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Old 05-31-2011, 07:00 PM   #76
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I think a GPS based radar detector, like the 9500ix has the advantage.

Some of the 9500ix's features

Able to manually mark known false locations.
Ability of the unit to automatically remember false readings via GPS
Ability to adjust the radar's sensitivity to your vehicle's speed (Hwy -->City)
Warning of Red Light camera locations (GPS)
Warning of Speed Camera locations (GPS)
Ability to download updates of database.

I don't care how many freaking "bogey's" there are out there, or where the hell they are, for that matter. I would much rather have a unit that will take away false readings caused by microwaves, automatic door openers, etc.

More and more red light and speed cameras being installed. GPS based detector is the only way to go, IMHO.
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Old 05-31-2011, 07:07 PM   #77
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I kinda wish I got passport escort 9500ix....anyone wanna trade for my V1? :P
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Old 05-31-2011, 07:48 PM   #78, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by exhil View Post
I kinda wish I got passport escort 9500ix....anyone wanna trade for my V1? :P
how much did you get your V1 anyways?
Originally Posted by The_AK View Post
Or you meet some girl at the club, cum inside of her, find out shes only in grade 12, so you buy a Prada bag for her to make things right, she finds out the bag is a fake and decides to have the kid
Originally Posted by RX_Renesis View Post
wtf did she get some bolt-on titties or what?
they look sooooooooooo much bigger than they were 2ish years ago.
Originally Posted by nns View Post
I can't stand the sound of Mandarin either. Boo yow nee bey nee shing bo now noong gey shee mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo.
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Old 05-31-2011, 09:00 PM   #79
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i dont know why in ANYONES right mind would they even consider V1

when passport 9500ix > out powers it in every single god damn way, except the stupid arrows. Which is absolutely useless, u hear ur radar beeping, slow the fuck down. Simple as 1,2,3

v1 is $400 USD

9500 is $500 USD

i just got mine this month and so far im loving it, no annoying false alarm going off like a mad cow. You can manually mute it forever if you know its a false alarm, or it automatically remembers it if you are lazy.
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Old 06-01-2011, 12:01 AM   #80, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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The only thing that annoyed me was the red light camera warning.

Good thing there's a function to turn it off
Originally Posted by The_AK View Post
Or you meet some girl at the club, cum inside of her, find out shes only in grade 12, so you buy a Prada bag for her to make things right, she finds out the bag is a fake and decides to have the kid
Originally Posted by RX_Renesis View Post
wtf did she get some bolt-on titties or what?
they look sooooooooooo much bigger than they were 2ish years ago.
Originally Posted by nns View Post
I can't stand the sound of Mandarin either. Boo yow nee bey nee shing bo now noong gey shee mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo.
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:22 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by zulutango View Post
Unless you are riding directly in front of/behind a second bike and you were almost touching, the Laser is designed to pick out single vehicles.
And what distance do you take your readings at?
Because the last time i checked, there was a 3' spread on the laser beam at 1km. Since light won't stop, it will grow to double that size at 2km, which is where my 9500ix will begin to read. And I assure you, at 2km my spread is so wide it will pick up a laser or radar signal coming from any direction.

So nowadays you tough guys are being taught to take a reading at about 400m to decrease the amount of laser spread. But unless I'm the only one on the road, I'm going to get signals and know you're hunting km's in advance. Explain that. Although I know you're not going to, because you're a boyscout drinking the RCMP Kool Aid.

I know you're on the other team, and need to promote just how effecient you are at taking menaces like us off the road. What frustrates me is that you know the limitations, and yet you attempt to hide them from us. Typical cop, high on power, with a partial stiffy everytime you think of your "piece". Why can't you be more like Dave B. Thomas? Oh yeah, because he left the force due to horrible management and incompetant officers.

Finally, don't get me started on the public's view of the police. I bet in some areas that it's about as high as the public view of the Hell's Angels.
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Old 06-01-2011, 10:47 AM   #82
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Nice to see you deleted some of the profanity from your post by the time it got posted here. Obscenity never impresses or strengthens the validity of a point of view.
Life is difficult enough without carrying the huge burden of a chip the size of the one you are carrying on your shoulder. You're going to drive the way you choose to drive and nothing I say will change that. That is your choice. The question some may ask is why you are not willing to accept the consequences?

Last edited by zulutango; 06-01-2011 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 06-01-2011, 12:10 PM   #83
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Because the consequences are bullshit.
I'm deemed a criminal at a certain speed allowing you to take my assets?
Assets gained legally, I remind you. At speeds that should be considered low? Like the 50kmh limit on the Golden Ears bridge? Or the 50kmh limit on SW Marine through the flat lands? My car can stop from 100kmh in about 120'. That's 8 car lengths! Am I blind? Or too dumb to see 8 car lengths ahead of me? You guys sure think so...

Sure, there are issues with speeding, and I know that accidents happen. The truth is that your team hasn't changed to adapt to what's happening in the auto world. How is it that auto safety has increased ten fold, with ABS, stability control, and now cars that park themselves? Yet the 50kmh limit, a speed limit brought in around the late 60's still stands? What about 80-90km on the highway prior to construction? Are you honestly telling me that modern day vehicles should be following the rules established when drum brakes, poor alignment setting, and bias ply tires were standard equipment?

Give me a break.....

As for my profanity, I'm sick and tired of boyscouts like you promoting how tough the cops are, and how you will be tossed in jail if you cross them. When did the police become the bully?

I will accept the consequences if and/or when they come.

When will you accept that we're not all a bunch of drooling retards that need the likes of you and your gang to hold our hands through life?
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Old 06-01-2011, 01:17 PM   #84
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originalhypa: I agree with most of what you said. Yet there only 1 issue.

Compared to other places in the world (lets say, Europe and US) our speed limits are very low. Yet in Europe it's 10x harder to get a license, so people who drive over there, actually understand half the shit their doing.

The US has higher speed limits, yet also have higher fines. I'm not talking points, or impounds or anything. But in MA & PA I hear people complaining all the time that 40+ over the limit is about $1600. In some states you get jail time for excessive speeds. I don't know how hard it is to get a license in the US so I can't really compare that.

Yet here, we have stupid low speed limits & stupidly enforced laws. Yet more then 50% of our population that drives are COMPLETE MORONS. Yesterday on my commute home I watched an SUV almost plow into a Corolla because the women driving the Corolla "forgot" to come to a complete stop at a stop-sign. Rolled into said intersection where the SUV's turn was to go, and almost took out her front corner. I see potential for atleast 1 accident per day on my commute, and it's only 17km each way.

Coles notes:
Make the driving tests harder so idiots can't get licenses.
Less idiots driving = safer roads
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:36 PM   #85
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Would anyone consider getting the Cobra iRadar? It's sleek and low profile, and the iphone (which assumes you would dock it onto your dash) shows all the useful information like 9500ix (I think)

I would like it mainly because I wouldn't have to worry about taking it off and hiding it each time I park my car
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:39 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by melloman View Post
originalhypa: I agree with most of what you said. Yet there only 1 issue.

Compared to other places in the world (lets say, Europe and US) our speed limits are very low. Yet in Europe it's 10x harder to get a license, so people who drive over there, actually understand half the shit their doing.
So rather than educate the bad drivers in BC, we punish them financially for their stupidity?

Why is it so easy to get your license in BC?
Because it makes it easier for the police to collect "road tax".

The US has higher speed limits, yet also have higher fines. I'm not talking points, or impounds or anything. But in MA & PA I hear people complaining all the time that 40+ over the limit is about $1600. In some states you get jail time for excessive speeds. I don't know how hard it is to get a license in the US so I can't really compare that.

Where in the US?
There are 50 states. Pick one and it's laws, then we'll talk. You mention PA and MA. How about Montana and Texas where the limits are high. In Texas they recently brought in an idea that would allow "good" drivers to pay for the right to speed.

Yet here, we have stupid low speed limits & stupidly enforced laws. Yet more then 50% of our population that drives are COMPLETE MORONS. Yesterday on my commute home I watched an SUV almost plow into a Corolla because the women driving the Corolla "forgot" to come to a complete stop at a stop-sign. Rolled into said intersection where the SUV's turn was to go, and almost took out her front corner. I see potential for atleast 1 accident per day on my commute, and it's only 17km each way.
Darwinism will kick in soon enough, and that woman will have an accident once she finds someone as dumb as she is. Not only that, but her insurance will go up. It's only a matter of time before the truly dangerous will simply be pulled off the road. I have numerous encounters everyday, yet no one focusses on the person who avoided the accident. I'd say props to the SUV driver, while slapping the Corolla c-lai in the face.

Coles notes:
Make the driving tests harder so idiots can't get licenses.
Less idiots driving = safer roads
If we do that, zulutango won't have a job to do.
Then maybe he'll have to go after real criminals as opposed to the soccer mom going 15 over.
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:59 PM   #87
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To be fair the Zulutango doesn't create the laws...

They're created by retarded MLA's that have no clue other than to make knee-jerk reactions to appease a general public that thinks that your car will burst into a nuclear explosion and kill everyone on the highway if you cross that magical 40km/h mark.

I would have no problem with the law if it were written to use the officer's discretion (I honestly believe that there are some good officers out there that still have it) on when to impound based on things like Traffic conditions, weather conditions, road conditions etc... I do think that someone doing 80 in a school zone should have their pee-pee smacked HARD. I DON'T think someone doing 150 on a deserted highway out in the boonies should have their car towed. I want to slap the MLA's who can't see the major differences between those two scenarios in the face.
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Old 06-01-2011, 03:47 PM   #88
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"If we do that, zulutango won't have a job to do."

Actually I do not have that job to do anymore. I teach drivers/riders how to be more skilled in their cars and on motorcycles. I use my past experiences in crash investigation as discussion starters in my courses. Helps to let new drivers know what the consequences of their actions can lead to. It's up to them to make the correct choices.

Then maybe he'll have to go after real criminals as opposed to the soccer mom going 15 over.

Ah yes...the "why are you not catching real criminals" rant.
More people are injured or die in vehicle crashes than are ever murdered or beaten to the same extent. Number one cause of death in under 25's is vehicle crashes. The laws of physics don't care if you are nice or naughty. If you exceed them, you crash. People who damage property, kill and injure other people are criminals under the law.

Most Cops use discretion in issuing tickets. You wouldn't want them to write every charge they witnessed in an encounter. Everyone has a point of view and a perspective based on what they have seen in their lives. Because yours does not match mine does not make either of us wrong just because of that alone. As a closing thought, if you are willing to accept the consequences if/when they come, why do you use a Radar/Laser dectector? As an abstract thought here...If you were really willing, you would not use them and you would willingly take any tickets you got wouldn't you ?
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Old 06-01-2011, 04:47 PM   #89
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THose that decides to use radar not because we dont wonna take responsibilities of our action, but it is simply we refuse to accept such bs law.

Honestly any modern cars doing 110-120km i dont see it being a threat to the society. Again i Have absolutely no problem and in fact, i encourage law enforcements to be more strict in areas like playground, parks, and school zone. Why? becuz kids dont know any better, and we cant blame them for being naive. Kids will always be kids, therefore stay alert, drive slow thru these areas.

There are many places in the lower mainland that has messed up speed limite. Barnet hwy, lougheed hwy, Hwy no.1 , New westminster section...30km? like for real? it should be the standard city limit which is 50km

BEcuz a retarded law is made, therefore the police has to enforce it. That doesnt mean 99% of the people on the road thinks its fair or somewhat reasonable.

I have no problem paying a fine, like someone described above. US has higher speed limit, and those that speeds above, well you pay a higher fine.

Id take a higher fine > towing my god damn property + impound in a shitty area and god knows what is happening to my vehicle with all the shitty tow drivers that dont give a damn about others.

There are many nights where i drive really late on the weekend, 1am, 2am, 3am where there are hardly less than half a dozen of vehicles running in the entire 1-2km. And lets get real here, who the hell in their right mind drives 80km when there is barely any cars. IT seems like im crawling like a turtle.

If the excuse is construction, you gotta be kidding me. You think it will raise it to 110-120km as a standard speed limit after all these constructions are over?? it'd be back to 90km, which is still useless in the first place. This is 2011, not 1980
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Old 06-02-2011, 11:54 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Great68 View Post
To be fair the Zulutango doesn't create the laws...
that is true and easy to forget.
He does represent the "man" well though, thus a perfect target for my rant.

Originally Posted by zulutango View Post
"If we do that, zulutango won't have a job to do."

Actually I do not have that job to do anymore. I teach drivers/riders how to be more skilled in their cars and on motorcycles. I use my past experiences in crash investigation as discussion starters in my courses. Helps to let new drivers know what the consequences of their actions can lead to. It's up to them to make the correct choices.
fair enough.
That's actually a good use of your skills, mainly because it's focussed on education, rather than enforcement.

Then maybe he'll have to go after real criminals as opposed to the soccer mom going 15 over.

Ah yes...the "why are you not catching real criminals" rant.
More people are injured or die in vehicle crashes than are ever murdered or beaten to the same extent. Number one cause of death in under 25's is vehicle crashes. The laws of physics don't care if you are nice or naughty. If you exceed them, you crash.
Again, this is a fair statement to make. However, taken from I see that there is a strong correlation between young drivers, and crashes.

Motor Vehicle Collisions in British Columbia

Did you know...

There are approximately 400 deaths due to motor vehicle crashes in BC each year.

The age group with the greatest percentage of deaths are those aged 15-24 years, representing over 25% of deaths.

There are approximately 36 deaths due to motorcyclist collisions with vehicles each year. Those aged 20-29 years are at greatest risk.

There are approximately 66 deaths per year due to motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians each year. Those aged 75-84 years are at greatest risk.

There are approximately 4,200 hospitalizations due to motor vehicle crashes in BC each year.

The age group with the greatest percentage of hospitalizations are those aged 15-24 years, representing 23% of deaths.

There are approximately 700 motorcyclist injuries that require hospitalization each year. Those aged 20-24 years are at greatest risk.

There are approximately 600 injured pedestrians that require hospitalization each year. Those aged 15-19 years are at greatest risk.
You can see the problem isn't with people like myself, but with the youth. So why make these strong generalizations like you did below?

People who damage property, kill and injure other people are criminals under the law.
I can't argue that.
But since when did going over the limit, automatically mean I'm going to kill and injure?

And suddenly going 40 over the limit in an area with a low speed limit like the many listed in the above post means that I can no longer control my vehicle at speed?

That's garbage.
The last time I checked, one was innocent until proven guilty in this country, and it is in our basic Canadian right to have access to justice. What justice is being done when you tow away someone going over the limit in those areas without allowing them to defend themselves. That just shows that the law is simply, black and white.

Most Cops use discretion in issuing tickets. You wouldn't want them to write every charge they witnessed in an encounter. Everyone has a point of view and a perspective based on what they have seen in their lives. Because yours does not match mine does not make either of us wrong just because of that alone.
Thank you for this. I actually thought about this last night, about my argument and what I would want if I was in charge. On one hand, I don't want to have my car taken away because I held the throttle for literally more than 5 seconds. On the other hand, I don't want some jackass in his mom's G35 to plow into my wife picking the kids up from school.

So what can be done about the situation?

As a closing thought, if you are willing to accept the consequences if/when they come, why do you use a Radar/Laser dectector? As an abstract thought here...If you were really willing, you would not use them and you would willingly take any tickets you got wouldn't you ?
The answer is simple, and you said it yourself.

Everyone has a point of view and a perspective based on what they have seen in their lives.
I don't want to take my chances on getting a "cool" cop.
The repercussions, aside from the chance of an accident, are just too high.

That said, I thank you for calmly reading my rant, and accepting my point of view. That alone proves to me that some of you have a good head on your shoulders.

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Old 06-02-2011, 08:10 PM   #91
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Cheers to you too. As my wife tells me...I'm entitled to her opinion...actually she doesn't really tell me that...but it is survival mode for married men to know that. You see I have been trained by a professional.
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Old 06-02-2011, 10:52 PM   #92
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My escort passport 8500 X50 is dated now, but still puts a smile on my face

Was going a steady 200-210 (in mexico, on a track lol) when it went off, threw down the anchors but still got ticketed for 130 in a 110 zone, had no warning at all, like i was the first person he targeted

time for an upgrade soon. Most likely the 9500ix, or escort redline, just have to figure out which is better suited for me, i have no use for it within the city

it's a game really, like cat and mouse - because there's a time and place to speed. It IS possible to speed responsibly, everyone knows it, even the man does, though he'll never admit it
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:44 AM   #93
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how did you get ticketed while on a track? i'm confused.. haha.
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Old 06-03-2011, 06:24 AM   #94
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Old 06-03-2011, 06:45 AM   #95
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I've only gotten one speeding ticket in my life, and it was when I had a detector installed. It went off all right - right when the cop was reading my speed.

Eventually I just stopped using it, and threw it away. If you drive reasonably you shouldn't need a detector.
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:25 PM   #96
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If a Police Officer uses the laser properly there will be little to no warning for your laser detector to pick up a signal. It's only when there's a lazy cop out there that you will pick up back ground signal to set off your detector.


1) Visually observe cars using your eyes. Look for one thats speeding and make a visual estimate. Signs such as it's passing other cars is a good indicator.

2) After you have the visual estimate, use the laser to CONFIRM the speed. Targeting only that specific car. Keep within a distance that you are comfortable with. If you're lasering a car at 1km away then yes that beam will be huge and likely not possible without a tripod and zoom anyways. If you're only lasering cars at a distance of 400 meters or closer it's much easier to stay on target and not have give your location away to other drivers.

3) Pull the car over.

If you have a lazy cop that zaps every car on the road then yes your laser detector will probably go off givng you a good amount of warning time to slow down. If the cop is patient and just singles cars out there is very little stray laser beams flying around for your detector to detect until it's too late.
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Old 06-14-2011, 08:04 PM   #97
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Thought I'd bump this thread and post this video:

Anyone else have some good stories to share?

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Old 06-14-2011, 08:08 PM   #98
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I read that the V1 is more sensitive and can get annoying when using it in the city... lots of false alarms.

anyone have any experience to share with the V1?

Debating between the 9500ix and Bel STI radar/laser detector to buy as of now.

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Old 06-14-2011, 09:44 PM   #99
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wowwww jordan, that was far!

just a thought, if one was using the veil cover paint on their car and a lazer detector, would it not be possible to slow down in time? i don't beleive a "jamming" warning would go off on the gun because the car in question is defusing the beam, like a prism scatters light, in multiple directions and not back to the gun. this is not the same as overpowering the gun laser with a higher output car mounted laser jammer. in this way would it not just look like the operator of the lazer wasn't hitting the sweet spots on the car until they came within the range that the veil is no longer capable of scattering the laser gun?

of course this stuff would actually have to work, but i've seen some use of it on youtube.

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Old 06-15-2011, 01:21 AM   #100
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Another thing to consider before purchasing any speed reader detector is your car itself:

1. Does it have a large cross sections eg headlights. Large cross section means you are giving the cops a larger target (especially stationary speed traps).
2. How is your glass? If you drive a run of the mill civic, the laser detection will be better than say a C class with sekurit windows. For laser the glass performance makes a huge difference.

eg when the V1 in my X5, it can't read any laser scatters coming from the rear.. vs my M5.

My rule of the thumb is speed only when you know the road. If you don't know where and when the speed traps are, you don't know the road.
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