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Old 12-20-2011, 11:13 AM   #76
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If that was the case you would still have the optoin of flying/driving to another state to have an "abortion". Stop being an idiot.
Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
So if you are raped and need an abortion you should have to move?

Abortion referendum fails to pass in Mississippi — RT

The controversial referendum that let voters in Mississippi redefine what constitutes personhood was voted down yesterday, in what pro choice advocates are celebrating as a victory for women’s rights.

Voters had to weigh in on whether the Mississippi’s Bill of Rights should define a “person” as existing from moment of conception, wording which could have caused abortions to be equated as murder, legally, and stood to sideline other commonplace medical practices.

Initiative 26, or the “personhood initiative,” was lauded by anti-abortion advocates as a major step in outlawing the practice. Nationally, the Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling in Roe v Wade legalized abortion from coast-to-coast. Should the personhood initiative been agreed on, however, abortion and some contraceptives could have been made illegal across the state.

Why even have a United States? Why not just make every state a country?
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Old 12-20-2011, 11:15 AM   #77
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If democracy is so good why is the US running around with armed troops FORCING it on people? Let them fight for it like we have.
Originally Posted by Gridlock View Post
I think the world is starting to say that they have no interest in having the US police them.

And make no mistake, they may say its for democracy and freedom, but a handy side issue is its always in the americans self-interest.
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Old 12-20-2011, 12:02 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Death2Theft View Post
If democracy is so good why is the US running around with armed troops FORCING it on people? Let them fight for it like we have.
When did we fight for democracy IN Canada?
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Old 12-20-2011, 12:17 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Death2Theft View Post
If that was the case you would still have the optoin of flying/driving to another state to have an "abortion". Stop being an idiot.
With abortions being illegal in some states - and the US making it harder for girls to get a morning after pill - it's no wonder why the US is by far the number 1 place for teenage pregnancies in the developed world.

I personally don't think abortions are always right, and if I got a girl pregnant, I would see to it to make sure that the child is well taken care of... but I also believe that the woman should have the right to choose.

Reducing teenage pregnancies start with education, first and foremost - but should the girl/baby have to suffer because they need to fly/bus to another state to get an abortion? Not everyone can afford to do that.
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Old 12-20-2011, 01:14 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by gars View Post
With abortions being illegal in some states - and the US making it harder for girls to get a morning after pill - it's no wonder why the US is by far the number 1 place for teenage pregnancies in the developed world.

I personally don't think abortions are always right, and if I got a girl pregnant, I would see to it to make sure that the child is well taken care of... but I also believe that the woman should have the right to choose.

Reducing teenage pregnancies start with education, first and foremost - but should the girl/baby have to suffer because they need to fly/bus to another state to get an abortion? Not everyone can afford to do that.
Abortion is not illegal in ANY state currently.

From yahoo answers: Federal case law provides that states can put restrictions on abortion within certain parameters. States have made parental consent or notification necessary before an abortion is performed on a girl under 18, have restricted third trimester abortions (very okay in my book), and some states have restrictions on second term abortions. Many states outlaw partial-birth (very late term) abortions, and some states are regulating induced-labor situations (not technically an abortion). There are also some state restrictions on RU-486 (the morning after pill). Many states are trying to pass laws making it permissible for medical personnel (and pharmacists) to refuse to participate in something they consider against their conscience (giving morning after pills, performing abortions).

But the actual abortive procedure is legal in all 50 states due to roe v wade.

PS-the actual woman in Roe V Wade, is now a pro-life activist.
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Old 12-20-2011, 01:28 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Gridlock View Post
Abortion is not illegal in ANY state currently.

From yahoo answers: Federal case law provides that states can put restrictions on abortion within certain parameters. States have made parental consent or notification necessary before an abortion is performed on a girl under 18, have restricted third trimester abortions (very okay in my book), and some states have restrictions on second term abortions. Many states outlaw partial-birth (very late term) abortions, and some states are regulating induced-labor situations (not technically an abortion). There are also some state restrictions on RU-486 (the morning after pill). Many states are trying to pass laws making it permissible for medical personnel (and pharmacists) to refuse to participate in something they consider against their conscience (giving morning after pills, performing abortions).

But the actual abortive procedure is legal in all 50 states due to roe v wade.

PS-the actual woman in Roe V Wade, is now a pro-life activist.
That's unfortunate, to say the least.

I'll speak from personal experience in saying, a significant motivator for some teens who chose an abortion is fear of a parent's reaction to a pregnancy. Whether the response be motivated by religious views or for any other reason, many teens find themselves homeless or abused each year for trivial reasons, like having an abortion when your parents are pro-life. Pro-life activists should be concerned about their own bodies, not those of others.

I could never live in the states, so much of the culture exemplifies all that is wrong in this world.

and for fuck sakes, election campaigns don't need to last two years..
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Old 12-20-2011, 02:07 PM   #82
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The United States will collapse whether Ron Paul is elected or not. It is such a clusterfuck of bureaucracy, debt, and deception down there that true change cannot happen until the entire system is destroyed and rebuilt from scratch. The country has lost nearly all of it's industrial employment and has an unemployment rate hovering near 10%. That's about 30 million people, or almost the entire population of Canada needing work for those of you keeping track.

Ron Paul wants to put hundreds of thousands more out of work by eliminating government redundancies. I applaud his vision because it's exactly what is needed, it's just 30 years too late and will never be allowed to happen by those that truly run the United States. They have far too much too lose. It's also completely unsustainable to send them to the already massive unemployment line. But the United States already screwed themselves by running the national and global economy into ruins with their lending Ponzi scheme so the current status quo will fail them as well.

Who is President is no longer relevant. There is no saving what greed has done to that country. Sadly, the entire world is going to suffer the fallout.
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Old 12-20-2011, 03:32 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
well if you look @ it in the perspective of anti-abortionists, whats inside is considered a life, so yeah.... what right do you have to kill another person because someone else raped you? (looking at it from that perspective)

and the Ron Paul view that was posted doesn't bar women who were raped from abortions

you have to be able to look at situations from different perspectives; you can't just be one sided when you're considering arguments

as for having to switch states thats how it used to be in the US (not that long ago) and it caused a great deal of problems/inconvenience for those who wanted abortions but.... /shrug only because imo abortions aren't a necessity for life... (rofl no pun intended)
You argument is assuming a fetus is considered a person which is not universally accepted nor proven.
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Old 12-20-2011, 04:41 PM   #84
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Hey if thats the best you can do good job. Whats next grammar police?
Was it forced on us? Did we vote for it?
Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
When did we fight for democracy IN Canada?
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Old 12-20-2011, 05:47 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Death2Theft View Post
Hey if thats the best you can do good job. Whats next grammar police?
Was it forced on us? Did we vote for it?
I think that's a legit question. You said WE fought for democracy. We didn't. We shifted to democracy after the British Empire collapsed and they couldn't/wouldn't support us anymore.

I *think* it was something like the 1980's where there was a reading in the British Parliament to finally officially cut us loose.
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Old 12-24-2011, 11:54 AM   #86
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CNN seems to be spinning the situation trying to slam ron paul in a recent interview he did... apparently Gloria Borger's husband who's a lobbyist who works for powell tate... looks like a smear campaign. Ron Paul owns her in the end of the uncut interview but cnn edits it to make it look like he walks off the set lol
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Old 12-24-2011, 01:39 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by LT Maverick View Post
CNN seems to be spinning the situation trying to slam ron paul in a recent interview he did... apparently Gloria Borger's husband who's a lobbyist who works for powell tate... looks like a smear campaign. Ron Paul owns her in the end of the uncut interview but cnn edits it to make it look like he walks off the set lol

I guess you don't follow news or politics. She asked some tough questions like any good reporter would do and he stormed off like a little kid.

Why don't we know who forged Ron Pauls signature (or so he claims) and wrote those articles in his newsletter.
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Last edited by Manic!; 12-24-2011 at 01:44 PM.
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:02 PM   #88
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No. what you watched on cnn was eidited to make it seem like he stormed off like a lil kid. Go watch the uncut version and u can see her badgering him about the same question even after he answered her already. A response video i watched raised a good point: besides trying to slander his name, do ppl actually think corporate media actually cares about the feelings of black america? They play it up hoping they can swing their votes. This newsletter thing is the only 'dirt' they can dig up on Ron Paul. I'm sure other politicians have darker secrets than that but they don't focus on newt gingrich for example. Also, CNN already asked him about these newsletter two days prior to that interview with gloria. I just found the part where gloria suggests he donate the money he made from the newsletters to charity totally ridiculous. She was just hanging on to whatever she could related to the 'dirt' and kept saying 'it's legitimate, it's legitimate"... well all this is obviously my opinion and i enjoy discussing this subject.

just wanted to add this link,
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:24 PM   #89
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Just referring to the forged sig you're talking about, he never said anybody forged his signature. He said he published them. Like any magazine/newspaper, there's and editor and ron says he didn't run the day to day operations since he was still practicing medicine back when the newsletter was running. Believe him or not, that was his answer and he's openly explained that for the past ten years about it. Gloria Borger wasn't really 'asking' the tough questions but really just accusing him of it and not excepting his answer.
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:27 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by LT Maverick View Post
No. what you watched on cnn was eidited to make it seem like he stormed off like a lil kid. Go watch the uncut version and u can see her badgering him about the same question even after he answered her already. A response video i watched raised a good point: besides trying to slander his name, do ppl actually think corporate media actually cares about the feelings of black america? They play it up hoping they can swing their votes. This newsletter thing is the only 'dirt' they can dig up on Ron Paul. I'm sure other politicians have darker secrets than that but they don't focus on newt gingrich for example. Also, CNN already asked him about these newsletter two days prior to that interview with gloria. I just found the part where gloria suggests he donate the money he made from the newsletters to charity totally ridiculous. She was just hanging on to whatever she could related to the 'dirt' and kept saying 'it's legitimate, it's legitimate"... well all this is obviously my opinion and i enjoy discussing this subject.

just wanted to add this link, Ron Paul walks out on CNN interview ...(racist allegations) - YouTube
And how many times did they ask Obama about his birth certificate. First Ron Paul supporters complain he's getting no media coverage then they complan when the media covers him. Also CNN is a huge organization. Do you think ever reporter know what question every other reporter has asked?

If Ron Paul want to became president he's going to have to answer: Who wrote those letters Ron Paul.

Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul.
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:28 PM   #91
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Regarding those newsletters this was already brought up the last time he ran for the Republican Nomination 4 years ago and it was already dealt with; if i recall correctly it was simply his newsletter but his staff/volunteers etc wrote for it etc

Originally Posted by MisterMu View Post
You argument is assuming a fetus is considered a person which is not universally accepted nor proven.
maybe you should read the comment..... and the comments before it

or else you're just

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Old 12-24-2011, 02:32 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by LT Maverick View Post
Just referring to the forged sig you're talking about, he never said anybody forged his signature. He said he published them. Like any magazine/newspaper, there's and editor and ron says he didn't run the day to day operations since he was still practicing medicine back when the newsletter was running. Believe him or not, that was his answer and he's openly explained that for the past ten years about it. Gloria Borger wasn't really 'asking' the tough questions but really just accusing him of it and not excepting his answer.
One of his fund raising letters had his signature on it( he claims it was an auto pen). The other letters were written like he was writing them. Ron Paul has millions of supporters. Can't he ask them to find out who wrote the letters and put the issue to rest? maybe he should get 4chan or annon to help him out?
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:39 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
Regarding those newsletters this was already brought up the last time he ran for the Republican Nomination 4 years ago and it was already dealt with; if i recall correctly it was simply his newsletter but his staff/volunteers etc wrote for it etc

Who on his staff wrote them? Does he have a list of his staff? You thing anyone who hires staff that writes the stuff below is capable of running a country?

"If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992

"Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:44 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
You thing anyone who hires staff that writes the stuff below is capable of running a country?
Running the USA? yes, and they have

candidates who actually have dark histories have been elected; i dont think having some questionable clips of quotes from a staffer writing on your newsletter cuts you off from the presidency << if that was an issue than none of the candidates currently should have the nomination and obama shouldn't have the presidency

Last edited by StylinRed; 12-24-2011 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:46 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
Running the USA? yes, and they have
And look were it has gotten them.
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:48 PM   #96
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Perhaps finding the person who wrote it would put the issue to rest. But isn't it funny that during his previous two attempts at running for president, media chooses to dish out the dirt on him now when he's finally gaining popularity considered a legit threat?

Along with media showing bogus graphs from straw polls and not inviting him to republican debates just makes me wonder. His stand on certain topics like abortion mentioned above in this thread might not be popular with everyone but without a doubt Ron Paul is consistent. He's been preaching his views since the 70's but only now are ppl starting to take notice when shit is about to hit the fan. Many ppl myself included feel it may already be too late even if Ron Paul is elected president. The bankers have been running things for way too long.
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:53 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by LT Maverick View Post
Perhaps finding the person who wrote it would put the issue to rest. But isn't it funny that during his previous two attempts at running for president, media chooses to dish out the dirt on him now when he's finally gaining popularity considered a legit threat?
That's what happens when you become a front runner. Look at Herman Cain and John Kerry. CNN reported on this along time ago. I have know own about it for year.
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:55 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by LT Maverick View Post
Perhaps finding the person who wrote it would put the issue to rest. But isn't it funny that during his previous two attempts at running for president, media chooses to dish out the dirt on him now when he's finally gaining popularity considered a legit threat?
naw they did the same thing last time but ppl didn't really notice/care until this time around
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Old 12-24-2011, 04:01 PM   #99
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yea true but slight difference this time around. Even republican strategists are coming out and saying "ron paul is never going to be a nominee... just a spoiler". Ppl in his own party aren't giving him a fair shake (mayweather reference lol)... it's really time for the lobbyists to get out of politics lol

just finished watching this one where they're pitting romney vs. gingrich and brush ron aside although he's leading the polls lol
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Old 12-24-2011, 05:10 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by LT Maverick View Post
yea true but slight difference this time around. Even republican strategists are coming out and saying "ron paul is never going to be a nominee... just a spoiler". Ppl in his own party aren't giving him a fair shake.
Maybe he should get some new friends.
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