Athletics, Hockey, Soccer, basketball, organize games/events, aerobics, nutritional supplements. Also the home for sports and sports entertainment threads. |  | |
11-26-2011, 02:56 PM
#26 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Stu Jackson lol.. reading that just makes me pissed off haha
1. Signed Reeves to a crazy deal
2. Didn't get nash when he had a chance to trade for him
3. Didn't draft odom or baron davis.. instead drafts francis who dind't want to be here lol
4. Drafts Bibby instead of Vince carter (If he had traded for nash, we didn't need bibby)
5. trades a #1 pick or first round (i can't remember) for otis thorpe
Could you imagine if we had Nash and Carter
These are the things that comes to me from the top of my head.... any other ones?
To this day.. I still wish I had the opportunity to see Michael Jordan in his prime |
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11-26-2011, 03:25 PM
#27 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by murd0c I have been enjoying only having hockey and football highlights on sports  |
so a full hour of TSN sports centre where 40+ minutes of it's all hockey and little bit of football and other stuff, then they usually sprinkle in around 5 minutes of NBA highlights, you saying these 5 minutes bothered you?
gotdang brah you just being greedy now lol, this is why I stopped watching Score and TSN, watching these two networks and expecting a fair and reasonable amount of NBA coverage or basically any other sport aside hockey was like watching the Speed Channel hoping for something other than fckin Nascar to be on, and Nascar OWNS Speed network
ESPN, NBA & NFL networks for me exclusively, I can catch a good amount of hockey highlights on ESPN for my hockey fix, but I haven't seen any Canadian shows like TSN or Score in probably about 4 years now, the bias is ridiculous but I do understand why, we ARE a hockey nation
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11-26-2011, 03:29 PM
#28 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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11-26-2011, 04:06 PM
#29 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by 411ken 1. Signed Reeves to a crazy deal
2. Didn't get nash when he had a chance to trade for him
3. Didn't draft odom or baron davis.. instead drafts francis who dind't want to be here lol
4. Drafts Bibby instead of Vince carter (If he had traded for nash, we didn't need bibby)
5. trades a #1 pick or first round (i can't remember) for otis thorpe | i recall reading an article that paul pierce really wanted to be drafted by vancouver that year too.... ends up being picked #16...
but anyway, to be honest, this lockout has changed my perspective of NBA players completely
they get paid in the millions to play a sport they love, do a job most people couldn't dream of doing, and whine and bitch when they're offered "only" 50% revenue? okay, yes, the team may be profitable (most aren't) and you as the player is the sole reason for that, but isn't it enough that you're blessed to go to work everyday doing something you love? not to mention being paid handsomely for it?
also they're supposed to be role models... wtf kind of example are they setting? i know i'll never boycott the NBA completely cuz i love the game, but i really hate the greed that was behind this whole lockout
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11-26-2011, 04:31 PM
#30 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Great! More reason for kids to aspire to have zero real world skills, but throwing a ball in a basket and wearing throwbacks.
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11-26-2011, 04:47 PM
#31 | I help report spam so I got this! <--
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Originally Posted by PiuYi i recall reading an article that paul pierce really wanted to be drafted by vancouver that year too.... ends up being picked #16...
but anyway, to be honest, this lockout has changed my perspective of NBA players completely
they get paid in the millions to play a sport they love, do a job most people couldn't dream of doing, and whine and bitch when they're offered "only" 50% revenue? okay, yes, the team may be profitable (most aren't) and you as the player is the sole reason for that, but isn't it enough that you're blessed to go to work everyday doing something you love? not to mention being paid handsomely for it?
also they're supposed to be role models... wtf kind of example are they setting? i know i'll never boycott the NBA completely cuz i love the game, but i really hate the greed that was behind this whole lockout
/rant | You know nothing about the NBA. The players aren't solely to be blamed for the lack of profit.
You think they're making easy money? Think again.
And they're pretty good role models with the amount of charity they've been doing. Given the lives they have contributed to change, better than you that's for sure.
Lockouts apply to any league sports, not just the NBA.
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11-26-2011, 04:50 PM
#32 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by Death2Theft Great! More reason for kids to aspire to have zero real world skills, but throwing a ball in a basket and wearing throwbacks. | So do you think the same thing about the NHL?
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11-26-2011, 05:55 PM
#33 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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At least the NBA is trying to address this issue by not allowing the jump from HS ball to NBA right away.
Anyone have a rundown on what is changed?
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11-26-2011, 06:18 PM
#34 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by darthchilli At least the NBA is trying to address this issue by not allowing the jump from HS ball to NBA right away.
Anyone have a rundown on what is changed? | from NBC sports
Where did those system issues land? Here is what we based on multiple reports.
• Next year the salary cap line will be at $58 million and the luxury tax line will be about $70 million, both where they were last season. One key difference is teams have to spend up to 85 percent of that salary cap line now, which means the minimum salary level for teams next season will be $49 million (last season it was more like $44 million). Also, the luxury tax on teams that exceed that tax line will be more stiff (it had been $1 for $1 over the line, now it will start at $1.50 for each $1 and escalate from there).
• Teams can only have one max-salary player that takes up to 30 percent of a team’s salary cap space.
• Larry Bird rights, the ability of a team to go over the salary cap or luxury tax line to re-sign their own players, remain essentially as it had been.
• Contract lengths are four years for free agents, but teams can add a fifth season for Bird rights players.
• Teams have only three days to match offers to restricted free agents, down from seven days in the old deal.
• The extend-and-trade remains, which means a team can sign a player to a Bird-rights size contract then instantly trade him — the stick that Carmelo Anthony used to force Denver to trade him last season without a financial loss for him.
Nobody is happier about that than Dwight Howard and Chris Paul, the current big free agents to be. Maybe Deron Williams too, but the Nets want to be buyers, not sellers.
• There will be a mid-level exception, reports Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo. Teams under the luxury tax can go for $5 million a season up to 4 years. For teams over the tax it is $3 million for up to 4 years.
• However, around the luxury tax line the mid-level will also impact Bird rights, reports Zach Lowe at Sports Illustrated reports:
If you use the full mid-level to get to or approach that barrier looming $4 million over the tax line, you cannot cross it by re-signing your own free agents via Larry Bird Rights. You can cross it to sign rookies or guys on veteran minimum contracts.
To use Lowe’s practical example, if the Boston Celtics used the mid-level to bring in someone like Jason Richardson to help on the wing that would take them over the tax line next season (to about $71 million total) and they would not be able to re-sign Jeff Green or Glen “Big Baby” Davis to anything more than minimum deals.
It means big spending teams will not just be able to take risks on free agent role players to go around their stars and not have consequences if it doesn’t work out (like the Lakers with Luke Walton, for example).
• There will be a $2.5 million exception for teams just below salary cap to go over the cap, reports Wojnarowski at Yahoo. However, those teams lose the right to the mid-level exception, too.
• There is no real change for the rookie deal or minimum salaries (which increase with years of service).
• There will be a “stretch” provision in the deal that allows a team to buy out a player and waive him, but spread his deal over a longer period of time (double the length of the contract plus one year) so as not to be such a cap hit. For example, if a player has three years, $30 million left on a deal and the teams want to waive him, they would have him on the official books for seven seasons at $4.3 million. It will look weird to see a guy on the books who was let go years before, but that space allows the team to not be completely hamstrung by a bad deal.
Call it the Eddy Curry rule.
• There also will be an amnesty clause in this deal that will allow teams to waive one player and wipe that salary almost totally off the books (75 percent goes away). This is similar to what was done in 2005, although then it only counted as savings against the luxury tax, now it counts as savings against the cap as well.
The Orlando Magic will have to choose between Gilbert Arenas or Hedo Turkoglu for this one. Tough decision.
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11-26-2011, 06:39 PM
#35 | I help report spam so I got this! <--
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No hard salary cap. Thank you. Here's the settlement: Quote:
1. BRI Split - Players receive a 49-51 band of BRI, with the expectation that players will receive 51% of BRI by year 6. The split is set on a base case of 50%, with the players receiving 60.5% of every incremental dollar beyond the targeted amount, which is based on the mid-point of the agreed upon projections, or a symmetrical reduction in our share if revenues fall short of the targeted amount. The players' share this first season (2011-12) will be 51.2% of BRI.
2. System
a. Mid-Level Exception for Non-Taxpayers: The Mid-Level Exception's contract length is 4 years, every year.
b. Player Options: Player options are allowed for all players, as per the prior CBA. Owners dropped their demand to eliminate player options for high-paid players.
c. Escrow: 10% max withholding, 1% New Benefits Pool, system adjustments as necessary to avoid forecasted overage. Owners dropped their demand for unlimited escrow, carry over, true up, or banking.
d. Qualifying Offers: Beginning in 2012-13, players defined as "starters" - 41 games started or 2000 minutes, average over prior 2 seasons - will receive substantially higher qualifying offers. A first-round pick will receive the greater of his existing qualifying offer or the qualifying offer amount made to the 9th pick of the draft ($4.67 million for the 2010-11 draft class). A second-round pick or undrafted player will receive the qualifying offer amount made to the 21st pick. A first-round pick drafted 1-14 who is not a "starter" receives the amount offered to the 15th pick.
e. Max Salary: A player finishing his rookie scale contract will be eligible to receive a maximum salary equal to 30% of the Cap (up from 25%) if he signs with his prior team and is either: 1st, 2nd or 3rd team All-NBA 2 times; an All-Star starter 2 times; or 1-time MVP.
f. Minimum Salary: The owners dropped their demand to reduce the minimum salary scale by 12%. The current amounts will not be reduced.
g. Rookie Scale: The owners dropped their demand to cut the rookie wage scale. The current amounts will not be reduced.
h. Extend-and-Trade: The owners dropped their demand to eliminate extend-and-trades. As with sign-and-trades, players moving pursuant to an extend-and-trade may not receive Bird annual increases or one year longer maximum contract length.
i. Annual Increases: Annual increases will be set at 7.5% for Bird players and 4.5% for non-Bird players.
j. Taxpayers' Use of Mid-Level Exception & Sign-and-Trade: The owners agreed to a $4 million "apron" above the tax threshold. Teams may go above the tax threshold by $4 million to use the entire $5 million mid-level exception, or acquire a player via sign-and-trade. Teams above the $4 million apron may use a $3 million/3-year mid-level exception every year.
k. Cliff: No change to prior proposal to reduce the cliff by 50%. | |
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11-26-2011, 08:02 PM
#36 | I *heart* very Muchie
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i like basketball but NBA is just not doing it for me anymore, especially when players get pay with big checks to play like crap & now i know some of u will not agree with me by saying stuff like "u should play an nba player to see how crappy they are cuz they still own u"
yes they will own me & own me big time, but seriously once u seen players like jordon, malone or rodman or any player back the 90s play u know what im talking about as todays players make to many rookie mistakes that a pro should not make at all
also theres way to many games being played which also means players get less time to heal there injuries which is another reason why
there rant over/
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Originally Posted by hk20000 I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"
But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".
Originally Posted by Neva wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates... | |
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11-26-2011, 08:43 PM
#37 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Last edited by; 11-26-2011 at 08:56 PM.
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11-26-2011, 08:57 PM
#38 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by Nlkko You know nothing about the NBA. | oh. well that settles it right there. Quote:
You think they're making easy money? Think again.
| done. yes, they're making easy money. compare them to the average american? ya i'd say they're making pretty fucking easy money. i'm not saying their job is EASY. i'm saying for the work they do, raking in a couple mil a year is a pretty fucking good bargain, many people work twice as hard and don't earn half as much Quote:
Given the lives they have contributed to change, better than you that's for sure.
| better than me? i could be bill fucking gates for all you know. i'm not saying im a better role model than they are, i'm just saying the fact that they're walking away from their dream job because they're "not paid well enough" is a shitty example for the kids
and please think of better replies next time. you sound like a fucking tool
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11-26-2011, 09:53 PM
#39 | I help report spam so I got this! <--
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oh. well that settles it right there.
| Settle what? Settle that you have a very weak argument? Quote:
done. yes, they're making easy money. compare them to the average american? ya i'd say they're making pretty fucking easy money. i'm not saying their job is EASY. i'm saying for the work they do, raking in a couple mil a year is a pretty fucking good bargain, many people work twice as hard and don't earn half as much
| What kind of work are we talking here. By your logic there should be a maximum wage because of how unfair people of DIFFERENT profession with DIFFERENT skills set but possibly the same amount of effort getting paid so differently. Sounds like the tools at Occupy Vancouver. There's no such thing as easy money unless you win the lottery.
Also adding "fuck" don't make your argument any more valid. Quote:
better than me? i could be bill fucking gates for all you know. i'm not saying im a better role model than they are, i'm just saying the fact that they're walking away from their dream job because they're "not paid well enough" is a shitty example for the kids
| Of course they're better than you. Bill Gates can't be posting uninformed argument on a car forum.
The player are simply trying to get a fair deal, nothing wrong with that. Can you say union going on strikes for low pay equals setting bad examples for kids, because this is essentially the same. It's not like they're not playing hoops ever again. If they take a bad deal now it could set terrible precedent for the subsequent CBAs--the owners could just call the union bluff and offer a worse deal. Quote:
and please think of better replies next time. you sound like a fucking tool
| This must be your better reply?
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11-26-2011, 09:59 PM
#40 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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Originally Posted by PiuYi i recall reading an article that paul pierce really wanted to be drafted by vancouver that year too.... ends up being picked #16...
but anyway, to be honest, this lockout has changed my perspective of NBA players completely
they get paid in the millions to play a sport they love, do a job most people couldn't dream of doing, and whine and bitch when they're offered "only" 50% revenue? okay, yes, the team may be profitable (most aren't) and you as the player is the sole reason for that, but isn't it enough that you're blessed to go to work everyday doing something you love? not to mention being paid handsomely for it?
also they're supposed to be role models... wtf kind of example are they setting? i know i'll never boycott the NBA completely cuz i love the game, but i really hate the greed that was behind this whole lockout
/rant | This can also be said two-folds with the Owners tho. And I really think the owners are worst then the players.
Your a billionaire owner, and you want to own a sports team, mostly for your ego.
Just because you bought a team, you are not entitled to guaranteed profits.
If you make BAD BUSINESS DECISIONS, you deserve to LOSE shiet loads of money.
When you are dumb enough to sign Joe Johnson for 6 years, almost $120 million, you deserve to lose money. Sports franchises are a business, good decisions gets rewarded and bad decisions should get punished.
How about rashard lewis for $22 million? Gilbert Arenas for $20?
I don't even want to get started on the Raptors, or even the bad signings the Grizzlies made (Big Country).
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11-26-2011, 10:23 PM
#41 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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So many NBA haters in here
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11-26-2011, 11:42 PM
#42 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by azndude69 I don't even want to get started on the Raptors, or even the bad signings the Grizzlies made (Big Country). | The players don't want to play in TO, which meant they had to overpay for free agents to go there, hence the Hedo contract... which panned out amazing for the Raptors with flying colors |
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11-27-2011, 12:04 AM
#43 | Throw yo paws in da air!
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11-27-2011, 03:04 AM
#44 | My homepage has been set to RS
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I don't like soccer. But as a sports fan, I don't go into World Cup threads starting shit. Sometimes, I might even go in there to see what they're so excited about.
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11-27-2011, 06:58 AM
#45 | Prince of the Apes
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yay, now i get to watch more people throw a ball at a basket and then run to the other side of the court..
basketball is like baseball for me.. boring as hell to watch but fun to play.
There's times in life where I want a relationship, but then I cum. Quote:
[23-08, 13:17] nabs i've gripped ice boy's shaft before
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[26-08, 13:50] Jesusjuice is this a sports car forum? why are there so many hondas?
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11-27-2011, 09:37 AM
#46 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by | >.> I dont see how vancouver got the last laugh lol... he got traded off, whcih is what he wanted..
But then agian you cannot blame the guy for wanting to be traded.. its like any other job.. you aint gonna work there if you dont want tooo (cant force that shit lol)
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Originally Posted by getalove i took a shit in the shower and i tried to use my heel to push it down the drain | |
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11-27-2011, 01:00 PM
#47 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Originally Posted by MelonBoy >.> I dont see how vancouver got the last laugh lol... he got traded off, whcih is what he wanted..
But then agian you cannot blame the guy for wanting to be traded.. its like any other job.. you aint gonna work there if you dont want tooo (cant force that shit lol) | we drafted a guy that openly said NO to playing in Vancouver. so we drafted him and traded him for garbage. I believe Paul Pirece was in that draft and said he would love to come here
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11-27-2011, 01:25 PM
#48 | degenerate extraordinaire
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|  reading his wikipedia "He publicly announced that he did not want to play for the Grizzlies, citing the distance from his Maryland home, taxes, endorsements, and God's will."
__________________ Quote: Originally posted by 97ITR He would step out of his freshly downtown autospa detailed 996 C4s, check out his own reflection in the driverside window out of habit, take off his brand new limited edition D&G aviator sunglasses so the mf can see the fury in his eyes, sashay over to the other guy and then threaten to insert his black leather Savatore Ferragamo loafers into the guys rear-end. | |
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11-27-2011, 08:47 PM
#49 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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haha Steve Francis....
Where he is now MUST be God's Will as well then.
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11-27-2011, 08:59 PM
#50 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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| THE JETS ARE BACK IN WINNIPEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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