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05-28-2011, 01:40 AM
#26 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero if we have the same point of view I'm not sure why i was failed.
Personally, If I can get a good deal I will go through the legit means (ie Steam sales, cheap video games). I dont buy CD's because they are just a waste of space and archaic in my POV when each song takes up so little space on your MP3 player/computer. If i really want to support the artist, I'll go to see them live. I used to download tons of movie but never have the time to watch any of them. Now I have been getting into buying blu-rays here or there and actually enjoy it in its entirety. Same thing happened with video games, I download a boatload...never bothered playing any..whereas I get few games once in a while and say 'wow..that was actually worth every penny'. I do not feel compelled to enjoy them unless I know I used my hard-earned dollars. Hell, even with steam having great sales so frequently I dont have time to play quite a few of them. | You may be one of the good apples out there but I'm just saying, a majority of people who have downloaded a movie online and watched it would not buy the dvd again because they feel there is no need to unless in some circumstances where they may want to rewatch that movie. As you have said, you have downloaded a whole bunch of movies before, how many of them have u bought back on dvd? I'm assuming little compared to the number you have downloaded. How can the industry sales survive when the majority of ppl do this? Seriously, if ppl bought more or rented more entertainment products, the industry may have a chance of surviving. Downloading is just too convenient causing a lot of people to do it. Posted via RS Mobile |
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05-28-2011, 01:46 AM
#27 | Banned (ABWS)
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Online downloading is arguably the #1 death of the entertainment "products" industry with netflix or youtube coming in second. As you can see at the begining of (some) dvd movies it says "downloading is stealing, stealing is a crime, please do not download". Downloading is a global issue causing the slow deaths of entertainment industries all around the world (big picture). Posted via RS Mobile |
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05-28-2011, 02:17 AM
#28 | My bookmarks are Reddit and REVscene, in that order
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Every single piece of the entertainment industry machine was doing ok before broadband, and most were doing a lot better than ok. It's not like they didn't see this coming and it's not like they weren't given a chance to change with the times.
They blindly adhere to the network, cable, syndication structure. They force things to be released slower in other parts of the world, prompting those in the know to see it out where the shows/movies have already been released.
The existing players had every chance to embrace a new delivery structure and platform and they failed to do so. I think the success of Netflix and torrents is as a result of the inflexibility of the existing players, not the other way around.
If downloading Region free, DRM free shows and movies was a hassle free process at competitive prices was offered by Blockbuster, they wouldn't be shutting down stores now.
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05-28-2011, 03:27 AM
#29 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Originally Posted by king_2011 The facts u dig up may be true but its not realistic globally. | the facts were from research done in japan; europe; the states
so yeah.. globally
the problem is that most of the youth or under 30 crowd who download think that they make up the entire market of the world and they represent what the rest of their age group are doing; they dont understand how insignificant they are in the bigger picture
that's why when you get down to looking at the research it really opens up your eyes
we've been through this once already in the chinese thread... i really don't see a point in going over it again
i was going to link the articles again but i noticed you were a part of that convo before
I will say what's very strange.... you're "thanks" and when you "fail" are always followed by the same 2 people... "blee123" and "tru..azn"
do you have multiple accounts and are thanking your own posts and failing others?
i noticed it first in the chinese thread
and now i noticed the same thing happening in this thread... thanked/failed almost immediately after you post... oO edit: meh may as well add it
japanese govt. research << piracy increased sales didn't affect rentals mpaa found movie industry has grown and profited (not due to higher prices but from more people going to movies etc "believed" that piracy affects 14% of sales)
etc etc (linked them in case others were interested) think theres so more in the chinese thread
however that argument in the chinese thread was based on sales of dvd/blu-ray not rentals
Though I feel pirating probably does inhibit rentals if anything at all
However that wouldn't make sense as to why VOD/PPV/Netflix is booming in growth and that companies are flocking towards providing onling video rentals (amazon; android; theatre rentals through home etc)
Last edited by StylinRed; 05-28-2011 at 03:43 AM.
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05-28-2011, 07:58 AM
#30 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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i dont mind blockbusters closing down at all....
i got season 1 modern family
due date
and assassins creed brotherhood
all for 60 bucks or so.
they guy messed up on ringing my assassins creed in. it was suppose to be 45 plus 30 percent off. but he messed up some how and the machine was lagging and did not fix it. so i was like .. i might just have to give u the $20.12 for the game as a joking way. but he was like yah you might have to... hahhaha so hes like yeah 20 dollars please. hahhaha awesome deal!
my seasons 1 modern family was about 20 bucks too! ... u guys should check it out . some pretty good deals but there was quite a bit of people. hopefully theres still some decent stuff out..
good luck |
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05-28-2011, 08:39 AM
#31 | Banned (ABWS)
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Why is king 2011 failing everyone LOL
someone really hates downloading
I used to rent blockbuster all the time but now its like $7 to rent a blu ray for overnight or 2 nights?
Thats horse shit!
Blame it on the business model not pirating or netflix
I bet if it was $2 to rent a movie everyone would be back at blockbuster rogers etc
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05-28-2011, 10:16 AM
#32 | Captain Happy Bubble is my Homeboy
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time to load up my libary
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05-28-2011, 10:40 AM
#33 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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Originally Posted by StylinRed the facts were from research done in japan; europe; the states
so yeah.. globally
the problem is that most of the youth or under 30 crowd who download think that they make up the entire market of the world and they represent what the rest of their age group are doing; they dont understand how insignificant they are in the bigger picture
that's why when you get down to looking at the research it really opens up your eyes
we've been through this once already in the chinese thread... i really don't see a point in going over it again
i was going to link the articles again but i noticed you were a part of that convo before
I will say what's very strange.... you're "thanks" and when you "fail" are always followed by the same 2 people... "blee123" and "tru..azn"
do you have multiple accounts and are thanking your own posts and failing others?
i noticed it first in the chinese thread
and now i noticed the same thing happening in this thread... thanked/failed almost immediately after you post... oO edit: meh may as well add it
japanese govt. research << piracy increased sales didn't affect rentals mpaa found movie industry has grown and profited (not due to higher prices but from more people going to movies etc "believed" that piracy affects 14% of sales)
etc etc (linked them in case others were interested) think theres so more in the chinese thread
however that argument in the chinese thread was based on sales of dvd/blu-ray not rentals
Though I feel pirating probably does inhibit rentals if anything at all
However that wouldn't make sense as to why VOD/PPV/Netflix is booming in growth and that companies are flocking towards providing onling video rentals (amazon; android; theatre rentals through home etc) | I don't usually post but I'll post here since my name was said. Nope I'm not affiliated with king_2011. I give thanks to ppl when they have a good point on all topics in this whole forum. I check out current topic/ off topic threads in this forum a lot. I have given thanks to a lot of other users as well.
If you think that downloading is for the 30 years and under crowd, I'll argue that to be not true because the older generations these days use the computer as well. You see a lot of 60 or 70 year olds these days having facebook acounts!! Some older people might be more knowledgable in computers than young ones. Hence if they know how to have basic comp skills, I'm sure it aint hard for them to download something (movie) etc. For ones who don't know how to download, they can just tell the youngs to do it for them. This is true because my older uncle has told me to do that before but I just buy him the dvd/blue ray from the stores. In short downloading covers more than just the 30 years old and under crowd. A lot of people download, more than you can imagaine. Just my 2 cents. Posted via RS Mobile |
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05-28-2011, 10:43 AM
Join Date: Oct 2007 Location: Vancouver BC
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Originally Posted by king_2011 YHow can the industry sales survive when the majority of ppl do this? Seriously, if ppl bought more or rented more entertainment products, the industry may have a chance of surviving. Downloading is just too convenient causing a lot of people to do it. Posted via RS Mobile | If you read what others are saying it's true, they should've developed a different delivery system while they still had the chance. Can't exactly blame people for wanting convenience....if you can offer that and great pricing you can still do well (itunes, steam etc). The video renting business was doomed to extinct much like how pagers died when cell phones became mainstream.
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05-28-2011, 10:52 AM
#35 | reads most threads with his pants around his ankles, especially in the Forced Induction forum.
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Their old rent a movie model is old and needs to change.
I wouldn't mind paying say $20 a month if I can watch what's release on DVD online (I got netflix is still decent). But I would not go out of my way, rent a DVD for a few days and then return it or get fined.
When I want to watch a movie I want to watch it now or maybe in a few hours. Sometimes the weather is bad and people don't want to go out and rent a movie, they simply wants something on and that's it.
Rogers, Bluckbuster...... have tons of money, time to change to a more digital system like Netflix like 10+ years ago. But these company decided they don't need to change.
I don't think the whole Movie industry is not dying. I mean people are still going to the theaters, Movie are still racking in millions and millions of dollars.
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05-28-2011, 10:55 AM
#36 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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On another note, I checked out the Blockbuster on Oak and 16th, picked up 5 PS3 games for $37, and a wii for 30% off. Not too shabby |
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06-03-2011, 11:12 AM
#37 | My homepage has been set to RS
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updated its now 50% off most stores
not sure which ones in the lower mainland though
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06-03-2011, 11:17 AM
#38 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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Originally Posted by _*aE On another note, I checked out the Blockbuster on Oak and 16th, picked up 5 PS3 games for $37, and a wii for 30% off. Not too shabby  | How was the selection there? Was it more recent games?
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06-03-2011, 12:01 PM
#39 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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Originally Posted by king_2011 Online downloading is arguably the #1 death of the entertainment "products" industry with netflix or youtube coming in second. As you can see at the begining of (some) dvd movies it says "downloading is stealing, stealing is a crime, please do not download". Downloading is a global issue causing the slow deaths of entertainment industries all around the world (big picture). Posted via RS Mobile | Downloading IS not the death of the "entertainment" products industry. It's the fact that some players in the industry has failed to keep up.
BB, Rogers, et al. kept up when the media transitioned from VHS --> DVD --> Blue Ray; they just failed the lastest transition (to digital.)
If hypothetically they beat neflix to the boat and launched a "" I' guarantee you they would be surviving atm. Yes, there's torrenters but that's only for people who are internet savvy. Not all kids know how to torrent or find streamer sites and the moment they get mainstream, they get shut down.
IMO, blockbuster had a better chance releasing an online platform than netflix due to brand familiarity already. The fact is, they didn't; they're a big corporation, they have CEO's and marketing execs, and trend analysts, and the resources to research and develop an online platform. How they didn't see it coming, or why they didn't make the transition is a huge FAIL on their part, and therefore deserve their dissolution.
It's just the evolution of the industry, not the death of it. Quote:
Originally Posted by tru..azn If you think that downloading is for the 30 years and under crowd, I'll argue that to be not true because the older generations these days use the computer as well. You see a lot of 60 or 70 year olds these days having facebook acounts!! Some older people might be more knowledgable in computers than young ones. Hence if they know how to have basic comp skills, I'm sure it aint hard for them to download something (movie) etc. For ones who don't know how to download, they can just tell the youngs to do it for them. This is true because my older uncle has told me to do that before but I just buy him the dvd/blue ray from the stores. In short downloading covers more than just the 30 years old and under crowd. A lot of people download, more than you can imagaine. Just my 2 cents. Posted via RS Mobile | Your 2 cents isn't even worth 2 cents.
There's a few levels in this argument I alone can think of:
You need to be a certain type of webby to keep current with the fast changing environment of the internet.
The nature of the beast is: the faster an illegal avenue grows, the quicker the users shorten its lifespan. Just on the top of my head, the quick examples are Napster, Kazaa, Limewire, Isohunt.
Yes word gets around... but for how long?
Just like Napster, Kazaa, Limewire, Torrents, illegal shareware always carries the risk of viruses, malware, spyware, etc.
Although that doesn't deter a lot of users, there's a shit ton of users that would rather pay the few dollars and not have to deal risky software, or inevitability of losing their software resource due to user influx. Not to mention the usability of "said" resource. If you've ever taken software development, you should know that the best designs are the designs thats dumbed down to the lowest denominator.
The fact that everyone can find netflix and use netflix with ease rather the free alternates is already showing now, and will show far more in the future. I can guarantee that.
Sorry man. Although your minority is big, it's still just the minority. The average joe is still not your web savvy, internet comfortable, and as trend forward as you think.
Last edited by Noir; 06-03-2011 at 12:15 PM.
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06-04-2011, 10:24 AM
#40 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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I think BBV deserved to die... it's not about piracy. When Netflix first came up and was gaining momentum among audio/video hobbists, BBV should have known that if they don't change their business model, Netflix would penetrate to their core business population (the average Joe 6pack) sooner or later.
Yet, they did nothing worthwhile. They could have killed Netflix if they allowed instant return/rental of movies through all their retail stores. But they were too greedy on trying to stay highly profitable and limited their "a-la-Netflix" model too much making sticking with Netflix better off.
It was about stubbornness and lack of vision/innovation, not piracy.
Back to OP, I scored a brand new copy of LBP2, Dante's Inferno, used Sex in the City Blu-Ray(wife wanted it) and a whole bunch of chocolate/snacks for $60!!!
Nothing for now
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06-04-2011, 11:00 AM
#41 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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theres practically nothng left at the oak and 16th location for those interested. They didnt have 50% off yesterday when i went
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06-04-2011, 03:01 PM
#42 | I STILL don't get it
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went to the guildford centre location today, still a small selection of games and movies left, though half the store is emptied out now. Everything there was 50% including the food and electronics.
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06-05-2011, 03:14 PM
#43 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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I went again on Friday and most of the games were gone. Top level (for all the other rental movies) was closed. They still had a small section for games (more Xbox than PS3). I did manage to grab Crysis 2 for $25! I think they are selling the newer games last. Trying to get rid of all their old and shitty games for cheap.
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08-31-2011, 07:53 PM
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i wouldn't even bother with these Rogers Video/Blockbuster closing sales...the hoarders from RFD clean that shit out in half a day lol
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08-31-2011, 08:01 PM
#46 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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oh? the one in maple ridge still seems to be doing quite alright
but i guess they cant keep a handful open
would be a good time to pick up some games i suppose?
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08-31-2011, 08:10 PM
#47 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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I still rent blu-ray's. Streaming looks like shit on my 52" TV. Even regular DVD's aren't even near good enough.
For me it's blu-ray or nothing. Paying the 7 bucks is worth not having to wait for a full movie to download. I'll be sad when my local Rogers closes down.
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08-31-2011, 08:17 PM
#48 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by StylinRed i cant imagine the one on kingsway closing (by gladstone) that place has been there forever and its always packed
guess that's why its not on the list  | I live 30 seconds away from it, and I was like  when I didn't see it on the list. Wanted to nab some cheap movies |
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08-31-2011, 08:25 PM
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^ that list is from few months ago
every last store is closing
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08-31-2011, 09:28 PM
#50 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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ah well...i remember being a kid and going into rogers/blockbuster with my mom and dad and brother and looking at the vhs tapes...
we'd grab the new releases and then my parents would let me and my brother each grab a movie of our we'd walk up and down the comedy/horror aisle's and get random videos...some of wich turned out to be awesome as hell ie. "porkys". shaw VOD is great..but i still like to walk down an aisle and see and read the back of dvd cases to see what the movie is about and such..wich is why when i buy a new release from best buy, i tend to browse for 15-20 minutes looking at ALL the dvd's for sale.
but sometimes when its late at night and i dont wanna go out..VOD is just so much damn easier..
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