Originally Posted by Presto I wish there was a fail button in this forum because you would've gotten your fail cherry popped, and it'd be raw.
It's not about stopping the trade, or putting any kind of dent in it. It's about getting that shit away from the neighborhood. Turn up the heat, and the dealers and junkies will be forced to do their business elsewhere. Citizens that want to keep their neighborhood nice need to do their part to show that scum isn't welcome. |
it seems like all the people who are defedning drug dealing are missing this key point. They automatically think we are saying to report the dealer just bc we want to be rats and "cops". It is for the safety of our neighbourhood and homes. Some people have kids and families, walk their dogs, etc. It isn't because of "oh drugs are bad for you". I honestly could care less if someone decides to buy or deal drugs. That is their decision, just don't make it shit for innocent people.