Originally Posted by alcoolaid Never had a problem with my 18x10 rota dpt's.
Wheels are wheels to me. Don't know why people call reps "fake" it's just a copy of the style.
You can call them fake if someone buys reps and claims them to be real. |
+1...A replica and a fake are two different things. As mentioned, a fake for example would be sold as what it is trying to imitate.
Replica wheels provide consumers with an alternatively affordable means of buying wheel designs that they like without having to pay the hefty price tag. No doubt, branding does influence the price, regardless of whether the branding effects the quality of the product or not.
VMR makes an RS4 replica and have been for many years. A very popular wheel and purchased by many with little to no complaints about the structural integrity of the wheel. Are you spending double the price from Audi to buy that same wheel because it is just that much better or because it has been branded as OEM?
Replica's are good, safe and reliable as long as you're buying them from a brand that can be held accountable. Fake wheels or knock-off wheels are generally cheaply made and are priced accordingly. A set of replica's that buy still cost me $2000. As many have mentioned on here, those fake/knock-offs people are buying are selling for $600! ...