Need Advice, going back to university after 3 years
hey guys, I'm in a situation where I was a third year student at UBC in 2008 and was suppose to finish my 4th year in psychology in 2009. However, I was offered a good paying job during that summer and I never went back to finish my education. Now 3 years later, I have managed to pay off all my previous students loans and debt and was hoping to go back and finish my degree. In this sense I am totally loss as I have no idea where to start.
Do you guys know if UBCs faculty advisors would give me a chance to speak with them to get some advice? I mean, considering the fact that I am no longer a student, how would i get about scheduling an appointment with an advisor.
Have any of you guys gone through this or know someone who has been in a similar situation? I would love to hear of any tips or advice you have regarding this situation.
Thanks a lot for the help!