My girl and I are doing the same thing this year, here's what I'm doing..
I thought of a few simple yet meaningful gifts, but they all amounted to arts and crafts projects and I really couldn't get into making something. Aside from that, none of them seemed like the type of thing that would wow a person. They'd seemed like, "oh, that's so nice, you're sweet, I'm going to put this in a drawer with the rest of my clutter and forget about it now"..
My plan, I'm not giving her an object, I'm giving her a day.
I'm starting the day by taking her to the aquarium. I defy anyone to find someone who doesn't love a trip to the aquarium and most people haven't been there since they were kids, but if that's not your thing, I'm sure a museum, art gallery, trip to Harrison lake would be an equally enjoyable way to spend the day on a budget. It's also a great opportunity for pictures, which give her the opportunity to show off just how awesome you are on facebook.
Once that adventure concludes, we'll come back to my house and I'm cooking. I'm going to make something that doesn't take long to cook and do the prep work the night before, that way I'm not leaving her alone for an hour while the meal is prepared. I'll also going to bake something for desert, I might enlist the help of a friend here since cooking is not my forte, it continues with the idea that I don't want to leave her alone for an extended period.
Hopefully it's not raining on the day and the sky is clear, because she loves looking at stars so I'd like to go for a walk at a local lake. If it is raining, we'll cuddle at watch a movie together.
Drawing the day to a nice close, exceptionally generous sex!
That turns the simple two minutes of enjoyment following opening a present into a full day of enjoyment!
Good luck.