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04-20-2011, 12:42 PM
#26 | ninja edits your posts without your knowledge
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Originally Posted by Tequilabomb actually i have been bullshitted by a pig 7 years ago, gave me a VI saying my car was lowered. Which in fact my suspension was absolutely STOCK | There is a difference between bullshitting and being mistaken. Just because he thought you lowered your car doesn't mean that he knew full well that you had stock suspension and wanted to give you a ticket just for the hell of it.
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04-20-2011, 12:48 PM
#27 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by dangonay So you sau you've had "less than 3 tickets" then you say you've had 2 "regulars" and 1 "excessive". What were the conditions of those previous tickets (how fast were you going, where were you driving).
They're saying you are "likely" to commit further offences in the future. That usually only comes from having a history, otherwise they can't claim you are "inclined" to repeat.
I'd really like to know your whole driving record. For example, on your previous tickets how fast were you going and where? Were you only 10 km/h over the limit or were you at 39 km/h, or just barely under the excessive speed? How many issues have you had involving drinking and driving, like roadside 24hr suspensions which aren't classified as impaired driving?
I don't think we're getting the whole story here. | To be more precise, the 2 regular tickets were dated in 2008. I was doing 80 in a 60 once. The other time the cop said I was following too close to the speeder up front but didn't actually get my speed. If you know the area just after you've got off the pattulo bridge in surrey, where the cops usually hide on the side, thats where I got it. Both happened during the day.
The excessive ticket was from last year. I hit 110 in an 70 on marine drive during the night.
And that's all the speeding tickets I've got for my whole driving record. I wouldn't say it is perfectly good, but definitely far from repeating.
Absolutely no drunk driving record prior to this incident.
Blowing a WARN means blood alcohol content (BAC) >= 0.05% and < 0.08%, which is another bs in itself. In my case, that meant couple beer. Put it simply, if the new drinking law didn't come in last year, I would have passed. 3 days prohibition to start for the first timer, which was what I got.
Blowing a FAIL means BAC >=0.08% and that is much more serious with a 30 days prohibition to start and a potential criminal record.
While I am not saying it is perfectly okay to drink and drive, taking my car away for the first offence is just ridiculous.
Last edited by sapere; 04-20-2011 at 01:07 PM.
Reason: typo
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04-20-2011, 01:01 PM
#28 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by CRS Just something to note for the future:
1. If there is no one to pass, stay on the RIGHT lane
2. If you are passing someone, move to the LEFT lane
3. After you have passed, move BACK to the RIGHT lane
I'm assuming you were on the left lane before the truck started to "tailgate you" and then you moved to the right lane? Because it would be absurd to do that backwards. However, if I had changed lanes and the person still tailgated me, I would have simply pulled over instead of speeding up because that person has showed that he/she has no intention of just passing me. | I was on the HOV lane actually. I switched from HOV all the way to the right lane, one lane at a time. I didn't think it was a good idea to brake or slow down at that instance. He was following dangerously close.
Keep in mind that it was a black truck in the middle of the night. I wouldn't need to be afraid to pull over if it was clearly a cop.
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04-20-2011, 01:08 PM
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So how fast were you actually going? Why bother bitching if you're guilty?
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04-20-2011, 01:19 PM
#30 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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most cops are ass hats. i was a passenger in my friends car, and he was pulled over cause his ep3 was lowered..
no joke. his ep3 only has tien suspension and work rims...
he GAVE ME a ticket for no seat belt when i clearly had it... he told me to come out of the car, then gave me a ticket afterwards... i had no way of proving i was wearing once i got out..
i ate that ticket like a dead cat..
since then i fucking hate rcmp/richmond police...
my friend felt so bad for me he offered to pay half of the ticket..
im not hiding anything in my story.. i had my seat belt. i got a ticket with no seatbelt.. cops are asshats.. end of story
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04-20-2011, 01:25 PM
#31 | Banned (ABWS)
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2 words: "LAWYER UP"
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04-20-2011, 01:28 PM
#32 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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Originally Posted by Grim most cops are ass hats. i was a passenger in my friends car, and he was pulled over cause his ep3 was lowered..
no joke. his ep3 only has tien suspension and work rims...
he GAVE ME a ticket for no seat belt when i clearly had it... he told me to come out of the car, then gave me a ticket afterwards... i had no way of proving i was wearing once i got out..
i ate that ticket like a dead cat..
since then i fucking hate rcmp/richmond police...
my friend felt so bad for me he offered to pay half of the ticket..
im not hiding anything in my story.. i had my seat belt. i got a ticket with no seatbelt.. cops are asshats.. end of story | with that being said,
if u were excessively speeding and drinking, u deserve it
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04-20-2011, 01:29 PM
#33 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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Originally Posted by sapere Blowing a WARN means blood alcohol content (BAC) >= 0.05% and < 0.08%, which is another bs in itself. In my case, that meant couple beer. Put it simply, if the new drinking law didn't come in last year, I would have passed. 3 days prohibition to start for the first timer, which was what I got.
Blowing a FAIL means BAC >=0.08% and that is much more serious with a 30 days prohibition to start and a potential criminal record.
While I am not saying it is perfectly okay to drink and drive, taking my car away for the first offence is just ridiculous. | The LAW in BC is that if you blow above .05 you're impaired and get 1. a road side suspension and 2. your vehicle impounded.
You were impaired. You knew it, you had the empties IN YOUR CAR.
Because you were impaired your judgement of how things went down may not be entirely reliable. You MAY have been swerving a bit in the lane and that may have been why the officer was driving so close to you for example.
You broke the law. You knew the consequences and didn't care to heed them so now you have to face them.
Welcome to the grown up world.
~ Just another noob looking for a clue
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04-20-2011, 01:34 PM
#34 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Try getting accused of street racing when I was clearly cruising around 55km.
Yes I was aware that I was 5km above the speed limit, and ironicly other drivers around me were going faster.
Only in Richmond. Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-20-2011, 01:36 PM
#35 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by Tequilabomb actually i have been bullshitted by a pig 7 years ago, gave me a VI saying my car was lowered. Which in fact my suspension was absolutely STOCK | That makes sense since it's around the fast and furious era when stock Subaru Sti's were getting shit for their stock muffler and the Honda s2000 for their stock projector headlights. Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-20-2011, 01:37 PM
#36 | Banned By Establishment
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So how fast did he clock you going?
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04-20-2011, 01:39 PM
#37 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by Soltaaa 99.20% of the time cops dont bullshit, there not out in the world too fuck everyone over. if they say you were going fast then you were going fast and the alcohal thing made matters worse. | Sure, if the undercover didn't bs and I was indeed driving like a maniac on the highway, then pull me over on the highway.
Why the 20 mins of tailgating? Was he waiting for me to get into an accident first? If I really did get into an accident, would he not be liable for not taking reasonable preventive measures? He didn't pull me over because he knew I had total control of the car.
Then here I am, car taken away after being accused for driving like maniac, yet I still have my license. No license suspension or anything like that. Nothing is stopping me from getting another car to endanger the public again as they put it.
Suppose then, I did commit to all the accusations.
Did taking my car away without suspending my license solve the problem? No.
Are there incentives to them in taking away my car? Not in my case, but yes in general.
Will this make them look good to the public? Certainly.
Furthermore, if he had solid evidence of my crime, he wouldn't need to deter to using civil forfeiture to cheese his way out. He could and should have charged me criminally for dangerous driving, the car would be gone under criminal forfeiture instead and I would be ending up behind the bars. Problem solved.
Point being? He got nothing on me and that taking my car away does not solve anything. So yes, I am calling his bluff here because I wasn't driving like a maniac.
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04-20-2011, 01:42 PM
#38 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Answer everyones question. How fast were you going? Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-20-2011, 01:46 PM
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Also on the notice of civil action, they are claiming I was and also is likely to repeat including but not limited to:
1. Excessive speeding
2. Driving without consideration
3. Driving without due care
4. Driving in a manner dangerous to public in light of all conditions
5. Impaired by alcohol contrary to criminal code 253(1)(a)
Which could potentially cause serious bodily harm.
While on the actual violation ticket, I only got excessive speeding so wtf was all those made up bs? Might as well throw the whole MVA book at me. I am also not being criminally charged by the police for impaired driving. |
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Originally Posted by Godzira Does anyone know how many to a signature? | .. Quote:
Originally Posted by Brianrietta Not a sebberry post goes by where I don't frown and think to myself "so..?" | |
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04-20-2011, 01:47 PM
#40 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by TheNewGirl The LAW in BC is that if you blow above .05 you're impaired and get 1. a road side suspension and 2. your vehicle impounded.
You were impaired. You knew it, you had the empties IN YOUR CAR.
Because you were impaired your judgement of how things went down may not be entirely reliable. You MAY have been swerving a bit in the lane and that may have been why the officer was driving so close to you for example.
You broke the law. You knew the consequences and didn't care to heed them so now you have to face them.
Welcome to the grown up world. | You talk as if you've seen the whole situation and known everything. Did I say I drank the empties? Or drinking WHILE driving?
Answer is No to both.
I knew about tickets and prohibitions, but forfeiture? I didn't think this country has shifted to communism, or did it now?
All these hypothetical MAYs and IFs need to meet their ends.
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04-20-2011, 01:51 PM
#41 | #savethemanuals
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How fast were you going!?!?!? Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-20-2011, 01:53 PM
#42 | Licensed Sponsor
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faster than the speed of light 
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04-20-2011, 01:54 PM
#43 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by Jgresch Answer everyones question. How fast were you going? Posted via RS Mobile | That is a rather meaningless question.
I drove at different speeds in different situations for different durations during the whole 20 mins incident.
He wasn't standing on the side to clock me with a radar, so there was no reading.
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04-20-2011, 01:56 PM
#44 | #savethemanuals
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Did you reach a speed that was obviously way over the limit that you don't need any detector to tell that you over by a large amount? Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-20-2011, 02:00 PM
#45 | Welcome to Planet Power ///M
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he was obviously speeding, otherwise the cop wouldn't have even noticed him. way to own yourself, dumbass. and as for keeping a beer can in the car... bravo. |
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04-20-2011, 02:04 PM
#46 | I am grateful grapefruit
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Originally Posted by sapere Blowing a WARN means blood alcohol content (BAC) >= 0.05% and < 0.08%, which is another bs in itself. In my case, that meant couple beer. Put it simply, if the new drinking law didn't come in last year, I would have passed. 3 days prohibition to start for the first timer, which was what I got.
Blowing a FAIL means BAC >=0.08% and that is much more serious with a 30 days prohibition to start and a potential criminal record.
While I am not saying it is perfectly okay to drink and drive, taking my car away for the first offence is just ridiculous. | A year ago, you would have still been slapped with a 24hr prohibition from driving and had your car towed away. They just increased it to 3 days recently. They never changed the BAC%, they just increased the severity of the punishment.
Since you seemed to know so much about the law, why did you still drink?
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04-20-2011, 02:07 PM
#47 | I am grateful grapefruit
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Originally Posted by sapere That is a rather meaningless question.
I drove at different speeds in different situations for different durations during the whole 20 mins incident. | how is that a meaningless question?
Are you afraid that everyone is going to shit on you if you posted a ridiculously high speed?
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04-20-2011, 02:10 PM
#48 | "Entertainment" mod.
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I'll ask it too, and I'll type it in a way that it can be read slower and made easier to understand:
How. Fast. Were. You. GOING?
Green OJ Special
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04-20-2011, 02:14 PM
#49 | Welcome to Planet Power ///M
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im gonna guess that the cop was pretty accurate with his "190km/h" reading. have fun paying off the lease with no car to drive bud (y)
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04-20-2011, 02:17 PM
#50 | I AM
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Originally Posted by sapere That is a rather meaningless question.
I drove at different speeds in different situations for different durations during the whole 20 mins incident.
He wasn't standing on the side to clock me with a radar, so there was no reading. | alright. what were the different speeds in the different situations for the different durations during the whole 20 mins? |
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