Athletics, Hockey, Soccer, basketball, organize games/events, aerobics, nutritional supplements. Also the home for sports and sports entertainment threads. |  | |
06-16-2012, 04:49 PM
#18226 | I *heart* very Muchie
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craze is legal here no need for seizure unless u didn't declare lol
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06-16-2012, 05:36 PM
#18227 | McFogg The Dawg is my homeboy
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06-16-2012, 05:43 PM
#18228 | My dinner reheated before my turbo spooled
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After a week of partying/edc my lifts have gone down, lost some weight but not much.
BUT I think Vegas helped me in the long run. So motivated now.
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06-16-2012, 06:02 PM
#18229 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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prob bs'd you and just took your money....and now he has a free craze
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06-16-2012, 06:26 PM
#18230 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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So I picked up the remaining CRAZE bottle from jayare604 today..
Right away took 2 good sized scoops before the workout.. Not a single fuck was given! I FELT NOTHING. Maybe a little focus, but thats it. My heartrate increased for sure, but I expected a lot more because of the hype. I will not increase dosage.
I have tried a number of PWO (Jack3d, craze, white flood, razor8, superpump, 1MR, neurocore, assualt, C4 etc..) Some were samples of course.
In my opinion nothing comes close except for JACK3D or NEUROCORE. Maybe the old razor 8 and 1MR formula's with the 1,3 in it.
This is all subjective though. Everyone has a different body type and how they handle PWO's. Don't forget to cycle when using this stuff otherwise your tolerance will increase big time!
Just my opinion guys |
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06-16-2012, 07:08 PM
#18231 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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^Maybe you shouldn't of gone 2 scoops right away IMO.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
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06-16-2012, 07:16 PM
#18232 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by ilmatic ^Maybe you shouldn't of gone 2 scoops right away IMO. | I have tried one scoop in the past when it first came out..didnt do anything... then kinda forgot about it.
Anyways had a good workout.. shoulders/light back for reps
- DB Press 80X9 /70X12 60X15
- Arnold Press 60X9 / 50X12
- Cables
- Upright rows 45 bar with 35 plate (holding for few seconds at the top)
- Shrugs
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06-16-2012, 07:30 PM
#18233 | I subscribe to Revscene
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PWO's do nothing for me, and in my opinion are a waste of money.. I always have enough energy for the gym. even when im sick I can finish my workout
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06-16-2012, 07:51 PM
#18234 | RS Operative (G)
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long overdue but updated club pics
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06-16-2012, 07:58 PM
#18235 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by Alphamale Just did some hang pulls for the first time for my upper back....  My traps and upper back feel so swole | Said it a million times here, high pulls are MONEY for traps. Fucken love them
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06-16-2012, 08:15 PM
#18236 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by DC5-S What can my dad take to lower his LDL? Is there any supplements that help with that? He doesn't eat very bad but I assume it's the body producing LDL | My dad in law got the same story from his doctor. I'll tell you what I told him.
First of all "high cholesterol" is not necessarily a bad thing. Like Jimzilla's doctor though, doctors often take the numbers given to them, and look at the wrong things. They see "high cholesterol" or "high levels of LDL" and tell people to stop eating so much cholesterol. The patient listens, and their LDL gets even worse. Because by cutting out cholesterol (basically eat less meat) they are replacing it with crap food, because we all need to eat a certain amount every day if we're not enforcing a strict diet. So cut out meat, you introduce more starch and bad fat usually. It should be the opposite - eat MORE meat, introducing GOOD cholesterol, and less starch which is what causes poor blood lipids and inflammation. Patient goes back, doctor assumes they weren't listening, and puts them on statin drugs. Once that happens, that's the end of your life as you know it. Because once you start taking cholesterol lowering drugs, you body basically starts shutting down. But I digress...
So you can have 'high cholesterol' but when you look at the numbers that matter - ratio of HDL/LDL/AND Triglycerides, you will have overall a great blood lipid profile. To get that, eat more meat, less carbs.
-EXERCISE. 3 times a week. My dad in law is 60, so I told him to do body weight exercises. He used to do 100 pushups every night which is pretty impressive. I told him to do pushups, hindu squats, and if he can, pullups every other day. We'll have to see about setting up a chinup bar for him somewhere. Running is better than nothing, but anything is better than jogging. Weights are best, as we all know.
-Cut out as much sugar and grains as possible (I say as possible since he works in China). NO SWEETS. No fruit, unless it is berries
-Cut out as much fat that comes in liquid form as possible. If it's solid at room temperature and non-hydrogenated, it's good. Butter, animal fat, etc good. Vegetable oil, creamers, etc bad. Exceptions: Coconut milk, some nut oils (he'll never see them in China) avocado oil, etc
-Try to make your diet as antiinflammatory as possible. Learn what foods are inflammatory, which are neutral, and which are anti. Most diets high in carbs (especially wheat) are highly inflammatory. This is what leads to heart disease more than anything. High triglycerides + chronic inflammation = you never see 70
-3 tsp of liquid fish oil each day
Some supplements that can help lipid profile
ginger powder, 1g a day
fenugreek, 500mg a day
fish oil, 3 tsp a day (capsules, non concentrated - 13 a day. Concentrated - 6 a day)
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06-16-2012, 11:55 PM
#18237 | what manner of phaggotry is this
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Something else I read is most cholesterol tests just look for total cholesterol, not specifically HDL or LDL because this test is easier. And as you said, they need to compare the cholesterol to triglycerides to get a real picture. But most doctors and labs dont do that.
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06-16-2012, 11:57 PM
#18238 | what manner of phaggotry is this
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06-17-2012, 04:26 AM
#18239 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp My dad in law got the same story from his doctor. I'll tell you what I told him.
First of all "high cholesterol" is not necessarily a bad thing. Like Jimzilla's doctor though, doctors often take the numbers given to them, and look at the wrong things. They see "high cholesterol" or "high levels of LDL" and tell people to stop eating so much cholesterol. The patient listens, and their LDL gets even worse. Because by cutting out cholesterol (basically eat less meat) they are replacing it with crap food, because we all need to eat a certain amount every day if we're not enforcing a strict diet. So cut out meat, you introduce more starch and bad fat usually. It should be the opposite - eat MORE meat, introducing GOOD cholesterol, and less starch which is what causes poor blood lipids and inflammation. Patient goes back, doctor assumes they weren't listening, and puts them on statin drugs. Once that happens, that's the end of your life as you know it. Because once you start taking cholesterol lowering drugs, you body basically starts shutting down. But I digress...
So you can have 'high cholesterol' but when you look at the numbers that matter - ratio of HDL/LDL/AND Triglycerides, you will have overall a great blood lipid profile. To get that, eat more meat, less carbs.
-EXERCISE. 3 times a week. My dad in law is 60, so I told him to do body weight exercises. He used to do 100 pushups every night which is pretty impressive. I told him to do pushups, hindu squats, and if he can, pullups every other day. We'll have to see about setting up a chinup bar for him somewhere. Running is better than nothing, but anything is better than jogging. Weights are best, as we all know.
-Cut out as much sugar and grains as possible (I say as possible since he works in China). NO SWEETS. No fruit, unless it is berries
-Cut out as much fat that comes in liquid form as possible. If it's solid at room temperature and non-hydrogenated, it's good. Butter, animal fat, etc good. Vegetable oil, creamers, etc bad. Exceptions: Coconut milk, some nut oils (he'll never see them in China) avocado oil, etc
-Try to make your diet as antiinflammatory as possible. Learn what foods are inflammatory, which are neutral, and which are anti. Most diets high in carbs (especially wheat) are highly inflammatory. This is what leads to heart disease more than anything. High triglycerides + chronic inflammation = you never see 70
-3 tsp of liquid fish oil each day
Some supplements that can help lipid profile
ginger powder, 1g a day
fenugreek, 500mg a day
fish oil, 3 tsp a day (capsules, non concentrated - 13 a day. Concentrated - 6 a day) | Hey Skinny,
You seem to be well informed in this sort of thing. Where do you get your information? I mean i've read articles that are very similar to your opinion. Also articles which states cholesterol in food, does not really effect blood cholesterol etc. Obviously there are studies for both sides of the equation(Dr vs. You). What makes these recent studies correct? Curious as I have to hold a medical for my career, and I seem to develop higher blood pressure from time to time (white coat syndrome is possible). But if it gets to the point that it is too high, blood tests begin and if everything is out of whack (according to them) that nice little paper gets yanked and i'm out of a job.
Any suggestions for high blood pressure? Besides the standard exercise?
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06-17-2012, 04:43 AM
#18240 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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TBH it all stated with watching Fat head (actually before that, but it was really a 'convincing moment' for me). It's on Netflix now, so watch it if you haven't. From there, I started following their blog, as well as Dr Mike Eades and Gary Taubes blogs and twitter accounts. There are plenty others out there, but these guys all stick to facts and don't preach.
That's as good a starting point as you'll need. They all link to other resources, and constantly update with new info as it comes out.
As for high bp, no idea. That would depend on what is causing it, I suppose.
The main thing for me was realizing that humans have been around in this main 'form' for a very, very long time. When you think of our known history, it is ridiculously short compared to our species. Therefore, for millions of years, we have lived and eaten a certain way. Yet for less than 1% of that time, we have been eating the way we do now. And that is when such problems as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc, started showing up. (essentially, with agriculture). Now I am not saying we should eat "like cavemen" and I do not endorse a "paleo" diet. But if you just think about things in the terms of "we have been doing it this way for millions of years, how is this better?" it lets you think about things with a more grounded perspective.
So when I say we aren't meant for running, it's not because I think running is stupid and causes injuries. It's because there was no reason for us to develop to be runners over those millions of years. And when you look at what we ate for most of those times - animals, supplemented with some greens and anything that's edible that could be gathered during a hunt, it's pretty clear how we 'should' be eating. How far you want to take it is up to you, I suppose. We all love sugar too, and for these millions of years we enjoy it for how it makes us feel. But for the most part, it was only available in seasonal fruits (interestingly this takes place in late summer... fatten you up for winter perhaps?), or when you happen across a beehive. Again if you look at it that way, sugar is almost like a drug. We crave it, and can get addicted to it. It gives us a quick 'fix' and makes us feel like shit after.
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06-17-2012, 08:20 AM
#18241 | Treasure Chest MOD
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Skinny, well said! Its a really commmon misconception, and its funny because many medical professionals still believe that total cholesterol is the culprit to this day. It is partly, but theyre giving the wrong reasons. So what skinny said is absolutely correct, it was only within the last few years that beliefs concerning hugh cholesterol started to change. Search up pubmed, its a well documented and reliable database for medical information so id check that out. Its funny because even at the university level, my professor will be teaching us the wrong things.
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06-17-2012, 10:05 AM
#18242 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Since we're on the topic of nutrition, I'd like to ask something.
I workout 3-4x a week, lift heavy, and have been for almost 3 years. I eat as many clean sources of protein as I can. However, does the whole working-out aspect allow me a sort of "free pass" to eat whatever else I want? EG: ice cream, church's chicken, BK, junk food, etc.
I've been kind of assuming (possibly wrong) that so long as I put in the work at the gym, I can afford "luxuries" like having relative freedom of eating what I want, on top of eating the regular clean foods like chicken breast, ground beef, pasta, spinach, and so on.
I would classify myself as an ectomorph. It's easy for me to lose weight, and harder for me to gain weight. I'm not trolling. I've been wondering about this for a while but didn't know how to ask.
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06-17-2012, 10:13 AM
#18243 | I bringith the lowerballerith
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Originally Posted by nns Since we're on the topic of nutrition, I'd like to ask something.
I workout 3-4x a week, lift heavy, and have been for almost 3 years. I eat as many clean sources of protein as I can. However, does the whole working-out aspect allow me a sort of "free pass" to eat whatever else I want? EG: ice cream, church's chicken, BK, junk food, etc.
I've been kind of assuming (possibly wrong) that so long as I put in the work at the gym, I can afford "luxuries" like having relative freedom of eating what I want, on top of eating the regular clean foods like chicken breast, ground beef, pasta, spinach, and so on.
I would classify myself as an ectomorph. It's easy for me to lose weight, and harder for me to gain weight. I'm not trolling. I've been wondering about this for a while but didn't know how to ask. |
nope it does not justify you eating poorly. you most likely are not eating anywhere near enough. I used to be an extreme ectomorph. Eat till you can't eat anymore...then eat some more.
1994 Honda Civic si hatch
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06-17-2012, 10:16 AM
#18244 | RS controls my life!
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I usually allow myself to cheat once or twice a week.
Sunday morning, fasted squats ftw
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06-17-2012, 10:26 AM
#18245 | Treasure Chest MOD
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jordanl250, amen.
__________________ BNWT Arcteryx Beta SL Hybrid Jacket Size Medium There are no principles, there are only events. There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances. The superior espouses events and circumstances in order to guide them. |
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06-17-2012, 10:34 AM
#18246 | Treasure Chest MOD
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Originally Posted by nns Since we're on the topic of nutrition, I'd like to ask something.
I workout 3-4x a week, lift heavy, and have been for almost 3 years. I eat as many clean sources of protein as I can. However, does the whole working-out aspect allow me a sort of "free pass" to eat whatever else I want? EG: ice cream, church's chicken, BK, junk food, etc.
I've been kind of assuming (possibly wrong) that so long as I put in the work at the gym, I can afford "luxuries" like having relative freedom of eating what I want, on top of eating the regular clean foods like chicken breast, ground beef, pasta, spinach, and so on.
I would classify myself as an ectomorph. It's easy for me to lose weight, and harder for me to gain weight. I'm not trolling. I've been wondering about this for a while but didn't know how to ask. | Imo, if you're an ectomorph, eat and devour anything in your path... chances are, ur not gonna have enough protein from meat sources for 7-8 meals a day, so you gotta improvise and make do with what's in your fridge.
Eat anything, and everything... Asking if working out can justify bad eating habits is like asking what caused what in an inter-related cycle. Without proper food and diet, you won't have the fuel to workout well.. and without a good workout, the food you put in will turn into unwanted weight gain
__________________ BNWT Arcteryx Beta SL Hybrid Jacket Size Medium There are no principles, there are only events. There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances. The superior espouses events and circumstances in order to guide them. |
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06-17-2012, 11:23 AM
#18247 | RS Operative (G)
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Eat everything you can and then eat what you ate again in the same day. I was a skinny kunt like jl250 and I was 6'6 so it was a bitch to bulk that did not stop me one bit.
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06-17-2012, 11:32 AM
#18248 | I *heart* very Muchie
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guys shirt came off yesterday when i went out and everybody was mirin hard feeelsgoodman good thing hal0god wasn't there |
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06-17-2012, 12:21 PM
#18249 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by strykn guys shirt came off yesterday when i went out and everybody was mirin hard feeelsgoodman good thing hal0god wasn't there  | I'm guessing you went to above and beyond? Did you see all the miscers?
"I grip the bar with no gloves because it gives me the feeling of gripping a nice hard cock"
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06-17-2012, 02:19 PM
#18250 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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Originally Posted by The_Situation I'm guessing you went to above and beyond? Did you see all the miscers? | Strong video of u on facebook
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