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Old 06-28-2011, 10:45 AM   #51
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RIP Ryan

guess this is the drink-and-drive stunt he couldn't pull off
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Originally Posted by JL9000 View Post
this is the internet and everyone knows better about what happened sitting behind a desk than the people who are actually involved.
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Old 06-28-2011, 05:34 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by originalhypa View Post
First off, street racing?!?
Drunk, yeah. Speeding, yeah. But no media outlets have said anything about street racing.
I was using ICBC's definition of street racing, which only requires a single vehicle involved.

Second, why do some people take "joy" in this guy's death. He wasn't Bin Laden, he was some goof who made a respectable amount of money for making us laugh. You have to be either sick, or angry to take joy in his demise.
Because the people who find his slapstick and moronic comedy funny are pretty much the type of people who have an inability to think about the consequences of their decisions. Look at the friends that he hangs out with: The guy admitted to destroying the interior of a rental car for no reason at all. Just because you have money doesn't give you the right to behave like an animal. To me, his death serves as a more valuable lesson to society than his life ever did.
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Old 06-28-2011, 07:23 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Marco911 View Post
I was using ICBC's definition of street racing, which only requires a single vehicle involved.

Because the people who find his slapstick and moronic comedy funny are pretty much the type of people who have an inability to think about the consequences of their decisions. Look at the friends that he hangs out with: The guy admitted to destroying the interior of a rental car for no reason at all. Just because you have money doesn't give you the right to behave like an animal. To me, his death serves as a more valuable lesson to society than his life ever did.
And you do realize ICBC is retarded, right?

Well, I find their ish pretty funny. I must be a pretty worthless fellow eh?
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Old 06-29-2011, 09:51 AM   #54
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No words for this f***ing moron killing his passenger.
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Old 06-29-2011, 10:25 AM   #55 PIMP
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wow Personally I'm not a fan of Ryan Dunn or any of the Jackass shows/films and I thought he was an major idiot for driving drunk, driving that fast while drunk and killing his passenger but going to the lengths to deface a memorial is really low.

The site where "Jackass" star Ryan Dunn fatally crashed his Porsche has been vandalized with the words "Ritch (sic) Pr*ck" -- and TMZ has obtained photos of the spray-painted desecration.

It's unclear who's responsible -- and according to West Goshen Police Capt. Joseph Gleason, it's difficult to track down any suspects because the roadside memorial is visited by so many people every day ... "At any given time you have 10, 20, 30 people there."

Gleason adds, police are aware of the vandalism and have been trying to remove it.

The hate-mongering Westboro Baptist Church has protested at the site -- but denies responsibility for the vandalism.
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Old 06-29-2011, 10:40 AM   #56
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And they can't even fucking spell "rich". Like what the fucking fuck
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Old 06-29-2011, 11:26 AM   #57
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maybe it's Bitch and we can't see the bottom part of the B lol
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Old 06-29-2011, 01:58 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Marco911 View Post
I was using ICBC's definition of street racing, which only requires a single vehicle involved.
Since when does ICBC's definition of "street racing" have anything to do with West Chester PA? They're still working with a 0.08 BAC limit, and don't have the same "racing" laws as we do in this poorly managed province. Aside from that, I like how you mock ICBC for their idiotic decision to create this law, yet quote them when it's convenient to your argument. At least now we can toss the "street racing" argument away.

Because the people who find his slapstick and moronic comedy funny are pretty much the type of people who have an inability to think about the consequences of their decisions. Look at the friends that he hangs out with: The guy admitted to destroying the interior of a rental car for no reason at all. Just because you have money doesn't give you the right to behave like an animal.
True, they are idiots. But to me they're no different than any other entertainers who hide their idiocy from us. How is Taylor Swift getting pumped and dumped by John Mayer then writing an album about it, any less pointless than sticking a car in your ass for laughs?

I'll admit it, I get a kick out of Jackass. Does that make me less of a person for it? Step into my shoes one day and then you may be able to answer that. So you get off on Interpretive dance, and I get off on playing hockey. Who is the better person? And who makes such decisions?

To me, his death serves as a more valuable lesson to society than his life ever did.
This I will agree with.
If anything good can come of this, it's that someone out there will make the choice to not drink and drive based on this mess.

Or maybe you're just pissed because this jackass had a much nicer Porsche than yours?

Also, can you see adambomb hanging off your nuts? Or does he hide himself well?
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