You are able to attend different post secondary institutions at one time, just make sure that exams, lectures, labs, do not overlap each other. Many schools have strict policies that do not allow you to take exams on alternate dates.
Originally Posted by MajinHurricane You won't be able to do it. Especially nursing at BCIT. |
Just because you can't accomplish this feat, doesn't mean the OP can't do it. You never know what others are fully capable of doing, but your stark approach to warn the OP does have some truth to it
BCIT programs are known for their intensity. It would be wise to concentrate on the one program. However, a suggestion would be to lower your course load, i.e. 1 online course at SFU while starting your studies at BCIT in January. Try it for a semester and see if your happy with your grades.
I know one person who had finished his CompSci program at BCIT while he continued his studies at UBC. I recall him sleeping over night on desks at BCIT during midterms and finals.