Hey guys, I just want some advice because I'm a little confused. Not sexually
and I guess I'm kind of in panic mode right now because of my age and where I'm at in life. So I just want some concrete advice!
Here goes, I'm 23 and have spent the last four years in college (Kwantlen) mostly goofing off and not taking it seriously. I did well in high school but after that I never really knew what I wanted to do. I help run the family business and over the years I've become very involved. So much so that I put all my time into it and no time into school and It's wearing me down.
I have 9 credits completed and the last year I've made zero effort. The problem is that I still work while I attend school. If that means 5 classes a semester or 1 I'm still working the same hours which consists of very early mornings (4 am - 8 am) and late nights (6 pm - 11 pm). So when it comes time to study and do well in my classes I can't, I'm never focused.
All this is catching up to me, majority of my friends are now done with school and moving on with a career. I'm not complaining, it is my fault I let this go on for so long because the money is good but I can't picture myself doing this when I'm 30. I don't want to sound like I'm whining I just don't know what to do. I can't get vacation because the business always needs me, I miss out on a lot of events and functions with my friends.
However the flip side, business is good and the payout is good. +/- for everything I guess. I took business administration at Kwantlen and what I've been learning in school is nothing how a real business is run in the "real world". I'm just looking for maybe an idea or path? I'll be blunt and honest, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology are not my weak points, I did well in high school but it's not something I enjoy. I can't see myself having a career that depends on those subjects. I'm so confused
Sorry for making this so long and If it's in the wrong section, someone please move it to the right one for me thanks.