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b92 05-19-2011 04:51 AM

laser detectors legal? which one to buy?
Are they illegal? do you guys that have it usually just hide it? which one is the best one to buy while on budget? thanks

zulutango 05-19-2011 05:48 AM

They are not legal as you have to "obstruct" Police to use them. Criminal code offence, seizure and criminal record if convicted. Laser operators can detect that you are using one.

hk20000 05-19-2011 07:44 AM

legal in BC. Detectors not = jammers.

zulutango 05-19-2011 08:11 AM

Your post is a bit confusing to me??? Radar detectors are legal in BC, Laser jammers are prohibited if used to jam Police Laser operations.

b92 05-19-2011 08:16 AM

so laser detectors are legal, the ones that beep when there is radar gun up ahead?

hk20000 05-19-2011 08:17 AM

yes those are legal. you can buy it from Futureshop and Bestbuy. Someone else chime in on what's good what's not.

melloman 05-19-2011 08:20 AM

I wish they had written a justification on where they received their sources for Canada from, but they give sources to legality in the US.

This is why I've lately been saying radar detectors AND laser jammers are LEGAL.
Might need to send this website an email to ask for their sources for the legality in BC. :troll:

melloman 05-19-2011 08:38 AM

I'll also add in, detecting laser is nearly impossible. Radar has to be constantly on and bouncing a signal back and forth. Laser is a single motion, they pull the trigger and it hits you within a second, and iwthin that same second they get a reading on your speed.

Radar detectors are worth it, just for the fact that cops are still using radar more then laser right now.

!LittleDragon 05-19-2011 08:48 AM

Don't waste your money. If the laser detector goes off, you're already busted.

b92 05-19-2011 08:52 AM

hmm, mixed info here ppl. they work and they don't work?

Supafly 05-19-2011 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by !LittleDragon (Post 7439840)
Don't waste your money. If the laser detector goes off, you're already busted.

Do you own one?....I myself have Bell one that I use, and its saved my ass a few times already from people being lasered around me...

unit 05-19-2011 09:02 AM

how does that work? if the laser isnt targeting you how are you picking it up?

Supafly 05-19-2011 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by unit (Post 7439859)
how does that work? if the laser isnt targeting you how are you picking it up?

iirc, if you're close enough i believe you can pick it up?? not entirely clear on the concept but every now and then, i'll get a "laser warning"; it'll go ape shit for a sec or two..then not to far up, i'll spot a patrol car gunning.....:fullofwin:

sho_bc 05-19-2011 09:14 AM

Radar and Laser detectors are legal in BC, however I believe there are several provinces that ban the use of detectors (radar and laser). Even having it mounted is a no-no.

Jammers are illegal.

originalhypa 05-19-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by !LittleDragon (Post 7439840)
Don't waste your money. If the laser detector goes off, you're already busted.

Not necessarily.
I won't say taht a detector will svae your ass alone. You still need to use your head, especially when dealing with well trained officers like the integrated road safety crew.


Originally Posted by Supafly (Post 7439856)
Do you own one?....I myself have Bell one that I use, and its saved my ass a few times already from people being lasered around me...

I've had traces of radar from the vehicles ahead. Running a 9500ix, I know that if it beeps I better be on edge. Most of the time, it's right.


Originally Posted by sho_bc (Post 7439868)
Jammers are illegal.

They're not jammers. They are actually parking assists, and are marketed as such.

It's all based on the interpretation of the law though. While a lawyer could probably get you "off" on a charge of obstruction. I would rather not get into that situation myself...

crazyazn 05-19-2011 10:30 AM

^What he said...technically you could argue your laser jammer is just a parking sensor and they are often marketed that way. Although I'm not sure if the law would be on your

Also, some detectors detect both radar and laser...but detecting laser is somewhat pointless since by the time it goes off the cop already has your speed. Radar on the other hand is useful because the detector can pick up some traces reflecting off cars in front.

zulutango 05-19-2011 12:03 PM

[QUOTE=melloman;7439827]I'll also add in, detecting laser is nearly impossible. Radar has to be constantly on and bouncing a signal back and forth. Laser is a single motion, they pull the trigger and it hits you within a second, and iwthin that same second they get a reading on your speed.

Actually 60 distance measurements are made in 1/3 of a second. Pretty hard to get slowed downin that time. Laser is only used in stationary mode as the distance that is being measured has to be not increasing or decreasing. Radar can be used in stationary or mobile mode.

originalhypa 05-19-2011 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by zulutango (Post 7440031)
Laser is a single motion, they pull the trigger and it hits you within a second, and iwthin that same second they get a reading on your speed.

I'm sure you know that the LIDER used by the RCMP is also prone to scatter. This gives drivers with good detectors lots of prior warning. Also, there is a skill to using the LIDAR gun. On a lot of modern vehicles, you're limited to where you can aim the unit to get that proper reflection. Consider that 1/3 second return time is in perfect conditions. I'd prefer to run with a detector, than without regardless.

I see a lot of K and KA band on police cars, and CVSE trucks. In the last 4 years of using a radar detector, I have yet to come across a Laser warning. I'm guessing the cost of a RADAR gun is a lot less than an equivalent laser. I also noticed that the RCMP doesn't do a lot of enforcement by AIR anymore. Did they realized just how expensive that is?

!LittleDragon 05-19-2011 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly (Post 7439856)
Do you own one?....I myself have Bell one that I use, and its saved my ass a few times already from people being lasered around me...

Used to have a V1 and it didn't help... lol

DHP 1 05-19-2011 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by originalhypa (Post 7440072)
I'm sure you know that the LIDER used by the RCMP is also prone to scatter. This gives drivers with good detectors lots of prior warning. Also, there is a skill to using the LIDAR gun. On a lot of modern vehicles, you're limited to where you can aim the unit to get that proper reflection. Consider that 1/3 second return time is in perfect conditions. I'd prefer to run with a detector, than without regardless.

I see a lot of K and KA band on police cars, and CVSE trucks. In the last 4 years of using a radar detector, I have yet to come across a Laser warning. I'm guessing the cost of a RADAR gun is a lot less than an equivalent laser. I also noticed that the RCMP doesn't do a lot of enforcement by AIR anymore. Did they realized just how expensive that is?

I thought in the lower mainland they only use KA band, not K band

bikerx 05-19-2011 02:28 PM

they use both ka and k. depends where in the lower mainland you are. atleast thats what i picked up from using my v1 for 3 years

hk20000 05-19-2011 03:26 PM

from what I hear to form a legal speed reading they need to make 2 readings and make sure that the first signal did not bounce off a low flying aircraft or a fast flying bird or what not. I'm not 100% on this.

and if that's true, then there will be 1 or 2 seconds split between them, so if the 2nd reading is under speed limit you will be let away on benefit of the doubt. That's how I got the finger pointing cop on the foot of pattullo bridge after my detector went and I slammed the brakes on the bridge deck.

I have a radar/laser detector and I must say it has saved my ass more times than its MSRP x 10 easy. Even when we are on a strictly laser based speed trap system here.

4444 05-19-2011 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by !LittleDragon (Post 7440089)
Used to have a V1 and it didn't help... lol

the V1 is a tool, no offense, but if it 'didn't work' you were using it incorrectly

as a tool, they have weaknesses, for example if you are first in traffic, and a cop uses instant on lazer, you're done for, but really that's the only way you'll get caught

i have one, and it has saved me a LOT of times being pulled over

!LittleDragon 05-19-2011 05:27 PM

I find it worked great with radar but not with the laser. I never speed when I'm first in line after the incident. I ultimately sold it because if I'm always following traffic, what do I need the thing for? Blending in with traffic is my best defense.

Marco911 05-19-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by zulutango (Post 7439737)
They are not legal as you have to "obstruct" Police to use them. Criminal code offence, seizure and criminal record if convicted. Laser operators can detect that you are using one.

The obstruction part is false.

There is no law against broadcasting light. As far as obstruction, officers can write you up a ticket based on their visual estimation of your speed. With LIDAR, the car has to be in the officer's line of sight, so LIDAR jammers do not interfere with the popo.

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