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Old 12-24-2011, 07:25 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Who on his staff wrote them? Does he have a list of his staff? You thing anyone who hires staff that writes the stuff below is capable of running a country?

"If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992

"Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992
This is why I would vote for ron paul
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Old 12-24-2011, 08:24 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by doma View Post
This is why I would vote for ron paul
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But he says he did not write those things and does not believe in them. So I guess you wouldn't vote for him.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 12-25-2011, 06:20 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
The United States will collapse whether Ron Paul is elected or not. It is such a clusterfuck of bureaucracy, debt, and deception down there that true change cannot happen until the entire system is destroyed and rebuilt from scratch. The country has lost nearly all of it's industrial employment and has an unemployment rate hovering near 10%. That's about 30 million people, or almost the entire population of Canada needing work for those of you keeping track.

Ron Paul wants to put hundreds of thousands more out of work by eliminating government redundancies. I applaud his vision because it's exactly what is needed, it's just 30 years too late and will never be allowed to happen by those that truly run the United States. They have far too much too lose. It's also completely unsustainable to send them to the already massive unemployment line. But the United States already screwed themselves by running the national and global economy into ruins with their lending Ponzi scheme so the current status quo will fail them as well.

Who is President is no longer relevant. There is no saving what greed has done to that country. Sadly, the entire world is going to suffer the fallout.
I think you have a very good point.

What I find very disturbing is that there seems to be something much more sinister going on than simply bad politicians and bad policies. When one steps back and examines what has been going on in the US and Europe there has been a systematic weakening of individual states and sovereignty in the past few decades. The economies of these countries (including Canada) has been systematically de-industrialized on one hand and systematically over-financialized on the other. The international banking consortiums have usurped the power of the states for their own benefit (ie. engineering of too big to fail banks = guaranteed massive profits from bailouts & the bankrupting of states). It seems as if the plan is to bankrupt all nation states (the US, Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina are already effectively bankrupt) and then the systematic erosion of national soverignty. I know many people will think this is too conspiratorial but look at what is happening in Europe right now, the EU is now imposing austerity measures on Greece against her will (and soon to Spain, Portugal, & Italy) [this is why there are massive protests going on in Greece] and Britain has been the only country to call the EU out on this and refused to hand over their right as a sovereign nation to handle their own internal affairs, though I suspect the UK will be usurped soon as well. (the moment the ex-PM of Greece tried to hold a referendum, he was immediately replaced by an un-elected EU technocrat, the same thing has happened in Italy) I think the ultimate goal of the international bankers is to bankrupt enough states as to be able to create a new reserve currency to be issued by a new "global federal reserve." The goal of this new world bank/reserve currency is to usurp the powers (what's left of it anyway) of individual sovereign states and to have ultimate control of the resources (natural/political/human) of said states.

British MP on the takeover of Europe (addressing the EU):

Last edited by LIKEABOSS; 12-25-2011 at 08:38 AM.
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Old 12-26-2011, 09:24 AM   #104
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Actually the goal is to take away all the infrastructure, completely crush the middle class and have everything turn to shit. Which is how North Korea rose to power. Sure you want electricity or not? If you do better kiss kim jong il's feet.

Iceland however is the only one to kick these bankers out of their country on threat of jail time. The population realized that they did not want to be on the hook for all these speculators. Now they are doing just fine, however you wont see that in the main stream media as they dont want other countries realizing they can do this as well.
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Old 12-26-2011, 09:46 AM   #105
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He answered those questions on the last round of elections, the mainstream media and yourself keep bringign it up because it's the only hint of dirt you've got on him. At this point I could care less someone claims he has titles to slaves. Simply because he has addressed the issue and isn't wishy washy like EVERY other option.

Even the most ignorant and undereducated "minority" retards out there can understand what Ron Paul has is a 30 year history of standing up for the constitution and liberty which knows no skin colors. Those are the ultimate equalizers in how people should be treated if he were to be elected, not some obscure peice that was written and addressed during the last campaign.

People that sling mud in such a pathetic attempt to change the important issues at hand is truely pathetic. Jumping around like a half witted 5 year old saying look he pooped in his pants! Look everyone! The joke however is on you.

Paul scores 25% of the vote amongst non-whites, whereas Romney polls at 20% and Gingrich gets 15%.

Ron Paul is clearly the most popular GOP contender amongst non-whites out of the entire field, suggesting that the “racist” smear, which was heavily pushed back in 2008, has had very little impact whatsoever on the views of those who presumably would be the most likely to be offended by it.

Instead of cutting and pasting the question a hundred times like Bart Simpson getting busted after being a little shit, why dont you address his financial planning or the solutions that may actually help the US citizens instead of taxing them into oblivion?

Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
And how many times did they ask Obama about his birth certificate. First Ron Paul supporters complain he's getting no media coverage then they complan when the media covers him. Also CNN is a huge organization. Do you think ever reporter know what question every other reporter has asked?

If Ron Paul want to became president he's going to have to answer: Who wrote those letters Ron Paul.

Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul. Who wrote those letters Ron Paul.
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Old 12-26-2011, 09:54 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by Death2Theft View Post
Actually the goal is to take away all the infrastructure, completely crush the middle class and have everything turn to shit. Which is how North Korea rose to power. Sure you want electricity or not? If you do better kiss kim jong il's feet.

Iceland however is the only one to kick these bankers out of their country on threat of jail time. The population realized that they did not want to be on the hook for all these speculators. Now they are doing just fine, however you wont see that in the main stream media as they dont want other countries realizing they can do this as well.
I'm suddenly tempted to move to Iceland..
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:25 AM   #107
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Death2Theft, we know that the international bankers control the economies & governments of the NATO states; How much influence do you think these bankers have on the economies/governments of the non-aligned states (ie. India, China, Russia, countries in the ME, etc.).

PS. I think the bankers have taken over Canadian economic policy as well and are in the process of collapsing our economy. We all know that it was cheap credit that caused the housing bubbles of the affected states and I believe the same thing is happening here, it's just that our bubble hasn't popped yet. I believe this is deliberate because you cannot have each and every G20 economy collapse all at once, that would be too obvious and could possibly get out of control (this is what is happening in the Eurozone). If you want to create a new world currency (which I believe is the objective of the bankers) you want a controlled global collapse. In Canada's case, the average Canadian mortgage interest rate in the past few decades has hovered around 8 percent (when you factor in current rates, this means that for most of this period, interest rates have been OVER 8 percent). It is because of extremely cheap and easy credit that we have 1 million dollar SFH's in Vancouver. [It's not because of rich mainlanders, this has been dubunked by Canada's own realtors' studies. The realtors, and in particular Chinese realtors have been spewing this nonsense to the public (when in reality, it's Chinese Canadians that are buying all the new homes) to boost their sales.] The debt levels of Canadians and particularly homeowners are at record levels (especially BC mortgage debt) and we are rife for a massive correction.

Last edited by LIKEABOSS; 12-26-2011 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 12-26-2011, 12:26 PM   #108 the world.
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Who on his staff wrote them? Does he have a list of his staff? You thing anyone who hires staff that writes the stuff below is capable of running a country?

"If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992

"Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992
I'd totally vote for him if he said those things. Too much political correctness with other people. Tell it like it is. Well, that second statement isn't all that true but the first and third are.
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Old 12-26-2011, 12:33 PM   #109
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we need a quality runner for PM in canada
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Old 12-26-2011, 12:35 PM   #110
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Old 12-26-2011, 12:44 PM   #111
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the reason i would vote for ron paul is because like he always says, he does not stand for the status quo. he questions things that nobody else dares to ever bring up. also because he seems like a genuinely honest politician, which is unheard of. i cant see the guy finally getting into office then going against his word that hes been preaching for 30 years. that would be a complete disgrace to everything hes ever said and it would completely invalidate all his efforts for the last 30 years. he plans to live the rest of his years with integrity, so i know he would not do that.

an honest politician and a peoples champ, i just dont see that from any other presidential candidate. the rest of the gop candidates are just a bunch of knuckleheads.
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Old 12-26-2011, 03:17 PM   #112
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If you did you'd learn quickly to appreciate the multiculturalism we have here. They are a rather xenophobic people.
Originally Posted by MindBomber View Post
I'm suddenly tempted to move to Iceland..
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Old 12-26-2011, 03:56 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by LIKEABOSS View Post
British MP on the takeover of Europe (addressing the EU):

'Who the Hell You Think You Are?' Nigel Farage throws egg in Eurocrat faces - YouTube
lol interesting you posted Farage, he's considered the European Ron Paul

someone tried to kill him too before the election... his pilot.... by crashing the fucking plane!

bloody image spoilered, he's alive though so its not bad

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Old 12-26-2011, 04:38 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Death2Theft View Post
He answered those questions on the last round of elections, the mainstream media and yourself keep bringign it up because it's the only hint of dirt you've got on him. At this point I could care less someone claims he has titles to slaves. Simply because he has addressed the issue and isn't wishy washy like EVERY other option.

Even the most ignorant and undereducated "minority" retards out there can understand what Ron Paul has is a 30 year history of standing up for the constitution and liberty which knows no skin colors. Those are the ultimate equalizers in how people should be treated if he were to be elected, not some obscure peice that was written and addressed during the last campaign.

People that sling mud in such a pathetic attempt to change the important issues at hand is truely pathetic. Jumping around like a half witted 5 year old saying look he pooped in his pants! Look everyone! The joke however is on you.

Paul scores 25% of the vote amongst non-whites, whereas Romney polls at 20% and Gingrich gets 15%.

Ron Paul is clearly the most popular GOP contender amongst non-whites out of the entire field, suggesting that the “racist” smear, which was heavily pushed back in 2008, has had very little impact whatsoever on the views of those who presumably would be the most likely to be offended by it.

Instead of cutting and pasting the question a hundred times like Bart Simpson getting busted after being a little shit, why dont you address his financial planning or the solutions that may actually help the US citizens instead of taxing them into oblivion?

I'm sorry but the answer of I don't know is not acceptable. You think it's bad for Ron Paul now? It's only just begun. Just look at what has happened others who ran.

Ron Pauls economic plan would be disastrous for the US.
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Old 12-26-2011, 08:57 PM   #115
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I would be extremely surprised if you can find RP saying "i dont know",look it up he's answered it 100x since thats all the mainstream media asks him when he gets interviewed. He is far too much of a straight shooter to give a totally bogus response like that. You really think he won the majority of the ethnic vote with some weakass response like "i dont know"? Give me a break he is #1 among non-whites.
Right because the only way out of the US problems would be to
A. print more money and spend more
B. start another war
C. Ron Paul
D. tax the people more as they are losing jobs and getting money from the gov
If you pick anything but C you are a completely ill informed or have mental problems.

How you can keep spouting off about how "bad" RP would be for the US, how many candidates have seen the problems coming like he has predicted. Who else also had the solutions at least 4+ years ago? Name me one I dare you.
I keep offering you chances to argue any of the facts RP supporters have raised and all you can do is repeat what main stream media says with zero logic.
You keep saying RP isn't the solution yet offer nothing else in his place, buck up or stfu.

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Old 12-26-2011, 09:16 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Ron Pauls economic plan would be disastrous for the US.
not sure if you realize this but the economic plan for the rich right now is to leech as much if anything they can until the usa becomes Rwanda and then jump ship to asia/australia/etc

they've got nothing...

japan and china have setup a currency exchange now where the USD isn't used as an intermediary; a direct exchange

and the usa cant go to war with them to stop that like they did libya etc and are threatening to do with iran (libyas gold dinar and irans oil borse which take the USD out of the equation)
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Old 12-27-2011, 09:23 AM   #117
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Of course he knows! He will just wait another month or so before throwing in a weakass jab at RP without addressing any of the other questions posed to him from the first round of thrashing.
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Old 12-27-2011, 10:57 AM   #118
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Are you using BC housing prices to blanket statement the whole country?
Originally Posted by LIKEABOSS View Post
Death2Theft, we know that the international bankers control the economies & governments of the NATO states; How much influence do you think these bankers have on the economies/governments of the non-aligned states (ie. India, China, Russia, countries in the ME, etc.).

PS. I think the bankers have taken over Canadian economic policy as well and are in the process of collapsing our economy. We all know that it was cheap credit that caused the housing bubbles of the affected states and I believe the same thing is happening here, it's just that our bubble hasn't popped yet. I believe this is deliberate because you cannot have each and every G20 economy collapse all at once, that would be too obvious and could possibly get out of control (this is what is happening in the Eurozone). If you want to create a new world currency (which I believe is the objective of the bankers) you want a controlled global collapse. In Canada's case, the average Canadian mortgage interest rate in the past few decades has hovered around 8 percent (when you factor in current rates, this means that for most of this period, interest rates have been OVER 8 percent). It is because of extremely cheap and easy credit that we have 1 million dollar SFH's in Vancouver. [It's not because of rich mainlanders, this has been dubunked by Canada's own realtors' studies. The realtors, and in particular Chinese realtors have been spewing this nonsense to the public (when in reality, it's Chinese Canadians that are buying all the new homes) to boost their sales.] The debt levels of Canadians and particularly homeowners are at record levels (especially BC mortgage debt) and we are rife for a massive correction.
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Old 12-27-2011, 11:05 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by Tegra_Devil View Post
we need a quality runner for PM in canada
We had an amazing PM candidate.. RIP Jack..

Hopefully, Justin Trudeau is prepared to run as a leader in the next federal election.

Honestly, Ron Paul isn't even a great candidate in my eyes, he's just the best of candidates on the board.
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Old 12-27-2011, 12:28 PM   #120
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[QUOTE=Death2Theft;7739268]I would be extremely surprised if you can find RP saying "i dont know",look it up he's answered it 100x

“I honestly do not know who wrote those things,” he told CNN in January 2008.

15 second Google search.

Ron Paul and the racist newsletters (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

As president of Ron Paul & Associates corporation he needs to take some responsibility for his companies actions.
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Old 12-27-2011, 12:37 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post

“I honestly do not know who wrote those things,” he told CNN in January 2008.

15 second Google search.

Ron Paul and the racist newsletters (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

As president of Ron Paul & Associates corporation he needs to take some responsibility for his companies actions.

He did, he says it was his fault for the oversight and that his publishing skills were not up to par back then - plus he apologized for that. What he's not apologizing for is the racist comments, which he has always stated that he disavows.
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Old 12-27-2011, 12:46 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post

He did, he says it was his fault for the oversight and that his publishing skills were not up to par back then - plus he apologized for that. What he's not apologizing for is the racist comments, which he has always stated that he disavows.
Back when he was 56 years old. He couldn't run a news letter but thinks he can run a country.

Still don't have any names from him on who wrote the letters. If he paid them he should have some records.
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Old 12-27-2011, 12:56 PM   #123
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the race card is the default thing used when theres no better argument.

take a guy who is trying to get rid of laws that mostly target blacks (war on drugs), who is clearly not a racist, and the best they could come up with is "hes racist!"
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Old 12-27-2011, 01:06 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by unit View Post
the race card is the default thing used when theres no better argument.

It's not just about race in is newsletters.

More stuff is coming out about Ron Paul. This is just the beginning.

Former staffer says Ron Paul lying about role in controversial newsletter

Former staffer says Ron Paul lying about role in controversial newsletter - Spokane Conservative |

According to Dondero, Ron Paul "absolutely read every single article" in the newsletters that bear his name.
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Old 12-27-2011, 01:07 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post

Back when he was 56 years old. He couldn't run a news letter but thinks he can run a country.

Still don't have any names from him on who wrote the letters. If he paid them he should have some records.
Perhaps that's why he didn't get voted back then.

He probably does have records, but it's the best move for him to not expose his writers and just have consistent answers as he had before.

By the way, just look at the you tube replies by American blacks. They don't give a fuck about this incident. They're still for Ron Paul. If they can see through all this, this should not be a big deal.
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Last edited by will068; 12-27-2011 at 06:27 PM.
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