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Old 09-02-2011, 01:34 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by 737! View Post
Friend is just telling me that these goofs just posted on vansky or some board. Friend said they aren't bummed at all, instead they are happy or some shit. Can someone confirm?
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Yup they are happy and high, it's on ming pao newspaper.
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Old 09-02-2011, 01:37 PM   #352
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Originally Posted by taylor192 View Post
You've never been to court. That 1% reasonable doubt crap is TV/movie bullshit. It doesn't take a trained eye to spot someone driving like a douchecanoe, and remember they aren't charged with speeding, they are charged with driving with undue care which does not require "hard evidence" and neither does the charge of stunt driving.
Ooops, I forgot that you know eyerything.....

Except this, since you need hard evidence for any charge to stick. In many cases where an officer saw the illegal actions, the courts would typically side with the police. It's the word of the police against the accused, and the police will win that battle. But... there is a reason why the frenchie cochon focussed on the fact the crown has no hard evidence outside of witnesses. Unless the crown decides to put a case together based on the character of the witnesses versus the accused; it's not likely to go anywhere. They would have to prove character, then go ahead and prove the witnesses can visualize speed.

For the record, I don't have cable nor do I watch tv. But I was going to be a lawyer at one time...

Regardless of all that, this is exactly why the impound rule has been enacted. The police were tired of people getting off in court via loopholes, so you get punished right away now. Justifying that someone can drive 200+ kmph and get off just cause the witness isn't "trained" is exactly the stupidity that lead to the impound laws.
Regardless of what, justice?
Come on now! Even you, who is often blinded by your own ego can see that justice is more important than your hatred for some rich asians. Again, show me the radar that says 200kmh. My case would tear the witnesses a new arsehole by proving that they don't know the difference between a car passing at 139kmh (*under the max penalty) , 179kmh, and 209kmh. I guarantee that it's tougher than picking someone's age and weight at the PNE...

Maybe if more people that broke the law actually manned up to it instead of wasting court time we wouldn't have the impound law.
Oh yeah, I'm sure people are going to line up so the crown can seize there assets.

What are you smoking man?!

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Old 09-02-2011, 01:39 PM   #353
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MingPao just took this story to another level. Someone translate it for reals
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©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª© - ¥[¦èª©(·Å$ôµØ) - Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper - $n»D

Involved in road  car charged with
exposure of second-generation Chinese-rich "super sports car club"
Surrey intercepted the day before the team during off peak ultra-high time  car, driver charged with 13 cases involved. The newspaper got the news that the major part of the driver involved in a local Chinese "rich", a "super sports car club." The driver later in the Chinese social networking sites have more on the "published experience", some people criticized the police for false claims, said no remorse for the incident, and even take pictures of people, that later generations used to introduce "imposing history." Ming Pao reporter Feng  new

Chinese cars a local industry sources told us that the ultra-high team in Surrey Speed ​​events, vehicles and drivers are part of the local young people organized by a Chinese "super sports car club."

No shortage of celebrity parents

The majority of club members are all of China's "second generation", many parents are well-known business executives, and even the CPPCC members. These members in Greater Vancouver in school, wearing  tens of thousands of Canadian dollars to the list, thousands of Canadian dollars of high-end hand-held mobile phone, life is very rich.

Sources said the club had just founded with the police, in various promotional activities, "driving is not drinking," "open cars are not speeding" and other positive information. But with  several founders have returned to China after the completion of their studies, some members will not follow the club's original purpose was to start racing. He said these people do not care when the Canadian car traffic laws such as the "car stop to clear the path" approach is basically a reference to the way China's domestic racing, not just China's domestic car in rush hour commuting.

According to sources, the 13 drivers were stopped in a small number of international student identity. Also participated in several local luxury sports car club, but also in cars behind the club's logo affixed.

Social networks to talk about "imposing history"

Chinese drivers involved in some social network yesterday about the situation at the time, that was 14 cars to go with White Rock (White Rock), some drivers on the road racing, the result is a large number of complaints, "Whitehead's all about high-speed police to chase us, "the event and even in China are known.

One Chinese girl at the scene said, "Last to Whitehead, they are so run", was intercepted by the police for the helpless. Another driver that they "Today was Joseph (Northeast dialect, means blatantly show off) big," the entire matter is on the "Global TV", "there are two messages called" Ming Pao "has this news report.

"We did not want to show off what we did not give Chinese people more disgrace!" Most of the drivers about the event garnered a sorry word. Some drivers also criticized the "foreigners jealous of the Chinese people a good car", "Police are short of money," said Speed ​​was not, If, as the argument open to the outside 200 km per hour, can not be just the ticket to get 196 yuan.

Clarify not only with the car, "Speed"

In which the owner of an Audi R8, more active with local television stations yesterday, emphasizing the speed of these cars, "easily over 200 km," although some drivers do in Speed, but not all drivers are involved in illegal racing, some people just followed.

One of the men and women, even when the car was towed away by police at the car before the smiling photo "taken", write "car towed, and we said," very happy "." Trailer when another driver also captured a large number of photos, stressing that the "evidence of a young man crazy, look after the children and grandchildren to tell their father is also crazy too young."

the caption at the top of the photo says they are very happy
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Old 09-02-2011, 01:41 PM   #354
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Also, there will be no further charges.

justice reigns, and some asian kids get lucky.
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Old 09-02-2011, 01:46 PM   #355
hoppity HOP HOP
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Originally Posted by darthchilli View Post
MingPao just took this story to another level. Someone translate it for reals
Google Translate does no justice

original link to article
©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª© - ¥[¦èª©(·Å$ôµØ) - Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper - $n»D
其中一輛Audi R8的車主,昨日更主動與本地電視台聯繫,強調這批名車的速度「很容易過200公里」,雖然部分司機確實在 飛車,但並不是所有司機皆牽涉非法賽車,有些人只是跟在後面。
^This section refers to MattZhang calling Global, stating that these cars can easily exceed 200 km/h. "Although some of the drivers were racing, not all drivers were participating, and some were only following behind".

right...following behind at 200km/h?

其中一對男女,更在車子被警察拖走時,於愛車前微笑合影「留念」,寫上「車被拖了,我們表示『 很開心』」。另一名司機也在拖車時拍下大量相片,強調是「年輕時瘋狂的證據,以後給兒孫看,告訴他們爸爸年輕時也瘋狂過 」。
In addition to what darthchilli posted, the bolded section states that another driver took a large amount of photos as his car was being towed, emphasizing that [the photos] are proof of young adults being "wild", and said that he would give them to his children and grandchildren, telling them that their father participated in wild behaviour in his younger years.

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Old 09-02-2011, 01:54 PM   #356, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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wow, I guess MingPao is owned by one of daddies friends
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Old 09-02-2011, 02:02 PM   #357
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can't believe mattzhang stabbed his friends on the back by saying he did not go 200 but others did on globaltv video.... HE DUN GOOF'D NOW...
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Old 09-02-2011, 02:09 PM   #358
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The thing that enrages me the most is that the punk asses who were caught think this is funny, and won't/haven't learned a single thing.
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Old 09-02-2011, 02:15 PM   #359
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Originally Posted by Gumby View Post
The thing that enrages me the most is that the punk asses who were caught think this is funny, and won't/haven't learned a single thing.
they want their next generations of family to see that they were badasses with parents money... fucking goons are happy at those pics too. I would suicide if my parents were like that
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Old 09-02-2011, 02:36 PM   #360
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Decals for electronics? Trololol
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Old 09-02-2011, 02:58 PM   #361
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Originally Posted by Spectre_Cdn View Post
In addition to what darthchilli posted, the bolded section states that another driver took a large amount of photos as his car was being towed, emphasizing that [the photos] are proof of young adults being "wild", and said that he would give them to his children and grandchildren, telling them that their father participated in wild behaviour in his younger years.

wouldn't that tell them that their father got pwnd?

just sayin'

1 rat shit ruins the whole congee
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[22-12, 08:51]mellomandidnt think and went in straight..scrapped like a bitch
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:02 PM   #362 has a homepage?!
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Police grab $2 million worth of cars after Canadian street race – This Just In - Blogs

Its interesting to see how the comments on the CNN article from the 'mericans seem more lighthearted than the massive amount of classist and racially motivated diatribes some people are putting forward locally.
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:08 PM   #363
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Originally Posted by Captain Picard View Post
This is Vansky's own take on it by it's more general members

VanSky Auto Club ì$³µ±»¿ÛѺ13Á¾³µ£¬ÉÏÐÂÎŵçÊÓÁË£¬´ó¼Ò¿´ÁËô£¿ÎÒÌù³ö À´ÁË£¬ÓÐͼÓÐÖ¤¾Ý£¬VANSKY»ðÁË°¡|³µÐÐÌìÏ - Ìì¿Õ¾ãÀÖ²¿

for anyone who can't read chinese (fuck I had so much trouble reading simplified @.@ traditional ftw) - it's all bashing the 13... with stuff like "this ain't the autobahn, take your shit elsehwere etc...
either vansky requires a login or someone has set some sort of block on it
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:26 PM   #364
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Originally Posted by darthchilli View Post
MingPao just took this story to another level. Someone translate it for reals
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original link to article
©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª© - ¥[¦èª©(·Å$ôµØ) - Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper - $n»D

the caption at the top of the photo says they are very happy
Here's my rough translation... paragraph by paragraph

Where the hell am I

Last edited by CP.AR; 09-02-2011 at 06:57 PM.
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Old 09-02-2011, 04:06 PM   #365
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Originally Posted by turbomelon View Post
Police grab $2 million worth of cars after Canadian street race – This Just In - Blogs

Its interesting to see how the comments on the CNN article from the 'mericans seem more lighthearted than the massive amount of classist and racially motivated diatribes some people are putting forward locally.
thats because they don't know that all these cars are owned by asians

I'll bet they think its all young caucasian kids... I'm sure they would be 10x more racist if they knew.. not that i care or anything
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Old 09-02-2011, 04:09 PM   #366
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damn, although i cant see the chick's face.. but her hair style and her hand gesture reminds me of Japsnese porn cover

makes me wannaa bukake all over her face along with 13 of my buddies
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Old 09-02-2011, 04:17 PM   #367
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Captain Picard...Thank you for the translation
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Old 09-02-2011, 04:21 PM   #368
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suddenly everyone's fuckin' judge dredd lol.

i wanna see pics of that girls face. she looks like your typical fun, easy, carefree, pretty mainlander.
who is she? that's more important than any of this other bullshit lol.

they're mainlanders, wtf do you guys expect.

it's like indians being cheap. japanese being weird, koreans being angry and mainlanders doing whatever the fuck they want. it's the universal law of asians.

you see, if they can do it, and they feel like doing it, they will do it. because they can.

you guys don't for whatever distorted moralistic reason, but they can, and they will, and they'll get away with it cuz nothing bad came out of it, and you'll get angry because they have more money than your entire family ever will in their life times.

isn't that why we all wish we were rich? isnt that the point of money? don't be hypocrites. you'd all fuckin do the same thing if you were them.

i'd be the first in line.
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Old 09-02-2011, 04:23 PM   #369
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^ thank you for having chrissie chau as your picture
Where the hell am I
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:03 PM   #370
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Originally Posted by turbomelon View Post
Its interesting to see how the comments on the CNN article from the 'mericans seem more lighthearted than the massive amount of classist and racially motivated diatribes some people are putting forward locally.
Now I'm just as racist and redneck as anyone, but even I'm shocked at the misdirected hatred for these kids. People want blood, not because of the crime, but because these kids have more than they do.

That's fucked up in so many ways.
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:08 PM   #371
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2 more retards got caught today HAHAHA

Two 17-year-olds caught going 143 km/hr up Cypress Mtn. - News1130

Two 17-year-olds caught going 143 km/hr up Cypress Mtn.

WEST VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - Police have yet again seized high-end cars from young drivers going way too fast. This time the teenagers were caught racing up Cypress Mountain Road.

West Vancouver Police Corporal Jag Johal says the drivers, both with 'N's' in their back windows, sped past a patrol car. "And these two vehicles were clocked on our laser at 143 km/hr. That's 80 km/hr over the speed limit," Johal notes.

One of the drivers lost control and was arrested. His buddy was found hiding at a nearby school. One had been driving a brand new Porsche, the other a BMW. Both cars have been seized and the drivers handed fines and 15-day suspensions.
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:18 PM   #372
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Originally Posted by Ch28 View Post
2 more retards got caught today HAHAHA

Two 17-year-olds caught going 143 km/hr up Cypress Mtn. - News1130

Two 17-year-olds caught going 143 km/hr up Cypress Mtn.

WEST VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - Police have yet again seized high-end cars from young drivers going way too fast. This time the teenagers were caught racing up Cypress Mountain Road.

West Vancouver Police Corporal Jag Johal says the drivers, both with 'N's' in their back windows, sped past a patrol car. "And these two vehicles were clocked on our laser at 143 km/hr. That's 80 km/hr over the speed limit," Johal notes.

One of the drivers lost control and was arrested. His buddy was found hiding at a nearby school. One had been driving a brand new Porsche, the other a BMW. Both cars have been seized and the drivers handed fines and 15-day suspensions.
These nice cars are ruining it for everyone
doesnt matter who or what drives em...
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:18 PM   #373
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Originally Posted by Ferra View Post
lol....these guy let the cops tow theirs cars with no hard evidence against them??
I would give the cops shit if they wanted to tow my car just because "someone" said I was speeding

sounds like a bunch of pussies who can't even stand up and talk back to the cops by themselves
calm down there tough guy. i'm willing to bet that none of these kids are even canadian citizens, and a criminal record of any sort could hinder their chances at immigration. therefore it would be seriously unwise to try to start shit with or "talk back to the cops".
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:27 PM   #374
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Is it it me, or am i seeing more and more Mattzhang fails.
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:52 PM   #375
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“we don’t need to show off! We don’t want to disgrace the Chinese any more!”. However, when most spoke of their experience, none express regret for their actions – to the point where they were saying that it was only white people who were jealous of the Chinese’s nice cars
One couple belonging to the club took a “happy photo” in front of their beloved car as a “memory”, with the caption “My ar is being towed, very happy”. Another member took a mass of photos as the police dealt with the situation, as to show his grandkids one day that he too had crazy teenager days.
I'm Chinese and I have way more respect for a caucasian kid who had to work for the 2nd or 3rd hand car that they purchased with their own money than these 13 Chinese kids combined.
Feedback 2-0-0
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