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Vancouver Off-Topic / Current EventsThe off-topic forum for Vancouver, funnies, non-auto centered discussions, WORK SAFE. While the rules are more relaxed here, there are still rules. Please refer to sticky thread in this forum.
The robber couldnt have been expecting more then $50-$100 but to kill over it goes to show what a backwards society our system is turning out to be... maybe the level of welfare there is substandard, but our media is the same.
Police Chase Down Man For Filming Police Abuse, Enter His Home
Police officers in Omaha, Nebraska were caught on tape violently arresting a man over a parking dispute by grabbing him by his neck in a choke hold and flipping him over slamming him on the ground. The man, 28-yr-old Octavius Johnson, did not appear to be resisting, and the officer grabbed him from behind and choked and slammed him seemingly without warning.
As the abuse is taking place, the victim's brother, Juaquez, who is understandably in a state of shock pulls out his cell phone to record the police's actions, after a minor tussle with one of the officers, he is finally let go to film the incident from the sidewalk across the street from the action.
Throughout the incident Juaquez is vocally voicing his displeasure with the way the police are abusing his brother, which apparently gets one of the cops quite angry.
Eventually, after facing a lot of hostility from one of the officers, and faced with an army of police showing up for "backup," Juaquez decides to run away from the scene into his own home.
Amazing, the same angry cop decides to chase Juaquez into his own home
Fathered more RS members than anybody else. Who's your daddy?
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Originally Posted by JSALES
is this correct, if you get one speeding ticket worth 3 points you have to pay a driver risk premium? just wanted to clarify
You are fine as long as you are not over 3 points. Points erase within a year. A year in this case, starts with your birthday. Some people dispute their ticket in hopes of avoiding going over their 3 points allowed within the year. Court hearings can delay things for up to a year or more. I used to know all this stuff, but it's been a while since I've had to concern myself with the details, knock on wood.
In my younger days, I remember racking up to 17 points, perhaps 19. Lucky for me, there were no premiums attached to the points back then when ICBC introduced the points thing. They just sent me to rehab......... driver refresher course - believe you me, that was torture in itself. Sitting through the most boring set of classes next to Economics 101. LOLOLOLOL
"there but for the grace of god go I"
Youth is, indeed, wasted on the young.
YODO = You Only Die Once.
Dirty look from MG1 can melt steel beams.
"There must be dissonance before resolution - MG1" a musical reference.
My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Originally Posted by Fcukedd
Where would you guys recommend a place to get my ear lobes pierced? And what are the typical rates for ear lobe piercings?
crossroads tattoo does an awesome job on clark and 12th,
they use a needle instead of a gun so its that much more fun!
forgot how much it was. but if you want cheap, hit up a kingsway salon, those probably cost around $15-20
So I just found this pic I haven't seen in years of my dive up Lions Back's in MOAB.. Talk about the most scary drive I have done in my life and I still have chills thinking about it
lol so been sitting on my balcony for a bit cuz such a nice night, theres a something flashing to the left of the north star for over a hour now. It's flashing red green blue and white, sorta in the knight and 41st area direction. Anyone see it?
edit: after googling and finding a utube video, it's actually a star, really cool bright strobing 4 color star. pretty neat.