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Mature discussion about understanding the opposite sex...

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Old 09-07-2011, 10:13 AM   #1
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Do guys or girls have it easier in life?

This thought just came to me while I was sitting in class (doing masters) and noticed the skewed ratio of guys to girls (about 40-60, maybe even 30-70). Most of the girls are actually not bad looking as well. This reminded me of the thought where during my undergrad years, girls in my classes always have it easier than guys. All they have to do is sit in class, look pretty, show some "interest" to guys, and all the male classmates, TA's, and even profs(!), start spoon-feeding them with things like past-exams, assignments, possible test materials, etc etc. I noticed that the profs actually help girls more and answer their questions much more thoroughly (observing in class) and they get much more lenient marks when marking or entering in the computer (from working with profs).

I mean like fuck, why are there so little guys in post-grad studies,etc., its making us guys look bad. When I look at other guys, I am like fuck stop acting like a beta towards girls and dress nice. I think this is why there are more and more girls entering post-grad studies because of the reasons mentioned above. I have a few female colleagues and friends who told me the same thing about being girls is actually pretty convienent. When I talk to my male class mates in classes, most of them do sound pretty smart, where as the girls still sound pretty dumb and ask retarded questions, which makes me wonder how the hell did you get admitted. One example is when I go to visit friend's apartments, I always get asked a bunch of questions, whereas my female friends just come and go, as if the high heels automatically makes them harmless. Another example I see is from the clubbing scene where the girls practically control everything there, which is why I usually don't go (I facepalm at the guys) unless me and some friends are reserving tables (then the girls come flocking, which looks pretty cheap imo).

I don't believe in the 'only pretty girls get those benefits' idea. I mean, with all the skin products, slimming shops, double eye-lids surgery, and make-up, I think its pretty damn hard to not look pretty. Child-birth is also pretty dumb, because you only do it 1-2 times in your lifetime, compared to 30,000 days where you get the benefits of being a girl. In relationships, too often have I seen guys say things to their girls like 'oh its okay you are not that pretty or make that much money'. But when girls have these kind of thoughts, the relationship will end as soon as a better guy appears, whereas guys don't usually dump the girl if a prettier or richer one appears.

I am not qqing about girls being OP, because I guess I was lucky enough to realize in an early stage that whatever I am working on, I should work my ass off on it to get the rewards, and I do know that there are many benefits to being guys as well (in control if you are successful, handsome, and smart, etc, like 80% of the girls date 20% of the guys). But when I see girls getting the same awards by just looking pretty, I just think something is wrong with society.

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Old 09-07-2011, 12:36 PM   #2
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On average, who gets paid more, a guy, or a girl?
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Old 09-07-2011, 12:39 PM   #3
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The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.
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Old 09-07-2011, 12:55 PM   #4
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You mean this?

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Old 09-07-2011, 04:24 PM   #5
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I'd rather live a hard life and enjoy these benefits:

- having much more potential career-wise
- exist as a male in a more male-dominated society
- not be labelled as a slut if i were to indulge in multiple females
- to fuck and not be-fucked
- not to be the butt of sexist jokes
- be physically stronger than females
- enjoy dat ass and dos boobies
- and many more.

Not intended to be sexist.
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Old 09-07-2011, 05:10 PM   #6
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in richmond, asian girls have it easier, just get a rich bf to do all the work

but in all seriousness, thats just life and you gotta deal with it. work hard and set realistic goals for yourself, eventually you will get there and will feel that you have accomplished something that most don't have, be happy with what you have and enjoy life.

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Old 09-07-2011, 07:51 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Drow View Post
I'd rather live a hard life and enjoy these benefits:

- exist as a male in a more male-dominated society
- not be labelled as a slut if i were to indulge in multiple females

Not intended to be sexist.
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- in my opinion, males do not dominate anymore in a westernized society, i really believe it's the females that dominate now. where women go, men will follow, and sex sells, facts. courts, justice system? which sex do they favour more? females. the word golddigger, first instinct you think female and money, why not the other way around male stealing their money. we all enjoy money, but why does the female come in mind first? there will always be wayyyyyyyyyyyy more men that will 'blindly volunteer' to spoil women, rather than vice versa.
- indulge, that's a good word when we're dealing with multiple females haha. nice choice, indulge.

we have it easy, i mean when it comes to taking a piss, we can go just about anymore without much discretion. here's a bush, boom, winning. you break the seal, you're almost always going.
we also have it great, makeup? fuck that, gel 1 minute tops done. carrying a purse? fuck that, however, some guys decide to rock the murse, and i just don't get that there's jeans 4 pockets, wallet, phone, keys but what the hell else are you carrying? hypothetically speaking say you want to pack a gun on a random sunny day, safety on, tuck it around waist. what else? nothing! condom? in wallet, done. anyways, we also don't bleed monthly, thank god for that. i hate shaving facial hair i don't know about you guys, but that simple minute to maintain that clean look is a damn hassle. adding legs and armpits would only be adding fuel to the fire.

there's still lots of other benefits for males, but i think comparing both sex is like apples and oranges, females have their benefits but in different ways. i won't go into detail. but say you're bored, you could just look under bra and see tits. another benefit for them, any chick can get sex, hot chicks, skinny chicks, fat chicks but that usually comes with liquor though(no surprise right?), but there will always be some dick out there that wants in.

edit: i just remembered, MULTIPLE ORGASMS. i gotta work my ass off for one bust, while she gets 10. that's a big +1 to the female life.
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:41 PM   #8
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What masters are you doing?

In my class, it's 80-20 for males. Econ masters and phd.

I was a TA and didn't favour anyone, hot chicks didn't get "extra" help, ugly guys didn't get turned away immediately.
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Old 09-08-2011, 01:40 AM   #9
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You're just still young. That's all.

Girls' leverage is heavily weighted during their younger years and they slowly lose it as they get older to their younger counterparts. Eventually, all these conveniences go away. Trust me; its a big reason why women loath the thought of aging and are obsessed at looking young. (part of me thinks this is one of the reason why some girls are wired to wanting to get married as soon as possible)

Guys however (depending if they don't waste themselves away) only gain leverage as they mature. Eventually "looks" will start diminishing in priority for women in lieu of status, wealth and stability; and with those 3 not only yielding benefits limited to sex and relationships.

In fact: when you can provide shelter, comfortable transportation, decent to high standard of living, men of this level can even outcompete their younger counterparts for younger women.

Of course, that's just over simplifying it. There will always be exceptions slight variations to it.

Last edited by Noir; 09-08-2011 at 01:45 AM.
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Old 09-08-2011, 08:09 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Girls' leverage is heavily weighted during their younger years and they slowly lose it as they get older to their younger counterparts. Eventually, all these conveniences go away. Trust me; its a big reason why women loath the thought of aging and are obsessed at looking young. (part of me thinks this is one of the reason why some girls are wired to wanting to get married as soon as possible)

Guys however (depending if they don't waste themselves away) only gain leverage as they mature. Eventually "looks" will start diminishing in priority for women in lieu of status, wealth and stability; and with those 3 not only yielding benefits limited to sex and relationships.

In fact: when you can provide shelter, comfortable transportation, decent to high standard of living, men of this level can even outcompete their younger counterparts for younger women.
I used to believe this too, but now just shy of 30, I'm not so sure. In my own experience, you could have everything all laid out - the condo, the car, the clothes, etc. and it still doesn't mean much in the end.
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Old 09-08-2011, 08:11 AM   #11
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well what if the girl is ugly? majority of ppl in general are average looking at best... my theory is that good looking ppl are about 1 in 10... so i dunno... good looking guys have it "easier" as well

but i will agree.. it is easier for a good looking girl to have an edge with men than a good looking guy with a woman
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Old 09-08-2011, 08:39 AM   #12
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I can agree with Noir's first statement.. and Tapioca's comment to his second statment..

Every guy when we're young wants a hot girl to have by his side. So girls get it easier sooner in life. Yet women do plateau at a point where a man's interest diminishes and if they don't have a man already, they have a lesser picking. Yet even with status a man doesn't always get the girls..

I think it's more of a "luck of the draw" type deal. There are too many variables to just say "girls have it easier in life then men."
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Old 09-08-2011, 08:58 AM   #13
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What if you are an ugly female then? Do all the advantages simply go away?
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Old 09-08-2011, 03:14 PM   #14
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i dont think its a male vs female thing, its more like good looking vs ugly, regardless of gender

good looking people in general have it easier imo
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Old 09-08-2011, 04:04 PM   #15, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post

I used to believe this too, but now just shy of 30, I'm not so sure. In my own experience, you could have everything all laid out - the condo, the car, the clothes, etc. and it still doesn't mean much in the end.
I cant agree more with you. I managed to date a girl I was so deeply infatuated with (we've broken up but I still have feelings for despite how shitty the relationship was). I think Ive done relatively well for a successfull BCIT grad entering a business world suffering recession, making good bucks, have my own car I paid off myself, and of course the next step getting a home. I treated her the best i could, but in the end she didnt want practicality she wanted a fun, typical adult-teen lifestyle.
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Old 09-08-2011, 04:41 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Noir View Post
You're just still young. That's all.

Girls' leverage is heavily weighted during their younger years and they slowly lose it as they get older to their younger counterparts. Eventually, all these conveniences go away. Trust me; its a big reason why women loath the thought of aging and are obsessed at looking young. (part of me thinks this is one of the reason why some girls are wired to wanting to get married as soon as possible)

Guys however (depending if they don't waste themselves away) only gain leverage as they mature. Eventually "looks" will start diminishing in priority for women in lieu of status, wealth and stability; and with those 3 not only yielding benefits limited to sex and relationships.

In fact: when you can provide shelter, comfortable transportation, decent to high standard of living, men of this level can even outcompete their younger counterparts for younger women.

Of course, that's just over simplifying it. There will always be exceptions slight variations to it.
Words of the wise right hurrr.
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Old 09-08-2011, 05:34 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Syndicated View Post
I cant agree more with you. I managed to date a girl I was so deeply infatuated with (we've broken up but I still have feelings for despite how shitty the relationship was). I think Ive done relatively well for a successfull BCIT grad entering a business world suffering recession, making good bucks, have my own car I paid off myself, and of course the next step getting a home. I treated her the best i could, but in the end she didnt want practicality she wanted a fun, typical adult-teen lifestyle.
I recently had a woman over for a night of *ahem* 'fun'. The following morning, she looked around my apartment, looked at me, and was incredulous as to why I didn't have more women chasing me.

In my experience, single women don't really wake up until their late 30s. I've never had much luck with women in their mid to late 20s - they simply have too many options.
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Old 09-08-2011, 06:22 PM   #18
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does anyone get dejavu reading this thread?

wasnt there another guy a while ago complaining about how women have it easier blah blah blah?
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Old 09-08-2011, 11:13 PM   #19
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young girls for the most part don't give a shit how much money you have.. they are probablys till living at home, have their daddy bought cars, and are going to school.. so they don't "need" the support.. they just want a trophy bf/ have fun.

so it is young women or cougars that usually just seek "fun"... cougars for the reason of wanting to feel young again
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Old 09-09-2011, 02:45 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post
I recently had a woman over for a night of *ahem* 'fun'. The following morning, she looked around my apartment, looked at me, and was incredulous as to why I didn't have more women chasing me.

In my experience, single women don't really wake up until their late 30s. I've never had much luck with women in their mid to late 20s - they simply have too many options.
You're playing it wrong then. With young women, you're not supposed to play to their "responsible" sensibility. Yes you've achieved a lot and it showed. However, your angle should've been:

"Since you've achieved and a lot and have more resources at your disposal (weather be it wealth or life experience) therefore you can afford to be more irresponsible (fun ) or be able to take her to levels of fun guys in her demographic do not yet have the capacity to do so."

Let's put it this way: you should be able to outspend, outdo, outsmart, outwit 90% of guys who just graduated fresh from Highschool a year or two ago...

The funny thing is... I just learned (or at least maybe got a read on you) on that little bit of post by you; and I can tell you're approaching it the "responsible" way. You shouldn't be complaining about the immaturity of their lifestyle, you should be embracing it. The looseness of the situation should be making this easier for you. It's only a complication if you're one of those relationship-whore guys.

Or maybe, it's because you're at that age that "that" is not what you're looking for; that's fair and it's actually reasonable. But it doesn't mean you don't have the resources or are much more equipped for the opposite sex now than you were when you were in your late teens, early 20's. Don't you?

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Old 09-09-2011, 08:13 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Noir View Post

Or maybe, it's because you're at that age that "that" is not what you're looking for; that's fair and it's actually reasonable. But it doesn't mean you don't have the resources or are much more equipped for the opposite sex now than you were when you were in your late teens, early 20's. Don't you?
I have more resources now than when I was 24. But does that mean dressing down like a douche, getting jacked, and acting all around like an immature idiot is the only way to get that 20-something?
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Old 09-09-2011, 11:53 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post
In my experience, single women don't really wake up until their late 30s. I've never had much luck with women in their mid to late 20s - they simply have too many options.
what ethnic group do the girls your chasing belong to?

i know on average, chinese girls approaching 30 dont look for 'fun' anymore, they want security, marriage, that sort of stuff, like the dude doesnt have to be filthy rich, but good enough to support her or future kids
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Old 09-09-2011, 01:49 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post
I have more resources now than when I was 24. But does that mean dressing down like a douche, getting jacked, and acting all around like an immature idiot is the only way to get that 20-something?
Don't be too narrow in thinking. You should know there's no 1 way to look good or presentable EVEN to younger demographics; You should pick one that suits you.

As for acting immature, c'mon dude, learn how to balance yourself. Young girls may not dig a "serious-type" all the time but they for sure appreciate maturity; At the same time, they also appreciate guys who equally can be mature, and can be immature/fun at the same time.

You're 29, I shouldn't be defending elementary concepts "like balance and options" at your age.

Point is, money and status may not be the end-all-be-all for the opposite sex, but for those who grew up at without the advantages of lucking out in the gene pool, as you grow in age, money and status grows to be a bigger and bigger compensation for it. They're no denying that concept; but from what it looks like in this thread, some people I see are perfect examples that as men grow to be more equipped for the opposite sex, not all know how to use it.

But hey don't take my word for it, take a woman's word instead:

Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post
I recently had a woman over for a night of *ahem* 'fun'. The following morning, she looked around my apartment, looked at me, and was incredulous as to why I didn't have more women chasing me.
Even a woman just firsthandedly confirmed the same thing to you. The fact that you're not living up to your capability is a short-coming from somewhere else, but nevertheless, a GIRL is actually telling you SHOULD be doing better than you have been doing 'til now.

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Old 09-09-2011, 01:58 PM   #24, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post
I recently had a woman over for a night of *ahem* 'fun'. The following morning, she looked around my apartment, looked at me, and was incredulous as to why I didn't have more women chasing me.

In my experience, single women don't really wake up until their late 30s. I've never had much luck with women in their mid to late 20s - they simply have too many options.
Yeah, id have to say most of the single young ladies simply dont give a shit about reality. go to a club all you see are the asian chicks more make up than the joker lookin to get a guy with some serious dough. lets face it asian girls are the new face of shallowness. ive always wanted to date a caucasian girl they seem so much more down to earth instead of the korean drama watching asian girl
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Old 09-09-2011, 02:02 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by BlueG2 View Post
young girls for the most part don't give a shit how much money you have.. they are probablys till living at home, have their daddy bought cars, and are going to school.. so they don't "need" the support.. they just want a trophy bf/ have fun.

so it is young women or cougars that usually just seek "fun"... cougars for the reason of wanting to feel young again
Some many not give a shit, but trust me, when you have that Ace (money, status, etc as per discussion) in your sleeve, it can help ones' case A LOT.

So to not get too overly off-topic: I still defend my statement that as men grow they become far more equipped for the opposite sex than they were in their late teens/early 20s, unlike women who as we discussed would just be entering the prime age of max leverage. How well men use 'said equipment is totally subjective.

Last edited by Noir; 09-09-2011 at 02:17 PM.
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