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conandoyle 10-28-2011 11:15 PM

Severe car crash tonight at Cambie&41....Horrific scene
There were 4+ cop cars and a firetruck, i also spotted a Transit Security vehicle on the scene...I havent seen a serious accident like this for years...Winter's coming, drive safe, guys...the media says one pedestrian remains in critical condition


A woman in her 20s in recovering in hospital after being struck by a vehicle involved in a two-car collision at Cambie Street and West 41st Avenue, Vancouver police said.

According to Const. Lindsey Houghton, around 7 p.m. Friday a vehicle travelling southbound on Cambie entered the intersection at 41st where it struck a vehicle travelling northbound that was turning left. The impact of the crash forced the southbound vehicle to careen into a poll on the southwest corner of the intersection where the pedestrian was waiting to cross.

The pedestrian, who has yet to be identified by police, remains in hospital in critical but stable condition with unknown injuries.

Const. Houghton added, two occupants of the southbound vehicle and the two occupants of the northbound vehicle suffered minor injures.

Police continue to investigate the cause of the crash while West 41 Avenue remains closed and vehicles are only allowed to travel north on Cambie as of 10 p.m. Closures could be lifted as soon as 11:30 p.m.

Anyone with information or who may have witnessed the crash is asked to contact the collision investigation unit at

cococly 10-28-2011 11:26 PM

How about the conditions of the drivers?

CP.AR 10-28-2011 11:27 PM

^ suffered minor injuries

rageguy 10-28-2011 11:29 PM

Wow, that's dangerous. Even though it's ok for pedestrians to be standing at the middle section as shown above, it's still too risky. You're sandwiched between two ways of traffic.

HondaGuy 10-28-2011 11:52 PM

Hope everyones safe... Seems like more accidents occur during this cold season.
Posted via RS Mobile

Datsun 10-29-2011 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by HondaGuy (Post 7633252)
Hope everyones safe... Seems like more accidents occur during this cold season.
Posted via RS Mobile

Cold hands/feet?

The other night I was driving on a left-sweeping curve. Almost got KTFO by some moron who was traveling with half their car into my lane, HEAD ON. they were tailgating the SUV in front of them so it was pretty much a blind curve.

Swerved my tin can out of the way and looked in the mirror, what do I see? Big fat L on the back. And they still in the oncoming lane.

They really do give out licenses to anything with a pulse here....

Yeah I know my story is cool bros.

donjalapeno 10-29-2011 12:47 AM

ive seen far worst.....but hopefully everyones walks off with minimal injuries.

conandoyle 10-29-2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by rageguy (Post 7633223)
Wow, that's dangerous. Even though it's ok for pedestrians to be standing at the middle section as shown above, it's still too risky. You're sandwiched between two ways of traffic.

It's not the middle section. It's the sidewalk.

conandoyle 10-29-2011 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Soltaaa (Post 7633295)
ive seen far worst.....but hopefully everyones walks off with minimal injuries.

Yeah,I‘ve seen worse cases highway, not a city road like this

sekin67835 10-29-2011 02:27 AM

Drove by it today. Horrible accident. Hope everyone is fine
Posted via RS Mobile

Zyzz 10-29-2011 05:09 AM


Matlock 10-29-2011 08:54 AM

Hmm, seems like I just missed that accident as I was driving around that area before 7pm.

Yesterday a lot of people were driving stupidly. On 41st turning onto Oak, a blue Nissan Versa with tons of stuffed animals in the rear window was waiting to left turn and was the last car before the turn signal disappeared. Fucking moron gunned it anyways and almost got hit.

Then after I wait for the light so I can turn left I see some woman laying on the middle of the street getting up. WTF? This is at night, it is fucking dark. She was lucky no one made her go splat.

q0192837465 10-29-2011 10:14 AM

Hope the ped pulls thru.

Use this as a reminder to change out ur summer tires. It's starting to dip below 5C at night and summer tires are not performing as they should be. Throw in some rain and it can turn bad really quickly.

narfy 10-29-2011 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Zyzz (Post 7633370)

i don't think anybody died...

double0seven 10-29-2011 02:04 PM

Wow, good thing I decided not to go home taking that route yesterday. :ahwow:

gearshifter 10-29-2011 06:07 PM

damn..... good thing this was at night... i work there during the day!

Sky_High 10-29-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by gearshifter (Post 7657159)
damn..... good thing this was at night... i work there during the day!

That's just a little too selfish...

unit 10-30-2011 11:53 AM

This is why I often stand behind poles at crosswalks

Expresso 10-30-2011 01:17 PM

This probably would've been prevented if they kept the dedicated red light for left turners.

hsh4 10-30-2011 04:17 PM

damn hope everyones ok

spideyv2 10-30-2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by gearshifter (Post 7657159)
damn..... good thing this was at night... i work there during the day!

Good thing man! Lets all be sure to alert potential accident causers to do their thing at night, because gearshifter works during the day!
Posted via RS Mobile

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