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11-02-2011, 09:12 AM
#1 | Banned (ABWS)
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| Again, i am fucking taunted by a cyclist!
I really want to get out and hurt one of these people man. the intersection of Main and Terminal South/East corner, i am trying to turn right at the corner but the cyclist is waiting to go straight but is NOT on the curbside corner but half way in the middle of the lane not allowing me to make my right turn, and there is also a bunch of other cars waiting for the turn also behind me so i give a double honk to let him know move the fuck over so i can turn right (i was being patient also before i honked),and he turns around screaming "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!" waiving his fist. And i yell YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE F**ING CURBSIDE!! I'M TURNING!! He's still blathering something and after that the light turns green and he kept going. This same exact thing happened the other day Broadway and Commercial South/West corner. Aren't they suppose to stay completely curbside? They sure as hell don't. Until one day i completely lose it and not think about going to jail i can only dream about getting out and batting their legs with vengance.
Last edited by Outreach; 11-02-2011 at 09:20 AM.
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11-02-2011, 09:21 AM
#2 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Leave 5 mins early and don't stress out.
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11-02-2011, 09:23 AM
#3 | Banned (ABWS)
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I should have posted in police forum i guess. Why the fails.... bike riders?? lol
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11-02-2011, 10:01 AM
#4 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Thats why you need a train horn.
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11-02-2011, 10:38 AM
#5 | My name is PJ and I like dogs.
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I know how you feel, but what are you gonna do.
There's the considerate bikers who stay at curbside or even back up a little to let you turn.
Then there's the assholes who bike in the middle of the lanes and don't let you pass them.
__________________ Studies show 100% of people die.. Might as well have some fun.
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11-02-2011, 10:51 AM
#6 | McLyin'
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one day that bike rider is gonna do the same thing to you to the wrong person and he is gonna get the shit beat outta him i just pray i am there to witness it.
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11-02-2011, 11:06 AM
#7 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Outreach Aren't they suppose to stay completely curbside? They sure as hell don't. Until one day i completely lose it and not think about going to jail i can only dream about getting out and batting their legs with vengance. | You don't even know the law, yet you're complaining? Here's some info: BikeSense - Cycling and Traffic Skills Quote:
The law requires traffic moving at less than the normal speed of traffic to keep as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway, but that does not mean hugging the curb or edge of the road.
Motorists are required to pass 'at a safe distance' and must not return to the right of the roadway until they have fully passed you.
| I can see why a cyclists moves out into the middle of a lane at an intersection. As a law abiding cyclist, I find many cars will cut me off otherwise. This is why the BC driving tests include checks for cyclists, my Ontario driving test never included this. This is also why the law allows cyclists to occupy more of the lane for safety reasons and cars must "pass safely".
A woman cyclist was killed in Ottawa 3 weeks ago cause she was doing cars a favour and riding on the edge of a lane, until some asshat opened their door, forcing her into traffic and a vehicle that didn't leave enough room ran her over. For safety reasons she could've and should've decided to occupy more of the lane beyond the reach of car doors, yet she like many cyclists was being nice to drivers, and she paid with her life for that convenience.
Article is here: CTV Ottawa- Woman charged with knocking Danielle Nacu off bike - CTV News
So I get why you're upset, yet just chill. Waiting 30-60 secs for the light to change isn't going to kill you, yet impatient drivers might kill the cyclist.
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11-02-2011, 11:07 AM
#8 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by dr.funk one day that bike rider is gonna do the same thing to you to the wrong person and he is gonna get the shit beat outta him i just pray i am there to witness it. | All my Ottawa buddies said they same thing, until the woman I mentioned was killed and then they changed their mind. Not a single one of them would want to be the person who opened their door, or ran her over.
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11-02-2011, 11:49 AM
#9 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by mos_skeeto Leave 5 mins early and don't stress out. | doesnt change the fact that cyclists are fags
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11-02-2011, 12:14 PM
#10 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by taylor192 You don't even know the law, yet you're complaining? Here's some info: BikeSense - Cycling and Traffic Skills
I can see why a cyclists moves out into the middle of a lane at an intersection. As a law abiding cyclist, I find many cars will cut me off otherwise. This is why the BC driving tests include checks for cyclists, my Ontario driving test never included this. This is also why the law allows cyclists to occupy more of the lane for safety reasons and cars must "pass safely".
A woman cyclist was killed in Ottawa 3 weeks ago cause she was doing cars a favour and riding on the edge of a lane, until some asshat opened their door, forcing her into traffic and a vehicle that didn't leave enough room ran her over. For safety reasons she could've and should've decided to occupy more of the lane beyond the reach of car doors, yet she like many cyclists was being nice to drivers, and she paid with her life for that convenience.
Article is here: CTV Ottawa- Woman charged with knocking Danielle Nacu off bike - CTV News
So I get why you're upset, yet just chill. Waiting 30-60 secs for the light to change isn't going to kill you, yet impatient drivers might kill the cyclist. | That's very sad. Fucking brutal.
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11-02-2011, 12:32 PM
#11 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by kwy That's very sad. Fucking brutal. | Apparently the car was illegally parked too as the incident occurred during rush hour parking restrictions. Very sad indeed.
If she was riding proper distance from parked cars there'd be a lot more of these types inconvenienced driver threads, yet she'd still be alive.
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11-02-2011, 03:09 PM
#12 | Banned (ABWS)
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I think it would be fitting if "littledog" gets run over by a car one day. |
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11-02-2011, 03:30 PM
#13 | I STILL don't get it
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I got into a fight... if you can call it that with a cyclist for a very similar situation as the op. The only difference is when i honked he turned around and spat into the passenger side window where my girlfriend was sitting. When i got out of the car he positioned himself infront of his bike so when i kicked him in the chest he went backwards and got stuck in the frame. i didnt even have to follow up because everytime he tried to get up off the ground he would awkwardly get caught in his bike frame and fall again. The best part was as we laughed at him an old lady walking by started laughing and said serves you right hippy. this was right around robson and georgia at 3:00 in the afterrnoon on a sunny day. I just got back into my car casually and drove away.
if you aim at nothing your sure to hit it.
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11-02-2011, 04:02 PM
#14 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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Just run him the fuck over, the only person thats gonna care is mindbomber
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11-02-2011, 04:09 PM
#15 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by firebird79_00 Just run him the fuck over, the only person thats gonna care is mindbomber | He must have been shitkicked before by a roadraging hick, fails everything he comes into contact with. Why don't you reply to the thread other than failing every post. Speak your mind.
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11-02-2011, 04:15 PM
#16 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Sean@Home I got into a fight... if you can call it that with a cyclist for a very similar situation as the op. The only difference is when i honked he turned around and spat into the passenger side window where my girlfriend was sitting. When i got out of the car he positioned himself infront of his bike so when i kicked him in the chest he went backwards and got stuck in the frame. i didnt even have to follow up because everytime he tried to get up off the ground he would awkwardly get caught in his bike frame and fall again. The best part was as we laughed at him an old lady walking by started laughing and said serves you right hippy. this was right around robson and georgia at 3:00 in the afterrnoon on a sunny day. I just got back into my car casually and drove away. | "Mindbomber" and "sumaznguy" are gonna hunt you down over this shit.
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11-02-2011, 04:39 PM
#17 | has a homepage?!
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I know exactly how you feel op.
Most cyclist on the road are f*cking dicks nowadays. Just like taxi drivers!
Some would cycle on the road and not even abide by traffic laws.
Just cuz these hippies think theyre going green, they think that theyre allowed to bike wherever the fuck they want. Like when theyre in a left turn lane waiting to turn left. Like seriously, WTF get off your fucking bike and walk it across the crosswalk intersection.
Then u get all these dumbass cyclists thinking they can ride without a helmet on. Seriously, WTF.
Cyclist should need to start buying insurance! For their own damn safety
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11-02-2011, 04:44 PM
#18 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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Originally Posted by Death2Theft Thats why you need a train horn. | Im getting one for christmas
2010 Mustang GT 4.6
1998 S10 2.2
1977 Firebird 5.7
1987 Iroc-Z 2.5
1998 Firebird 3.8
1992 BMW 325i 2.5
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11-02-2011, 05:00 PM
#19 | Returner of Lost Phones and Turtles
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Police should make it legal to hop onto the sidewalk whenever it is safe to do so. Im also a cyclist once in a while, and whenever i see cars lined up behind me i just jump onto the nearest sidewalk if there's little to no people.
Its not cyclists that pisses people off, its stupid cyclists that piss people off.
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11-02-2011, 05:08 PM
#20 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by hi-revs I know exactly how you feel op.
Most cyclist on the road are f*cking dicks nowadays. Just like taxi drivers!
Some would cycle on the road and not even abide by traffic laws.
Just cuz these hippies think theyre going green, they think that theyre allowed to bike wherever the fuck they want. Like when theyre in a left turn lane waiting to turn left. Like seriously, WTF get off your fucking bike and walk it across the crosswalk intersection.
Then u get all these dumbass cyclists thinking they can ride without a helmet on. Seriously, WTF.
Cyclist should need to start buying insurance! For their own damn safety | Is that legal? Cyclists turning left in middle of intersection at lights in front of cars? See that shit all teh time also and it always makes me lol thinkin "you aren't a car dude!".
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11-02-2011, 06:04 PM
#21 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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Time to run catless
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11-02-2011, 07:37 PM
#22 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by taylor192 I think it would be fitting if "littledog" gets run over by a car one day.  | The South-East corner of Main & Terminal has a right turn lane. Now think of this cyclist as a car. If there's a car in the right turn lane trying to go straight and blocking everyone behind trying to turn right, I bet you would honk too.
While I sympathize with the woman cyclist you mentioned, she has to be extra "defensive" while biking. Trying to be nice to cars will get you nowhere (as in her case). You just to have to know the rules and stick by it. It's those cyclist who doesn't know the rules that bothers me. Drivers need to take a test before they can use the road. How come cyclists who share the same piece of road don't?
Infiniti G20
Last edited by littledog; 11-02-2011 at 07:44 PM.
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11-02-2011, 07:40 PM
#23 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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is it 100% the driver's fault if a cyclist blows through a pedestrian crosswalk going full speed without slowing down or stopping to check for cars before crossing it, then gets hit by a car that is going about 40km/h and attempted to brake?
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11-02-2011, 07:47 PM
#24 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by Ruff Ryd@s is it 100% the driver's fault if a cyclist blows through a pedestrian crosswalk going full speed without slowing down or stopping to check for cars before crossing it, then gets hit by a car that is going about 40km/h and attempted to brake? | Cyclists have to dismount before they would be considered a pedestrian and be able to use a pedestrian crosswalk. In your case the cyclist is considered a vehicle and he/she is not permitted to use the crosswalk at all.
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11-02-2011, 07:51 PM
#25 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by hi-revs Just cuz these hippies think theyre going green, they think that theyre allowed to bike wherever the fuck they want. Like when theyre in a left turn lane waiting to turn left. Like seriously, WTF get off your fucking bike and walk it across the crosswalk intersection. | What's wrong with waiting to turn left in a left turn lane?
Infiniti G20
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