Since Motorola was considering suing other Android handset manufacturers for infringing on their IP, this was almost a necessary move by Google. Several analysts were predicting this, although it happened sooner than people expected.
It's only a matter of time before companies like Samsung and LG sue other Android handset makers for also infringing their IP. Toshiba, HP and Dell all make laptops and all run Windows. If Dell copied IP from Toshiba, then Toshiba would definitely go after Dell even though they both use the same OS. Why would it be any different for the phone manufacturers just because they run Android? They make their money on hardware sales, and as corporations they're in business to increase their sales at the expense of their competitors.
Samsung isn't just competing against Apple and Microsoft - they're also competing against all the other Android phone manufacturers. Just because they run the same OS doesn't mean they're all "one big happy family". They're corporations out to make money and take sales away from anyone who competes against them.
The "official" responses from LG, HTC and others are quite funny. I bet they're pissed right now. They have to be wondering if Motorola would get advanced looks at upcoming Google software technology now that Motorola is part of Google. Or will Motorola now be the only supplier for upcoming "Nexus" phones. Or will Google put the latest and greatest in their own phones first?
Posted via RS Mobile