Iphone/icloud/notes problem... help!
K, i guess im a retard, cuz i cant figure it out, and the internet doesn't have a solution.
I have a lot of notes, on my iphone (sync'd from outlook).
now i want these notes, on icloud.
i have notes on icloud settings turned on.
the problem is, it only syncs new notes i create. all my old notes are still just on my phone only.
when i go into the notes app, and go to "accounts". i have the option of showing "notes on my iphone" and "notes on icloud"
how can I MOVE all my notes from "iphone" to "icloud". like basically fucking MERGE the two.
i understand if i only had like 5 notes it would probably be faster to remake them all, but i have a shit load.
why's apple gotta make this shit so hard.
edit: i need a method for PC... I don't have a mac.
Last edited by Ulic Qel-Droma; 12-05-2011 at 01:49 AM.