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03-15-2012, 05:11 PM
#51 | Banned (ABWS)
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6 years for me about 14 a day
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03-15-2012, 05:16 PM
#52 | Wanna have a threesome?
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Originally Posted by gdoh took me 3 months for the cravings to go away and i smoked about the same aas you
hang in there | Thanks man, that's exactly the type of advice I was hoping for when I created this thread...
I spent 10 minutes in my car this afternoon after getting gas debating buying smokes, stressful day, stood strong though. |
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03-15-2012, 09:15 PM
#53 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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the cravings usually only last 1-3 minutes so during that time try to remember that the shitty feeling will go away soon, also try to keep yourself busy during the cravings
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04-02-2012, 12:51 PM
#54 | I am Hook'd on RS
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Im gonna quit smoking...I quit cold turkey for about a year..but for some reason I got back into it. Such a shitty habit
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04-03-2012, 01:00 PM
#55 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Have any of you guys tried using the ecigarettes?
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05-24-2012, 12:42 PM
#56 | I STILL don't get it
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I don't think it's been suggested but for those trying to quit you might want to check out Imagine Laserworks. Laser treatment to stop smoking for quit smoking with Laser | Imagine Laser Works
Had my first cigarette in grade 12 and quit last year at the age of 29. I'd have to say I was hovering around smoking 15-pack a day so for me, i considered myself a heavier smoker, and during the Canucks cup run i was over a pack a day. Day of the riot i smoked a pack alone during the afternoon and decided I needed to quit.
Boss told me about imagine laserworks and I was skeptical but cold turkey/zyban wasn't working for me. It's about $300 for 1 session and you're allowed to go for mini sessions within 60 days if you need more. They zap you with lasers at different points in your ears, eat, wrists, legs. Don't ask me how it works, i just know it did. Sounds all like a sham but I'll tell you now that the next day I wasn't craving any cigarettes at all. The hardest part was getting out of my habits ie: lighting up after dinner, in the car, breaks at work etc...
I didn't have many people believing I'd quit, I even had a friends betting pool on when I would crack. But can happily say I'm 11 months no smoking and zero cravings. Cost me $300 for the session, but so far I've saved approx $2000+ on cigs.
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05-25-2012, 09:04 PM
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| E-CIGARETTES: Top-Rated Electric Cigarette | Green SmokeŽ
imo this is the best e-cig available out there
have couple of friends who quit by using this product
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05-25-2012, 09:57 PM
#58 | has a homepage?!
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You guys should try reading this book
The book helped a friend and my GF quit, cold turkey, no withdrawals, no cravings, even in front of other smokers. I'm currently reading it right now, and i can see why it helped them.
According to the author, most of the suggestions from this thread are the wrong way of quitting apparently. Give the book a try.
He states that:
-Cutting down is WRONG
-Using Willpower is WRONG (and he describes it as one of the worst ways of quitting)
-Using patches, gums, e-cigs etc is WRONG
- also he encourages you to SMOKE while you are reading the book
a real interesting book to read, really makes you reflect upon yourself
E70 4.8i
Last edited by 604nguyen; 05-25-2012 at 10:03 PM.
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05-25-2012, 10:24 PM
#59 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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fuck it's that damned psychological barrier
there's the part of me that knows smoking is fuckin retarded and benefits NONE, but the other part of me does it anyway
went from 1-2/day to 6-7/day, now down to 2-3/day so i guess it's getting better
i have itchy fuckin fingers, i start trying to ash my pencils while in class subconsciously
str8 up fiiieending but i'll quit soon
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05-25-2012, 11:18 PM
#60 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Originally Posted by 604nguyen You guys should try reading this book
The book helped a friend and my GF quit, cold turkey, no withdrawals, no cravings, even in front of other smokers. I'm currently reading it right now, and i can see why it helped them.
According to the author, most of the suggestions from this thread are the wrong way of quitting apparently. Give the book a try.
He states that:
-Cutting down is WRONG
-Using Willpower is WRONG (and he describes it as one of the worst ways of quitting)
-Using patches, gums, e-cigs etc is WRONG
- also he encourages you to SMOKE while you are reading the book
a real interesting book to read, really makes you reflect upon yourself | by your cliffs on what the author states, i think it is a "i don't give a fuck on what you do with your life because you will fail at it if you keep smoking. Still smoking while you read this book? Go ahead, i aint stopping you, loser."
troll psychologist author is |
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05-26-2012, 03:05 AM
#61 | I don't get it
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^ The books explains to you that "replacing" the habit and "trying" to quit isn't the most affect approach and why the most common ways to quit have high relapse rates. Cutting down/will power is ineffective because from the start "cutting down" and "will power" makes you feel like you are making sacrifice of something you need. But the fact is smoking has no positive affects and there really is no reason for a smoker to smoke no matter how many excuses and lies you tell yourself.
He encourages you to smoke while you are reading the book because he breaks down the cravings you have and that you, again, gain absolutely nothing from satisfying that craving by having a cigarette. But he breaks it down in a way that when you want a smoke you realize how retarded it is and in the end you just stop.
went for 1 - 2 packs a day to less than half a pack a day
now I'm back to a pack a day need to read the book again lol
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05-26-2012, 11:11 AM
#62 | SFICC-03*
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one day i just stopped and never picked it up again.
willpower does work. i smoked from 16-24yo, 1/2 pack a day
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05-26-2012, 04:50 PM
#63 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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Originally Posted by pinn3r ^ i stopped though ... 'cause smoking is fucking retarded. i had an epiphany and realized how important life & health is. it's a temporary euphoria for the price of permanently blackening my lungs .. absolute shit |
Smoking doesn't actually "permanently" blacken your lungs -- the cells of your airways continually die and regenerate as with all other parts of your body. What DOES happen however, is that your body senses the foreign ash/chemicals etc, and mounts an immune response against them. It brings lots of defense cells to attack that area, thinking it's bacteria or fungal cells etc etc. These cells kill shit by releasing acid, harmful enzymes (things that break down things), and in general cause damage to the lining of the airways. So what happens when you cut yourself? The body heals the area but the new cells aren't the same -- they're tough, thick, and inelastic compared to the original skin -- hence the "scab!"
This also occurs, inside your airways. The airways become gradually thicker, until suddenly years later (or MANY smokes later), you have sudden difficulty breathing -- this is called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, or COPD. In essence, your airways have become internally scabbed up, and the space for air to move has been shrunk.
The above immune self attack also causes holes to form in the airway tissues, causing lost air pressure, and further difficulty breathing.
Smoking also clogs up the hairs that remove bacteria and dust, increasing the chance of bacterial infections.
Smoking also hardens your blood vessels faster, leading to higher rates of heart disease, whereby the harder, inelastic vessels cause blood pressure to increase, and cause your heart to work harder, become more muscular, and thus reduce the volume of the interior chambers, thus reducing blood moving capacity (heart failure).
The previous mentioned immune attack also hardens (fibrosis/scar) the airways at the lung/blood vessel exchange -- thus it is harder for tired blood to exchange oxygen with new air at the lungs, and thus the blood ends up pooling in the person's legs (why some old heavy smokers have huge swollen ankles/lower legs).
For girls, smoking is also even worse -- due to the chemicals in cigarette smoking killing blood vessels and reducing overall blood flow, they get less blood to the bones, thus reducing the level of calcium rebuilding. Since girls/women eventually get menopause and hormone drops, they are at far higher risk of having low bone density so that in older years, they will be at greater risks of shattering their hips/bones.
Smoking also causes cancer. True story.
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05-26-2012, 06:45 PM
#64 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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willpower is the only way for me, whenever i am close to relapse when im stressed or whatever I go for a crazy run to remind myself of what smoking will do to me
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05-27-2012, 11:22 AM
#65 | look at these diamonds, they shining
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i've been thinking about quitting smoking for awhile now. it's always on my mind, i understand the effects of it and it does you no benefit and at the same time its pinching your wallet. but the thing is, i'm pretty young (21) and feel that i have many years ahead of me where i think imma be put in situations where smoking would make it that much better. For example, drinking and going to electronic shows.
I want to just smoke when i'm doing those things but in the end... i wouldnt have been able to quit |
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05-27-2012, 11:24 AM
#66 | SFICC-03*
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how does smoking make going to shows better?
its in your head, honestly.
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05-27-2012, 11:27 AM
#67 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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it's funny how people think they understand the detriments of smoking but keep on smoking..
i've heard of how a wise man used to make people quit before, he would show how much residue would be left on a tissue after taking one puff and he'd also tell people to just smoke in the mirror and look at yourself
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05-27-2012, 11:33 AM
#68 | Wanna have a threesome?
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Originally Posted by Drow i've been thinking about quitting smoking for awhile now. it's always on my mind, i understand the effects of it and it does you no benefit and at the same time its pinching your wallet. but the thing is, i'm pretty young (21) and feel that i have many years ahead of me where i think imma be put in situations where smoking would make it that much better. For example, drinking and going to electronic shows.
I want to just smoke when i'm doing those things but in the end... i wouldnt have been able to quit  | Quote:
Originally Posted by unit how does smoking make going to shows better?
its in your head, honestly. | Unit's right, the slight nicotine high doesn't fundamentally improve your enjoyment of any given circumstance.
Once you quit, if you're in a situation where you feel like smoking would make you enjoy it more, turn it around and remind yourself how great it feels to know you quit and how bad relapsing would feel.
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05-27-2012, 06:25 PM
#69 | look at these diamonds, they shining
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Originally Posted by unit how does smoking make going to shows better?
its in your head, honestly. | when i roll its a necessity to have a smoke. i know ppl who only smoke when they roll.
drinking / rolling gives me huge cravings
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05-27-2012, 09:49 PM
#70 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Bought the Allen Carr book. $20 or the rest of your life in pain, you choose.
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05-28-2012, 11:26 AM
#71 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Originally Posted by LC21 Bought the Allen Carr book. $20 or the rest of your life in pain, you choose. | whered you pick one up from chapters?
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05-28-2012, 11:31 AM
#72 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Yep, chapters, but that was the last one left at Robson Chapters.
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05-28-2012, 12:41 PM
#73 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Originally Posted by LC21 Yep, chapters, but that was the last one left at Robson Chapters. | oo k thanks leon
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05-28-2012, 08:01 PM
#74 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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if u want free patches call 811, u just need ur carecard number and some personaly information... simple as that, i picked up 2 months supply so far, they give u 1 months supply at a time only, in total u can get 3 months supply for free. u can pick them up at any pharmacies or get them shipped to ur house, i just picked them up at london drugs just make sure u have the reference number. good luck with ur quitting smoking
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05-28-2012, 09:16 PM
#75 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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downloaded the book online. he seems to kind of ramble on a lot though.. i'm thinking if i can just read the last chapter where he actually tells you to quit. haha
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