Originally Posted by aznlangjai where is a good place to reapply clear coat?
thinking of buying a new honda and the dealership offers this protection for 5 bucks, reapplies clear coat every 4 years. trying to see the price difference and necessity of it. |
5 bucks seems like a pretty good deal to me

i'd take it
but i think what you mean is clear coat protection in the form of a sealant?
There are many detailing shops out there that offer packaged deals for example when i bought my car I had the paint sealed, carpet scotch guarded, leather seats conditioned, car undercoated for $265
Not sure what the sealant alone would cost, but then again you'd also want the car to get detailed in the form of a clay bar, polish, buff etc. to get any scratches and swirls out, because sealing over these every year won't yield great results
Also we have some Revscene Sponsors in the Detailing section that should be able to do it, the name that jumps out at me is ken from Autowerkes?
Edit* here
http://www.autowerkesexclusive.com/ pm "911fanatic" on RS