 | Lomac owned my ass at least once
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When street kids are begging you for money and they touch you. gross.
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06-08-2014, 06:59 PM
#1442 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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I fucking hate debt. Hoping to be out of it by the end of summer so I can start saving for a new (used) car. Been throwing $1500/month at my student loan (paid off with line of credit), sick of that shit.
Also, higher interest rates on student loans than on my line of credit. Fuck you, government.
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06-14-2014, 05:13 PM
#1443 | .
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when you drop someone off and they close your passenger door with ALOT OF FORCE OR close it LOUD AS FUCK |
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06-14-2014, 05:15 PM
#1444 | #deephouse
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when people complain to me about their problems , fuck off m8 dont care
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06-15-2014, 12:43 PM
#1445 | Waxin’ Punks
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Fruit flies! Just saw the first one of 2014 in my organics bin..
If you drive like an asshole, you probably are one. Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold! | Quote:
Originally Posted by mikemhg What do your farts sound like then? | |
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06-15-2014, 02:27 PM
#1446 | Banned (ABWS)
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When someone brags they fucked my ex |
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06-16-2014, 08:50 AM
#1447 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Couple of things that really grinded my gears this morning:
1. why the FUCK do most sites have the remember user name boxes ticked automatically?!?!? I hate having to uncheck this goddamn box every fucking time. I don't like having my user name remembered for obvious reasons. If i wanted to, I could check that fucking box myself.
2. Why the fuck does groupon.ca lead to fucking quebec?? Makes no fucking sense, you would think the .ca would encompass all of Canada but NO, if you want Vancouver its groupon.com/vancouver. What the fuck. Wasted my fucking time this morning figuring out why in seven hells only Quebec locations were appearing on groupon.
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06-16-2014, 10:02 AM
#1448 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by jeedee when you drop someone off and they close your passenger door with ALOT OF FORCE OR close it LOUD AS FUCK ![FUUUUU](http://i.imgur.com/URful.png) | ![FUUUUU](http://i.imgur.com/URful.png) srs
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06-16-2014, 10:20 AM
#1449 | .
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neighbours who can't wait till the afternoon and just HAVE TO MOW THEIR GODDAMN LAWN AT 8/9 IN THE MORNING
jesus fuckaroni
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06-16-2014, 01:04 PM
#1450 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by 6o4__boi
1. why the FUCK do most sites have the remember user name boxes ticked automatically?!?!? I hate having to uncheck this goddamn box every fucking time. I don't like having my user name remembered for obvious reasons. If i wanted to, I could check that fucking box myself. | This is a great point, because in theory if you did want it to remember your username you would only ever have to click it once, and then after that it would always remember. But if you didn't want it to remember you would have to uncheck the box every time.
Fucking web designers.
Too many things grind my gears, I would be here a lifetime trying to list them all.
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